Acceptable Losses

  • Larry Chamberlin
    8 years ago

    We must finally draw the conclusion, however opprobrious it may be, that mass killings are entirely tolerable to the American public.
    This conclusion is the only possible explanation as to why there is little, if any, serious attempt to initiate gun control despite increasingly frequent mass shootings.
    Congratulations, NRA members. You have won the right for every adult person in the USA to obtain weapons of mass destruction.

  • Britt
    8 years ago


  • silvershoes
    8 years ago

    Sad, terrible news. Stricter gun laws are needed.

    For those who don't know, gunmen killed 14 people and wounded a dozen others in San Bernardino, California today. No known motive as of yet.

  • Bob Shank
    8 years ago

    See here's the problem i have with this stricter gun laws, known criminals, may commit a murder here and there, yes it's still a big deal, but these mass murders are being committed by your upstanding so to speak citizen, same thing with people saying arm the teachers in school, who's to say a teacher can't go beserk because things aren't going well at home and they in turn kill their whole class. Far fetched, yeah it was far fetched for a grown woman to get pregnant to one of her 14 year old's not the guns, it's the people, ok, take the guns away, they'll make bombs........we live in a society now where it's almost common place for parents to kill their own kids, where there's a sexual predator or drug dealer on every you'll probably end up having a lot more killings if you try taking some of these gun fanatics guns away......stop blaming the guns, blame the person pulling the trigger. McVeigh made a truck explode using fertilizer, shall we punish the farmers.....hmmmm.

  • Michael D Nalley
    8 years ago

    From what little information I have gathered the shooting today does not fit with the other wing nut cases . As bad as I hate to admit todays murderers seemed more organized

    one was a woman

  • silvershoes
    8 years ago

    Yes, the people are to blame, but I think stricter gun laws are needed so maybe it's harder for people capable of cold-blooded killing to carry out their dark deeds. A man with a knife would have less success against masses of people. Bombs, I don't know. I think planting bombs is less satisfying for the type of person who wants to kill with a gun. More work too if you already own a gun. Regardless, guns seem to be the biggest threat in the U.S. right now... Time to start testing potential solutions.

  • Nicko
    8 years ago

    Hy heart goes out to the victims, their family and friends of this tragic event.

    The US has the worst record for mass killings of any developed country, so i guess doing nothing will help keep that record alive...

  • Larry Chamberlin
    8 years ago

    Are you so against even attempting gun control that you are OK with the continuation of massacres?

    Multiple attacks with a knife? How many of them have resulted in 10+ deaths at one time?

    At least make it harder to get the guns nationwide.

  • Bob Shank
    8 years ago

    I think you'd better check some third world countries about mass klllings before you label the U.S. Number 1, but I guess slaying a whole village doesn't count as a mass killing when it's done by rebels with a cause.....

    Anyhow, you guys keep referring to getting the guns out of these lunatics hands, by all accounts most of the people you are referring to legally owned these weapons for years and years, and were considered your normal how to do neighbor by those they lived with in their respective communities, very seldom does one say, oh it doesn't surprise me, most often you here how shocked those who knew them were......course personally I can see why the government would push to take weapons away, and if you can't then we definitely have a problem........nope, sorry folks, say what you want, it's not the weapon, it's the individual.......if someone is intent on creating havoc and causing senseless destruction, they'll do it by gun or other means.....

  • Nicko
    8 years ago

    I said developed country so no i don't have to check, its a fact

    After one of Australia's worst mass killings in 1996 Australia's gun laws were tightened up considerably (note they were already tighter than Americas are today) they also did a buyback and purchased and destroyed nearly 1 million firearms, mostly semi-automatic .22 rimfires, semi-automatic shotguns and pump-action shotguns

    Since then there haven't been any mass shootings

    If you read about the story of Martin Bryant who killed those 35 people you will understand that he would never have killed if he didn't have access to those Automatic rifles. todays regulations prohibit him having any guns

    Could he have made a bomb out of manure..nope he is to stupid

    America has had 994 mass shootings in 1,004 days, but hey just stick your head in the sand and do nothing

  • Poet on the Piano
    8 years ago

    ^ Bob, exactly what I was thinking.

