From his image

  • Gadfly
    9 years ago

    It is not God who created us from his image. It is us who created him from our images.

    I am not talking about if God does exist or does not. I am saying that everything we image, is upside down, because images reflect conversely in the mirrors of our minds.

  • Daisy if you do
    9 years ago

    While I understand the point you are trying to make, or at least I think I do. Your point is that we have created this false illusion of what he looks like and that he would have normal looks as us and we have created this in our minds. Whilst you say everything is optical from the mirror image perspective, try looking at your reflection in the back of a spoon, now in look at yourself in the same spooning scalloped end? Which do you think is correct? One image will portray your image upside down. I however feel the optical version isn't correct because my feet hurt from gravitational pull not my head. Genesis 1:27 for those wanting the verse.

  • Gadfly
    9 years ago

    Smart! interesting.
    What if I tell you that gravitational pull does not even exist, and that apple fell on the Newton's head had another reason to do so.

    The other thing: for the centuries religions tolled us that the earth is the center of the universe and the sun and everything else are rotating around us. And guess what, even now, that they put right side up, still 'your feet hurt from gravitational pull not your head!!'

  • Daisy if you do
    9 years ago

    You would be hard pressed to convince me of no gravitational pull. If I drop something it falls down not up and centrifugal force makes it go out or away from object. And my feet still hurt though my head might shortly.

  • Gadfly
    9 years ago

    It was also hard to convince the man of middle-ages of the earth not being the center of the universe. Because every day they woke up to that that the sun comes from the east and disappears in the west. For them also that was as obvious as the gravity is for you now.

    But I do not need to prove anything, the science already done that for us and proved the gravity is fiction, for almost hundred years.

  • Michael D Nalley
    9 years ago

    My faith is in Good Orderly Direction . If the God of Abraham ran for the president of the US I Doubt he could even beat Donald Trump . I am getting Netflix I want to see if the animators did a good job with Kahlil Gibran's "The Prophet", Spirituality is a language ,and I have attempted to build a virtual tower of babble . Many of us were indoctrinated to reach without , when Dylan's line What kind of sign do you need when it all comes within

    If we get stoned perhaps some surviving poet shall build a stronger temple

  • Gadfly
    9 years ago

    But it doesn't still prove whom comes from whose image. Maybe, just maybe the mirrors have two sides

  • Effusive
    9 years ago


    this is the only cool work of ( dark matter 2525)

  • hiraeth
    9 years ago

    Mind clarifying how gravity is fiction?

  • Gadfly
    9 years ago

    It is Einstein theory of relativity that rejected the predominate Newton's theory of gravitation:
    that: " the massive objects cause a distortion in space-time, which is felt as gravity "

    The newton theory still works in confine of basic physic. But The gravity is not as what he observed it was.

  • Michael D Nalley
    9 years ago

    Us and "we" is (to me) a metaphor in the context it is used in the subtopic . I believe the faith I was raised in is becoming much more open minded to pantheism and many other things that would have got Giordano Bruno burned where he has a statue in his honor

  • Gadfly
    9 years ago

    The reason of the topic was the class discussion about Occasionalism and whether God is present in every acts, and every incident is only the occasion of his presence( necessitation) or whether the universe was created with the laws in which every incident happens spontaneously but according to the law that God has put forward.
    This is the old discussion in philosophy like so many other insoluble ones. But in the class I was board to death seeing how idiotic these philosopher really were when assuming the creation. They could not fathom (as we all can't ) omnipotence and omnipresence( if there is any), then they put themselves in the God's shoes and speculated. It is quite spectacular the stupidity of how they trap themselves in the same paradoxical maze that are built to trap minds. Like those monkeys that hunters catch with jars of cheese, knowing the monkeys greed would take over and they would grab the biggest chunk and donot let go of it if their life depend on that.

  • Effusive
    9 years ago

    "If the God of Abraham ran for the president of the US I Doubt he could even beat Donald Trump"

    I do not think he could even pass through the alleys of our towns whiteout people calling 911 on him.

