One Quirky Thing About You?

  • Poet on the Piano
    9 years ago

    Quirky doesn't have to mean weird or eccentric or odd. It can mean what you want it to ;)

    Me? Needing to fall asleep to a background sound. Often a fan or my dog's snore. It's comfort to me.

  • hiraeth
    9 years ago

    I need to be up against a wall in order to fall asleep lol.

  • Kevin
    9 years ago

    I laugh in my sleep. I even woke myself up laughing once. Partners who've spent the night with me have, on occasion been a bit weirded out.

  • NoHopeLeft
    9 years ago

    Mine is I like to be pee'd on

  • donna
    9 years ago

    I sleep with my head covered but have to have at least one of my legs uncovered or I feel like I'm suffocating lol

  • Sushmita Mitra Chetri
    8 years ago

    I always throw off my blanket and cushion while sleeping. Late night when I get up for something maybe I actually get to know that all this while I had been sleeping without them.
    It is applicable for the winters as well.

  • Shruti
    8 years ago

    Whenever I'm alone and get scared, I imagine there's someone beside me (mostly, an invisible friend or an angel), and I start talking with them. Then I feel less scared knowing that there's someone with me.

  • Meena Krish
    8 years ago

    I need to have a pillow by my side if I'm sleeping alone otherwise a blanket is a must.

  • Milly Hayward
    8 years ago

    I just asked my husband if he thought there was anything quirky about me and he said my sense of humour

  • Em
    8 years ago

    I was afraid of the dark until a couple of months ago when i promised myself to stop being a whimp lol

  • Milly Hayward
    8 years ago

    Em, the dark can be a frightening place but if you get night lights they can help :) Milly x

  • silvershoes
    8 years ago

    I suck my lips in and rub them together violently (like someone after they apply chapstick/lipstick) when I'm focusing really hard. I don't realize I'm doing it and it's terrible to look at hahaha.

  • Red Yoshi
    8 years ago

    I like wearing nail polish

  • Em
    8 years ago

    Milly unfortunately true.

  • Golden AnGel Rhapsodist
    8 years ago

    I talk to myself once in a while.
    I also talk to my reflection on the mirror before delivering a speech in a crowd.
    Saying " Gel you can do it" just like the Nike tagline.
    Crazy???? no no no

  • Em
    8 years ago

    Not crazy at all Gel. We should all learn to believe in ourselves!!!

  • Dean Kuch
    8 years ago

    I loathe when people ask me why I write about darkness and pain so often.
    Obviously I have my reasons.

  • Golden AnGel Rhapsodist
    8 years ago

    Em yes believe in every way that everything is possible

  • Jenn
    8 years ago

    My room has to be messy. lol
    It's weird, but I enjoy my form of organized chaos.
    When you are pregnant, people say nesting is cleaning and prepping for a baby.. I did that to the rest of my house... But my sons father said our room got worse. Like an actual nest, made by a ferret or a rat or something. It made me feel safe, like no one could get to me.
    Plus I enjoy sleeping with 10+ pillows, I make almost a ring with them and curl up in a little ball onto/ in the middle of them. I started this when I was pregnant, and stopped for a while.. but now that its just me and my son again, and I sleep alone I'm back at it. lol So it's not weird at all.

    I feel like my spirit animal is a ferret, which makes since I love them. And have had many of them as pets over the years.

  • Mr. Darcy
    8 years ago

    Some people regard writing poetry as weird. Not PnQ peeps, but those 'normal' do.

    Me, well I like drinking Earl Grey. I used to have this with the following breakfast:

    2 slices of toast. 1 slice with peanut butter and the other with Marmite. I would then scoop a can of drained tuna chunks and smother with hot baked beans. Tomato sauce would of course be liberally applied on top. Eccentric? Maybe not, but I would eat this with a runcible spoon. Lol

  • Jenn
    8 years ago

    That is indeed an interesting breakfast Mr Darcy. :)

  • BlueJay replied to Jenn
    8 years ago

    My weird thing is that I have to drink cold coffee while writing or I don't like whatever it is when its finished.

  • hiraeth replied to BlueJay
    8 years ago

    Don't you find it overly bitter though? I always thought that about cold coffee, it literally tastes like regret to me, lol.

  • gumshuda replied to hiraeth
    8 years ago, updated 6 years ago

    i remember why :P

  • Nicko
    7 years ago

    Rub my hands overly enthusiastically in glee on occasion ..

  • BlueJay
    7 years ago

    I'm surprised more people haven't joined in on this. I mean yeah its been a while, but at the same time, we all have our quirks!

  • Larry Chamberlin
    7 years ago

    I stalk Zoo Tigers. Duck out of sight, peek above the object, always coming closer to their wall. They appear to love it.

  • mossgirl19
    7 years ago

    When I eat, I leave a small piece or portion of the last food I want to taste in my mouth. I will eat that piece/portion after I finish my plate. Not really unique to me, as my younger sister does the same. We call that 'save the best for last' taste.

  • Lucas Woods
    5 years ago

    I sleep with socks on.

  • Obscure
    5 years ago, updated 4 years ago

    content is no longer available

  • Stephanie Lemos-Vidarte
    4 years ago

    I used to have to have things in multiples of twos. 2 cookies, 2 pieces of gum, 2 of everything. My therapist has always attributed this to the fact that I was supposed to be a twin but my mom lost the other baby late in her pregnancy. When I was younger it was almost a necessity to have everything in twos, but I’ve gotten less severe with it over the years.

  • Kevin replied to Stephanie Lemos-Vidarte
    4 years ago

    Did this extend to dating as well? :)

  • Violet Raven
    4 years ago

    Whenever i think about something i have to look out the window/at the sky.

    I can't look someone in the eyes when talking to them.

    Watching people eat really grosses me out.

  • Aiko Hiraeth
    3 years ago, updated 3 years ago

    I mostly write lyrics rather than poetry which is why I order all my stanzas in the middle of the screen, and why the rhyming format is one-two or one-three, if that makes any sense. I just can't put anything in music form yet even though I am OBSESSED with music.

  • Nevi
    3 years ago

    I wouldn't describe myself as a paranoid or fearful person, but anytime I'm walking in an area with lots of reflective surfaces I always watch the people/environment indirectly through these so I can see everything happening around me.

  • Abstract Poet
    3 years ago

    I always shake my foot in bed before I go to sleep. I don't know why I do this. But it helps to go to sleep so sometimes I do this shacks my foot in bed. It does help though.

  • Linda
    2 years ago

    I’m adhd autistic