    It IS the individual and what they choose to do. Sure, they choose whatever means. But stricter gun laws (IMHO) will not make a breakthrough.

    I'm looking to buy a gun for my own safety when I have my own place. Now I would only want it for self-defense in the most specific situation where I had no other viable option. But it is my choice what to do with it. Of course, I would never do it to harm another. But others will and you can't necessarily predict who or at what time they're going to make that decision, for they could have legally owned the gun years prior as Bob mentioned.

    If a person's intentions are truly evil, and they are willing to commit any act or use any means, they WILL cause violence. It's sickening. And sad. And you can try to do all you can to change a person's intentions if you know them beforehand but a lot of decisions may be outlined prior or made on the spot in impulse.

  • Hellon
    8 years ago

    The San Bernardino massacre, in which 14 people were killed, is the 355th in just 336 days - the 354th having occurred earlier today in Savannah, Georgia, in which four people were shot and one's not the guns doing the's the people...right? Yeah....just keep burying your head in the sand. I hope it doesn't take you or one of yours to be killed by one of those guns that you say everyone has the right to own for you to wake up to reality. .

  • Yakari Gabriel
    8 years ago

    I saw this tweet on twitter, this sums it up pretty nicely

    :"In retrospect Sandy Hook marked the end of the US gun control debate. Once America decided killing children was bearable, it was over."

    that's all

  • donna
    8 years ago

    My heart and prayers go out to the victims families.

  • Larry Chamberlin
    8 years ago

    Yep, ACCEPTABLE losses.

  • Bob Shank
    8 years ago

    America has had 994 mass shootings in 1,004 days, but hey just stick your head in the sand and do nothing

    you can quote all the stats that you want, sure without a doubt guns make it easier to commit mass murder, quicker, and very little effort no doubt.....I love the quote, "outlaw guns and only the outlaws will have them, including those in government......have you ever seen or heard of the gun laws in Philadelphia, they are some of the strictest around , get caught with a gun by a person prohibited , it's 5-10 years mandatory, and yet phila leads the nation almost every year in murders by you guessed it, firearm.......the death penalty wasn't a deterrent to murder, just like removing all the guns won't be a deterrent to mass murders......Mcveigh, Gacy, Bundy, Jim Jones, Dahmer


    Arson, Stabbing Rampage in Seoul South Korea : 10/20/2008. 6 people dead, 5 from stabbing. 7 others wounded, 4 seriously. An angry man felt people "looked down on him."

    Anti-police stabbing spree in Shanghai, China: 7/2008. 6 Police Officers stabbed to death, 4 wounded. 28 year old man angry at police attacked a police station with a knife.

    Akihabara Massacre, Chiyoda City, Tokyo, Japan: 6/8/2008. 7 people killed (3 struck by car, 4 by stabbing), many more injured. Man slammed into a crowd with his car, then jumped out and began stabbing people to death.

    18 year old slashes 4 to death in Sitka, Alaska, US: 3/25/2008. 4 people killed. 18 year old (old enough to purchase a rifle over the counter) kills 4 people, related to him, with a 5 inch knife.

    Stabbing Spree kills 2, Tsuchiura, Japan: 3/23/2008. 2 killed, 7 wounded. Man "just wanted to kill anyone."

    Stabbing spree wounds 41, 6 seriously in Berlin Train Station: 5/26/2006. 41 wounded, 6 seriously. Thankfully no one died in this attack, but not for lack of trying on the part of the drunk 16 year old.

    4 killed in stabbing spree in London, UK: 9/2004. 4 killed, 2 wounded. Mentally ill man attacks mostly older people.

    6 killed over Xbox dispute in Deltona, Florida, US: 8/6/2004. 6 killed. 4 men (all old enough to legally purchase firearms) bludgeon 6 people to death with baseball bats over purloined Xbox.