  • hiraeth
    9 years ago

    Fair enough, but I wouldn't go as far to say gravity is fiction; but rather Einstein built on top of that, shedding more light on what Newton had discovered. Einstein's model is more useful when masses are large and relativistic effects begin to occur, in the future there might be another brilliant mind that discovers how gravity works on a quantum level.

    Nasa's EM Drive can supposedly create a warp drive, allowing it to travel at multiples of C, but not sure what came of it, but that's a slight digression.

    Science & society expand over time, perhaps one day we'll understand the intricacies of nature, and God (if you believe in religion), and our existence.

  • Gadfly
    9 years ago

    First of all I was responding to Dixiedaisy who were mocking me that if images were upside down he would feel the gravity on his head. So I had to reverse his derisiveness by explaining that the image we receive, in fact, as usual, IS, upside down. Because first, the force of gravity is on our heads but because the pull goes through us, only our feet, that is contacting the solid ground, feel it.
    The point of the Einstein theory is, that the gravity is not as the result of the force whiten the large mass pulling us, it is because the large masses dent the space-time and the void made by that dent, pushes the space from above, and then it feels like the mass is pulling us from the ground. So we feel gravitated, not from the force from the floor up, but exactly oppositely, utterly like the story of the earth being at the center of the world. Then in this way it would be doubtless I was right about the fact that images always register upside down in our brains.
    The historic moment was that that the guy who watch the eclipse in Africa, I think he was from England, after calculating the results of his observations and realizing that the Einstein theory was right, reporting his discovery in England, tuned to the huge statue of Newton and said : I am sorry but your time is over, or something like that.

  • Everlasting
    9 years ago

    "It is not God who created us from his image. It is us who created him from our images.

    I am not talking about if God does exist or does not. I am saying that everything we image, is upside down, because images reflect conversely in the mirrors of our minds."

    ^^^^^ That's something my boyfriend would say. Except that it seems you are not talking about God. I don't think I understand what you are trying to get to though.

    Our eye sees everything upside down, however, the brain makes sure that we see it upright.

    But I'm not sure that same thing happens with our thoughts and how we reflect our thoughts to the world... See? I think I'm not understanding where you are getting at.. Is the purpose of the thread to debate whether whatever we imagine is upside down or not? Care to explain?

    TO Effusive

    This is something that caught my attention in the video :

    "If his message to us was so dire so vitally important, then why would he not give it in such a clear and precise way, as evident as a simple math problem?... "

    In my opinion he has. God is love. It's as simple as that. Anything that contradicts what love is, it's not God but ourselves being consumed by our desires and emotions.

    "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.'

    The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'There is no commandment greater than these."

  • Gadfly
    9 years ago

    That is okay it is a little complicated perhaps.
    I've already explained why I posted this, in the second post before this.

    The upside down thing is just a theme that I fallowed in different explanation all through this thread if you cared to read.
    You post is very unorganized, physically and mentally, haha perhaps you should get some rest for the weekend.

  • Effusive
    9 years ago

    L.L. I see your point.
    I did not post that because I believed it % 100
    I just did because I find it funny.
    take care.

  • Everlasting
    9 years ago

    Lol Ddavidd... Yes, some rest is require. I'll go read everything once again in a few days. Interesting topic.

    On a weird comment... When I read that you mentioned that Gravity is fiction, I thought, "of course! It's a movie." Then, i realized I have to re-read every post again.

    To effusive,

    No worries. Sometimes we share videos or things we don't necessarily agree 100% with. But it's always good to know someone's opinion and to respect people's opinions. And well, the video makes a good point. . . We are pointlessly fighting....

    Can I ask... If you don't mind, What do you find funny about it? (

  • Effusive
    9 years ago

    Everything . The entire clip is a joke, a bitter joke. The Mormon guy who wants a planet, The irony that they were giving spiritual advise but in the end it was them who needed it the most. The irony of the message of peace from those who all they had to offer were only war...

  • Michael D Nalley
    9 years ago

    The road to hell is paved with good intentions is a proverb or aphorism. An alternative form is "hell is full of good meanings, but heaven is full of good works".

    It becomes like the phrase "intelligent design",
    organized religion is an oxymoron , yet is it not human nature to organize things according to egocentric inspiration?

  • Gadfly
    9 years ago

    "intelligent design"
    you just put that in my reverse mirror formula. I like that.

  • Koan
    9 years ago

    "But in the class I was board to death seeing how idiotic these philosopher really were when assuming the creation."

    Thats quite a statement dear DD! To me it feels like you are one of those ~special~ case when you only want to teach but refuse to learn..

  • Koan
    9 years ago

    Michael, we are an Intelligent Design... God, The One has created us to be whatever we want to be... So If I
    rage a war on your homeland and kill all of your beloved, please don't blame God, it was me..

    "organized religion is an oxymoron "

    ^^^No, it is politics

  • Michael D Nalley
    9 years ago

    You would not do that dear poet :)

  • Kevin
    9 years ago

    Someone has been suckling from the breast of Deepak Chopra just a tad too much. :)

  • Gadfly
    9 years ago

    Haha you spilt your brain again.
    I can not see the connection of anything said here to Deepak Chopra. Could you enlighten us to any connection, an iorta at list??

  • Kevin
    9 years ago

    Call it a stylistic comparison. :)

  • Gadfly
    9 years ago

    Hah Stylistic comparison!
    I kind of like that

  • Gadfly
    9 years ago

    By this you prove few things: Fist you have no clue to what we are talking about here.
    Second : you have no clue what Deepak Chopra is talking about
    Third, you are a poker player,( a terrible one) because you bluff when you absolutely have no hand while your opponent sees right through you.
    Forth: you are not a good listener because if you were, you would have realised that I only quoted him one occasion or two last year, though I never said I was his follower, but as usual you let your assumption go wild on you, because you most often hear the world as you wish, not as it is.

    Now just to prove my points, and for the sake of laughter, could you please draw the conclusion that, you "by stylistic comparison" made, for us? And explain how I became his breast sukler all the sudden ( repugnant analogy by the way)

  • Kevin
    9 years ago

    Oh a numbered response, how very Chopra of you!

    I'm just having a joke with you bro, why so serious?

  • Larry Chamberlin
    9 years ago

    " 1. The Discussion Forums are supposed to be used for discussions, not to attack each other, or to make another member feel inferior."

    It is one thing to prove your point by argument. It is entirely another to attack someone's post by saying they have no clue. That is a direct insult. I expect you will
    a) challenge the interpretation of insult,
    b) accuse me of ganging up on you or protecting Kevin unjustly
    c) accuse me of a vendetta.

    None are true.

  • Gadfly
    9 years ago

    Having no clue is insult!! It is new for me I never heard that before, even in the old regime. That means death my friend ( if this is not insult) .
    If someone is so delicate, why come and talk about sulking someone breast? How come such one eye army?

    So Larry what if you prove someone is wrong, is that allowed or Would that make the person inferior too? This really getting out of hand, and matches your comment situation: just pamper one another or you might step on someone's feeling.

    Specially Kevin, he is use to inflecting pain and insult, he could take some attitude, you have no clue for crying out loud.
    Of course if I talk to a youngster or someone very delicate, my tune of voice would be totally different.
    Sigh, as soon as I feel things are getting better you guys kick it back to a place worst than before.

    Larry you becoming bias and also escalating again, and this is true.

  • Larry Chamberlin
    9 years ago

    When you attack the state of being of a person versus what they say it is an insult.