    Daegu subway fire, Daegu, South Korea: 2/18/2003. 198 killed, 147 injured. A 56 year old unemployed taxi driver, dissatisfied with his medical treatment, sets fire to a crowded train.

    Osaka School Massacre, Osaka Japan: 6/8/2001. 8 children dead, 13 other children and 2 teachers wounded. Committed by 37 year old former janitor armed with a kitchen knife.

    I ask all of you to read a book called "The evil that men do", I think you'll change your thinking a's by a criminal pathologist, (renowned), he'll cover some of the psychology behind these sick ass mass murderers......Personally by law I'm not allowed to own a gun, don't like them, shot a deer when I was twelve and it haunted me to no end, have I ever used a gun to defend myself, no comment, can I get a gun whenever I want, in a minute and from upstanding citizens, friends, family, even people in law enforcement. Does that make me want to go out and commit mass murder....NO.....yeah my head may be in the sand, but if you believe it's the guns killing people, then your heads aren't even in this world....sorry, the reality of this is far above your great minds...and before I forget, something that pains me to this day and you may not find relevant to this but I do, Andrea Yates drowned her five children in a tub, this year alone, close to 500 kids have been killed by parents, relatives without guns, not to mention something we can definitely do something about, starvation and medical treatment, how many children die yearly from lack of food and medical treatment, it doesn't even compare, it's well over 10, 000...oh but that's not an issue right......who's heads are in the sand now.....

    and finally......on 9/11 over 4000 people died, mass murder committed by plane, and to obtain control of these planes, they you see, whatever it takes, if you're sick , you'll find a way.

  • Ben Pickard
    8 years ago

    I certainly agree with what you say, but the ease of access as far as firearms are concerned, certainly makes things a little easier for them, doesn't it?
    Outlawing guns would surely help to some degree, not least because it would send out the message that the government are at least trying to do something (at the moment, it just seems like an unhappy/lazy acceptance) but I do agree, as far as the individual is concerned, they would find another way - gun or not.
    All the best,

  • Bob Shank
    8 years ago

    Outlawing guns, that will never happen, and just for your information, I believe California outlawed assault weapons and high capacity did that work out?, so you see, it doesn't decrease these sicko's. the trigger is pulled in the mind, once we understand that and accept it, we can then deal with the problem, when did we as a society all of a sudden devalue life, I mean in the past there were a few who just didn't care who they hurt or killed, now there are thousands of them, what is causing this, surely not guns.

  • donna
    8 years ago

    It is not guns it is the individual but if guns are easily come by, lawfully, then it is easier for people to use them to destroy the lives of others.. I live in the UK where the average person does not own a gun license let alone have a gun! We are a very small country so maybe not quite a good argument but we don't need guns to protect ourselves as the majority of people committing crimes, especially house burglaries and street robberies do not own a gun.. At least with knife crime or baseball bats we can fight against it as they have to be close to do damage. With guns (or bombs.. going to the extreme) we don't stand a chance! I am glad not everybody in our country can have a gun or I too would need one to protect me and my family!
    Also back when my son was a young lad with anger issues, coming from a divorced family and having to live with his dad as his mum (me) was incapable.. had I had a gun in my house I would have been chasing him down the street (when he was 9-13 years old) trying to get a gun out of his hand from shooting his bullies rather than a pool cue!

  • Darren
    8 years ago

    Maybe they should outlaw bad parenting.

    Whether that be parents or a person of influence.

    No person is born a killer,

    America will never outlaw firearms, My sister has just moved to Arkansas from this backwater of Great Yarmouth in England.

    2 days in her new home her neighbour was showing off his gun collection. She is 35 and has never seen a real gun up till that point.

    I digress,

    Of all of the cases mentioned above, how many of those had an incident or incidents in their informative years that could be the catalyst to turning them into killers.


    edit, I posted at the same time as Donna, before I read her post. I wasn't implying that she is a 'bad parent' I was referencing Bobs list from earlier.

  • donna
    8 years ago

    I was brought up in Suffolk.. probably about 60 miles away from Great Yarmouth, however I was brought up in the country so saw firearms, but only ever saw rifles and shotguns as hunting weapons and only by farmers and country folk for that purpose.. never as murder weapons!

    ^^ thank you Darren.. I got postnatal depression after my third child and ended up in a psychiatric unit as I was a danger to myself.. had I a gun I would have shot myself when I lost everything.. however saying that, if I had have done, I would not have been there to direct my son (and daughters) into doing what is/was right!

  • Larry Chamberlin
    8 years ago

    ^"sure without a doubt guns make it easier to commit mass murder, quicker, and very little effort no doubt.."

  • silvershoes
    8 years ago

    I was also going to copy the quote Larry copied, and then point out that in your argument, Bob, you back this statement up.

    You listed serial killers who were committing crimes across decades. Serial killers like Bundy, Gacy, Dahmer, they accomplished the number of deaths over years and years that serial killings with guns accomplish in minutes. So yes, mass murder is made quicker and easier because of guns.

    You also listed killers who did serious damage with knives and cars - sure, of course it happens. However, look at the dates and countries in the examples you gave. Such a large pool you've pulled from. There is no comparison to the rate at which serial killing sprees with guns are happening in the U.S.
    994 mass shootings in 1,004 days.

    9/11. The U.S. didn't sit around and debate different options after this atrocity. Our government acted. Maybe I don't support how it acted, but the point is America has thus far behaved concerningly passive about the terrorism being committed in our country regularly by our own citizens.
    We sit around and debate about why each solution may not work, and we do nothing.

    For all who say the problem is the people, not the guns: Fine. Obviously. But what is your solution? Something as vague as "fix the people" means nothing. There has to be something tangible, some play by play, some action that can be taken. How do we know who needs fixing and how do we fix them?

    What if all guns have to be installed with a specific detectable tag during manufacture? What if all commercial or public buildings have to be installed with detectors designed to detect these tags specifically and sound an alarm? What if these detectors are provided by our government?
    Even eliminate the first part and simply have detectors designed specifically to detect firearms and alert local law enforcement.


  • Bob Shank
    8 years ago

    9/11. The U.S. didn't sit around and debate different options after this atrocity. Our government acted. Maybe I don't support how it acted, but the point is America has thus far behaved concerningly passive about the terrorism being committed in our country regularly by our own citizens.

    ^you're joking right, acted........who do you think ISIS really is, please do some research, none of the people involved in 9/11 were from Iraq or Afganistan for that matter.....speaking of which, do you know how many servicemen returned home and immediately committed a murder?...I do agree, something needs to be done, there has to be some sort of safeguards put into place, but more and more we need to focus on why people have so much hatred for one another and so little regard for life along the way.

    oh and again, assault rifles and high velocity ammo was banned in california way before this took place.....

  • silvershoes
    8 years ago

    You probably cut out and responded to the least important or relevant point I was trying to make in my last post. I'm sure no one here wants this discussion to turn into a 9/11 or ISIS debate. My point was that your examples aren't comparable to the mass shootings in this country. They aren't comparable in either scale or frequency, and they especially aren't comparable with regards to response by the public or government.

    We've been trying to fathom why evil exists since it first existed. I consider myself a compassionate person. A good person. I'll wager everyone in this thread is decent and would not go on a killing rampage. No point telling each other to be good. Blaming bad parenting is unreliable. Even if parents are to blame, what then is a step by step solution? Plenty of bad people come from good parents. I've heard killers who kill strangers say they felt a darkness; a desire inside themselves to kill, which eventually can't be controlled. Sometimes it seems to come from nowhere. Often there's abuse or bullying involved, but what number of the abused and bullied actually pick up a firearm and open fire? How can we possibly guess who will commit the next mass shooting? So far we've been extremely unsuccessful at detecting crimes before they're committed.
    There does seem to be a high correlation between young white males and killing sprees. Our policemen are profiling the wrong group. If stop & seizures are to happen, let them happen to young white men who fit the bill and see how the public responds. Wouldn't take long to find out.