    To analyze the statement:

    By ... things: [Fist you have no clue to what we are talking about here. (a put down that assumes you have superior knowledge that must be accepted, and says nothing directly about his statement, only your assertion about him)]
    Second : [you have no clue what Deepak Chopra is talking about (ditto)]
    Third, ... player,[( a terrible one) because you bluff when you absolutely have no hand (insulting but not as bad since it is hyperbole)] ....
    Forth: [you are not a good listener (a put down that assumes you have superior knowledge that must be accepted, and says nothing directly about his statement, only your assertion about him)] because ..., but [as usual you let your assumption go wild on you, because you most often hear the world as you wish, not as it is. (a put down that assumes you have superior knowledge that must be accepted, and says nothing directly about his statement, only your assertion about him)]

    Now just to prove my points, and for the sake of laughter, could you please draw the conclusion that, you "by stylistic comparison" made, for us? ....
    [This part is fine, it challenges him to back up his statement without resorting to argumentum ad hominem]

  • silvershoes
    9 years ago

    So Kevin is a bully who has no clue, Larry is biased, dixiedaisy is derisive... Wow, I've learned so much about everyone!

    Ddavidd, why do you insist on attacking anyone who doesn't kiss the ground on which you walk? If someone disagrees with you, they're an enemy. If someone disagrees with someone who agrees with you, they're an enemy. If someone says something to you that you don't understand, they're an enemy. If someone defends one of your enemies, they're an enemy.
    Honestly, you'd be much happier if you realized it's not all about you.
    Though you've come back to this site, no questions asked, you've come back in a whirlwind of resentment.
    I assume you came back because you couldn't stay away any longer, and since you couldn't stay away any longer, I assume this site has inescapable value to you? So why does it feel like you came back to fight with anyone who crosses your path? You don't seem happy.
    You're nipping at heels and whining when your prey turns around to confront you. You're not the victim, but you want so badly to be.

    If we allowed you back after last time's fiasco, clearly we don't have a personal vendetta. You're being confronted because of your behavior, and your behavior is exhaustingly negative and often cruel.
    As Cindy said in another thread, I think you'd have a lot to contribute to the site if you did it in the right manner.

    It seems necessary to add that I don't speak for anyone besides myself with this post.

  • Ben Pickard
    9 years ago

    Stick to the poetry, that's what I say!

  • silvershoes
    9 years ago

    Hear, hear.

    Really, this conversation was interesting and could've remained that way, but for some reason character attacks were brought into the equation.

  • Nicko
    9 years ago

    Nothing wrong with a bit of spice to warm things up

    Might post a new topic....

  • Gadfly
    9 years ago

    Character attack??
    call it mod's nitpicking

    silver shoe I do not even bother to respond to you.

  • Gadfly
    9 years ago

    Really Larry ?? All these for a "you have no clue" :
    "a put down that assumes you have superior knowledge that must be accepted, and says nothing directly about his statement, only your assumption about it" My assumption"?? "Character attacks" (you must be joking. )
    You nitpicking me like this after The guy comes and say I suckle the breast of Deepack Chopra and that is not insult and do not make me feel inferior; The use of repugnant language and the fact that he is implying that I have no originality and whatever I say is only suckle on someone's breast, has no bearing on the issue. ( did silver shoe put you up to this?)
    What about MY feelings Larry? Only because I am not one of the site elites, a member of the site's mafia, have no feelings? Then when I try to say I am not the guy who has no originality but it is he who does not have even a clue as we were talking about Albert Einstein and Newton and for crying out lowed what that has to do with Deepak Chopra, I am hurting his feeling so bad that you have no choice but to interfere?? Only a lousy no clue?
    Now the rest of them are going to appear watch: How dare you, to say to Kevin, you have no clue??" You guys are making me laugh.. Where this sentiment suddenly come from? As I said we see everything, in the backward mirror my friend, you are so blindsided that do not even see his rough attitude.
    People here lots of times mocked me teased me for my handicap ( dyslexia) called me mental job... and that did not even once trigger any sympathy from you. You never analysed their posts. and show an iota of concern about my feelings of inferiority and insecurity. Where is justice in that? !!!!! You yourself even were malicious about my dyslexia once, and took advantage of it to humiliat me and put me down What about that? Why all the sudden you are so concern about Kevin ( the aggressor) feelings? He who called me stupid every time we had conversation, and few times in front of you few years back without me even saying anything.
    I do not expect from silver shoe to understand justice in this case because when it come to her team, she has no concern for justice, but what about you? at least think about your conscience. poor guy he is all alone in coldness out there.