    I fear the person who has a gun to defend themself almost as much as I fear the person who has a gun for nefarious reasons. Where do you think these guns are coming from that cause mass shootings? What if your kid is depressed and desperate and knows the code to your gun safe? The gun meant to protect.

  • Larry Chamberlin
    8 years ago


    1052 / 1066

  • Kevin
    8 years ago

    The very fact there are dissenting voices arguing against more gun control just goes to show how deep rooted the gun culture is in America. From your cold dead hands, literally.

    I'm glad Nick brought up what happened in Australia. Too bad America doesn't have a single politician with that much courage.

  • Bob Shank
    8 years ago

    Wait you say mc Veigh wasn't comparable? you don't want this to turn into an Isis or 9/11 debate, but this recent shooting has a lot to do with how Muslims in this country are now being looked at....but you're right I guess, that's not significant......what I do find strange though is how this man was being watched by the government for having known contact with terrorists abroad, course we always learn these things after the fact, hmmmm......even ex cons aren't allowed to socialize with known convicted felons, yet this man is allowed to kick it with known terrorists and nothing is done about it.......sometimes I sit and think a lot of what is going on is by design, and is being allowed to happen because of politics and how much money can be stolen from an inflated defense fund that congress will now be able to pass without any batting an eye......just a thought, but then I think, naw, our government wouldn't let innocent people die for their benefit.......every morning I wake up and dress my son for school I hug and kiss him because it could be the last time I see him, I could die, or some nut who has a grudge against society could be a coward and shoot a bunch of innocent victims that have no chance of protecting themselves and they'll get their name and picture plastered all over the news and gain more fame then all his victims were denied......I cant even imagine what path I would take if that ever happened, so you never can only blame parents for so long, in the end it's an individual decision and that's who we should hold accountable, not a gun, not a parent, nobody but the individual.

  • Hellon
    8 years ago

    You can only blame parents for so long, in the end it's an individual decision and that's who we should hold accountable, not a gun, not a parent, nobody but the individual.


    Most of these individuals end up killing themselves or being killed at the scene so, how can they be held accountable? Most have no regard for their own life let alone the lives of others.

  • Bob Shank
    8 years ago

    Makes you feel cheated doesn't it.......

    let me play devil's advocate here, now let"s just say that the U.S. has gotten reports that a group of Terrorists are hiding out in Australia, and the U.S. being who they are have pinpointed them and start bombing the hell out of their alleged hideout. but their Intel was wrong, and they blew up half of your loved ones and a whole village of innocent families.....How many relatives of those innocent families would swear vengeance on the U'S.........I'm just saying, it's easy to recruit those who have already been harmed......not that that justifies the ruthless killing of innocent people, but if the shoe was on the other foot many of us would think differently.......

    does anyone remember the british occupation of Ireland and the response by the IRA?

  • Hellon
    8 years ago

    I'm not really sure what your point is Bob? Do you mean that terrorists are easy to recruit because of what is perhaps happening in their home countries? Sorry...I'm just unsure of what you mean?

    I lived in the UK during this time and, although I was only young I do remember the fear people felt.

  • Nicko
    8 years ago

    There have been that many studies done and statistics to prove that gun control works from all around the world. Yes some still get there hands on guns and go on killing sprees but if you make it harder and harder the less that happens the less it is able to happen. Its plain common sense !

    The rest of the world worked this out years ago and as a result mass killings are 50 - 90% lower in other developed countries

    For those that argue against gun control, what is the solution ??

    try and identify a disgruntled employee or co - worker. A son that is marginalized or radicalized that even the parents aren't aware of... there are already those in the society trying to do identify these people. Unfortunately there will always be nut cases, and who can predict when they will go off the rails, its impossible. but take the guns away and the threat is lessened

    And it has to be a coordinated approach, its no good having stricter gun laws in one state like California (which i might add are still not as strict as Australia or other developed counties where handguns are illegal) when they can walk into another state and buy what they want.

    Anders Behring Breivik who killed 69 people in Norway in 2011 couldn't get big enough magazines for his rifles, where did he buy them ? mail order The USA....

  • Bob Shank
    8 years ago

    United States: 31%
    Russia: 27%
    China: 5%
    Germany: 5%
    France: 5%
    U.K.: 4%
    Spain: 3%
    Italy: 3%
    Ukraine: 3%
    Israel: 2%

    these are the top ten exporters of weapons, I'm actually surprised that Russia is that close to us,

    hunting in many states is tradition, in my hometown, it's nothing to see a 12 year old boy going out in the woods with his father carrying a rifle during turkey, deer or bear season. I don't hunt, and I don't approve of those who hunt for sport, not very sporting shooting a defenseless animal, but I do support those who feed their families through hunting, fishing whatever......

    weapons have been a part of society since man picked up and threw his first rock, but even so, I'll tell you why the White man "and yes I said the white man" won't give up his weapons so easily. Because it's their only protection against being over run by government, they themselves know what was done to the Indians. "yeah, surrender your rifles and we will give you amnesty and take care of you"...and they massacred them......just like gold supposedly covers the dollar, privately owned arms supposedly is the security against rogue government, but in these days I can't tell......I get what everyone is saying, I truly do, but again you want to punish gun owners for something they can't control (some fool with a gun), you want to deprive an entire nation of something because of a few idiots, and let me clarify that, compared to all the people who own guns, there's only a few who commit mass murder........that's like aborting every baby because a few are born handicapped, what will you want to take next.

    One thing I never understood Nicko is how something is a law in one state but different in another state. I ride a motorcycle, I don't wear a helmet, I live in pa, where my bike is tagged and registered, but if I go to Virginia I have to have a helmet on before I cross the state line, pa has no helmet law, that's ridiculous as was the same sex marriage in some states and not others before they made it national, now it's weed, some states it's legal and in other states they are locking people up for it, seems the states ain't all that united, but back to guns, if you're gonna take them, then all the rich people have to give theirs up to, these punks out here better get back to the basics and learn how to hold their hands and, seriously though, who is to say who should and shouldn't own a gun, who is sane enough and who isn't, you just don't know...the people committing these atrocities for the most part have been considered upstanding citizens, this guy had a great job, his neighbors even said he was a good guy, the radical christian who shot up the planned parenthood building, same thing....what's the solution, how do you stop all the hatred, the stinking thinking, how do you restore the value of human life, stop making it so easy to cast it away, abortion, genocide, polluting our kids and seniors with drugs.....

    and yes Hellon, I was referring to how easy it is recruiting people when they see their country occupied and torn asunder, their country men murdered.......we, the U.S. make ourselves so easy to hate, if we cleaned up our own front yard before declaring someones backyard dirty, we'd be received a lot better.

  • Daisy if you do
    8 years ago

    Meme I seen on FB that I think is pretty accurate.IMHO

    Suing school for 15 million saying he was "racially profiled",after teacher sees look a like bomb in suitcase.

    Neighbor refused to report suspicious behavior for fear of being called "racist" 14 people now dead due to political correctness.

    As for personal opinions, I have personally purchased guns, I have many, used for hunting, personal protection and defense if needed. I have been in the situation twice in my life that I have used my gun for protection. No, I did not fire, but I was prepared to if need be. Come Hell and high water I will protect my family.... by any means necessary. In both instances they did not expect someone like me to have a weapon. But anyways my case has nothing to do with mass shootings, but it does, it has everything to do with it. We are in a society where everyone gets a trophy, has to be politically correct, avoid hurting someone's little feelings, agree with everything someone else says regardless of our beliefs. This country as we know it was founded by immigrants but there has to be a stopping point on whom is let in, otherwise we will be like Native Americans....sent packing in your own homeland. No, I agree I am not politically informed as to blah blah blah. Don't need to be to believe there will be a time very near where we will have to defend ourselves from the wolves at the door of our own property. Devils advocate here too, have you (anyone bothering to read this) ever personally had to defend yourself against someone? I mean really defend yourself? Most of you probably haven't, so what would you do. Yes, guns are quicker in mass killings but bombs ( San Bernardino murderers had a bunch of pipe bombs media now reporting) and apparently koolaid (ie. Jim Jones) are too. Some can argue why do you need automatic rifles, well apparently they are needed by people who are going to have to fight back the ones who steal them, obtain illegally, or that our president allows to get in extremist hands.

    Just my opinion here, I really could go on and on because as passionate as I am about the reasons we do need guns and less gun control and more Terrorist control, I am sure the majority here are as passionate about how wrong I am.

    +++Hoping my autocorrect didn't mess me up too bad before I can edit.

  • Bob Shank
    8 years ago

    I'm actually very good with a gun, better with a rifle than a pistol although pretty adequate with that to, I grew up in the mountains, that's what we did, practice , practice , practice, but I still don't like guns, I respect them, I've used them to protect myself multiple times......they for the most part are essential to the society in which we now live unfortunately, but I wouldn't bat an eye if we could disarm the entire world collectively. , but herein lies the problem, take away the guns, they'll discover something else to gain the upper hand, to instill fear, control or whatever their intentions are.....

    Anyhow, great post, Dixiedaisy, you took the words out of my mouth with the everyone gets a trophy , you'll see what I'm talking about later.......we must be careful to coddle everyone these days, lest they cry or have to suck it up and carry themselves like men and women.

  • Hellon
    8 years ago

    I have many, used for hunting, personal protection and defense if needed


    I don't understand why you feel the need to have 'many'. The hunting I get but the others?

  • silvershoes
    8 years ago

    So you need a gun to protect yourself against gunmen.
    Perhaps we should have bombs to protect ourselves from bombers. Perhaps we should have weapons of mass destruction to protect against weapons of mass destruction. Perhaps we should have any machine intended to kill in case someone who shouldn't have that same killing machine somehow has it and decides to use it. Fight fire with fire. That's all I'm hearing...

    If you want guns to hunt, so be it. I find hunting for sport sickening. Hunting for food, I have no issue with that. I prefer fishing for my own fish. Killing them is never easy, but it forces me to face my own carnivorous appetite and not be ignorant. Anyone who finds pleasure in the killing of another living thing, especially one that has done no harm to you -- that's scary.

    If you want guns to hunt, why not make hunting more regulated? You should have to register somewhere (online?) on the day you're going hunting and specify what area, then if your gun (with a tracker) is found loaded outside that area, some kind of alarm is sounded. We are living in a modern, technological world. How are precautions like these not already being put in place?

    There are so many ways we can make ownership of guns safer without taking them away completely.

    I've shot plenty of clay pigeons and cans. My job will likely require me to carry a firearm. I get it. But the laws are too lax.

  • Bob Shank
    8 years ago

    Um, yes countries do have bombs to protect themselves against others who might bomb them, they do have weapons of mass destruction, which would be bombs also, what's your point

    Apparently you've never been deer hunting or bear hunting, some hunters travel miles and miles to hunt, and if it's a cold spot, they'll likely go to another spot, there are also different guns for different game, although personally I think if you're hunting for sport you shouldn't be allowed anything that requires less than an almost perfect shot, like kill a bear with a .22 cal. , but don't miss , the bear might whip your ass....

    The regulations you want to implement sound good, but this isn't a communist nation, not yet anyways, and the more you allow government to control , the less freedom you'll have, fear is definitely changing our world, I can't wait to see what the country's next defense budget is and how much is stolen from it off the top like Chaney and Rumsfeld did with Halliburton during the two gulf wars....hmmmmm

  • Hellon
    8 years ago

    Well 2015 started with a bang (literally) in America and there's still 27 days left so...still plenty time for some more shootings to take place...

  • silvershoes
    8 years ago

    "The more you allow government to control"

    I want less government control in many areas. Upholding my safety and the safety of others by means of logical regulations and monitoring- I'm all for that.

    My dad's life has been saved more than once by a helmet during motorcycle accidents. I've yet to be in one, but I wear a helmet for that unlucky day I'm in one.