People you care for..discrimination

  • Cheyanne
    19 years ago

    Do you judge people becuase of gender, ethnicity, nationality, the amount of money they have, or religion or even their level of inteligence? Oh and even perhaps homosexuality too. Do you dare to make friends or connect deeper with someone not Just like yourself? Any real friends you have that are different from you but you do care about. Well, it's pretty you discriminate, who and why... and are you close to anyone different from you.

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    19 years ago

    I only discriminate based upon intelligence. Nothing more.

  • *~*Soldier Lover*~*
    19 years ago

    discrimination......something I have to combat everyday. it is a horrible thing to go through. it's too bad people can't see how ignorant they sound when they discriminate b/c of race, gender, religon, etc. Peace all
    *~*Soldier Lover*~*

  • yasmin
    19 years ago

    today, in history, we watched this video about slavery. it was horrible... have u ever heard of Emit Till? he was 14 years old. im not really sure if i have all the facts on this story but i have a pretty good idea. he came from a place where they didnt really discriminate against blacks. and he went to visit his uncle i believe. in a place where blacks were looked down on. and he went into a gas station. and on his way out, he said to the owner of the stores wife 'bye baby' and he just went off giggling. 14 years old. so they tracked him down. and they went to his house at 1 in the morning and took him away. and tortured him. the womens husband, brother in law, and a sheriff, i believe. it was horrible wut they did to him. they cut him and burned him. they cut off body parts. and one of his eyeballs were actually poked out.... it was so terrible. and its just... it brings tears to my eyes as i type it. its just so wrong. he was 14! and after they tortured him, they took barbed wire and they tied him to a huge piece of metal. they shot him in the head and threw him in a lake. 14 years old. im 14 years old! and whenever i thought about racism, i never thought of it as being so terrible. but after that.... u just realize how.... words cant even describe it. so if u think racism today is bad, just think about how bad is was back then. bcuz people might say stuff and they might beat u up but they dont kill u. they dont kill u for not being white. well... actually theres the KKK. augh that pisses me off!! god they're so stupid and retarded and heartless.... its just not right...

  • Cheyanne
    19 years ago

    Uh, I never said it was like the worst it's ever been but it's still here. That's the thing, pretty much everyone disciminates in some way or else doesn't even realize that they are. Let's about people in the streets? Most of us just try to ignore them, pretend they aren't there. We think that they were too lazy to work so that's why they're living like their living or that if you do give them money, they'll just use it for drugs or something. As for getting jobs though, they look more for the men for the jobs becuase they won't need as many sick days since they most likely won't have children and won't get pregnant. Have you heard of the Holocast in Europe I believe? Most of the death camps were in Poland. Hilter said that the Jews must be exterminated as a race so that Germany will be back to it's strength. Economical problems were happening at the time and because of Hilter's banter, they believe that the Jews were the cause of this. They were not permitted to have an education or anything.All their rights were taken away from them. You may ask, why didn't America or another other place help? But America and all other places refused to increase thier immigration number. A chosen few made it but as for the rest...they were sentenced to their suspected death. Now, the public wasn't aware of this...the Jews were sent into Ghettos where they'd live untill the time came to go to their death camp...which they had no idea about. The worst one was Austuwits, something like that. Well, they were eventually freed but so many many. Their families were slaughtered in front of their very eyes. If they took an extra piece of bread the price would most surely be death. They worked in the camps and if you became weak, they'd either shoot you in a ditch or burn you in one of the 3 kremetoriums at that camp. Familes were separated. They formed 2 lines, the men and the women+children. Those too young, old, or just weak were killed. Most familes never saw each other again. The babies had no chance. A many times the SS Soliders threw them in the air and stabbed them through with their gun point. I'm not sure what it's called but it's like this metal stick sticking out from the front of the gun. If you're strong enough and willing to do whatever the SS solider tell you, you may become the person that puts the bodies in the "oven". But, I heard that a person that got that job...had to burn his own father alive! He heard the screams from his father within the oven and he cried. It wasn't just the Jews though. It was also the Gypies, handicapped, homosexuals, the considered metally retarded, and anyone else that didn't meet Hilter's quota, "blond hair and blue eyes". That holocast ended but there is one going on right now, right as I type these words and you read. The holocast in Africa is going on and no one is doing anything about it. Not America, not any place. So yeah, it may not have been as bad as it was before but it still happens. It happens a lot more than you think.

  • Eibutsina
    19 years ago

    I discriminate - Ill probably be one of the few people who admits to doing so though.
    Keep in mind however, that this is with friends or potential friends I would now be meeting or making. Those friends who have stayed by my side for too many years to remember or count, I do not discriminate against at all and love and accept them for who and what they are.
    These days though, I have learnt my mistakes from letting every "tom, dick and harry" into my life can often cause more harm than good. So I am more cautious about who I do let into my life these days.

    Religion plays a factor, I prefer to associate with other Muslims for both the sake of myself and my family. It wouldn't be an issue if I didn't (which I do, have many non islamic friends that I am extremely close too) but when making new friends, I try to make that connection. I also don't associate with people of certain social classes, I don't want bludgers asking me for money and stuff, I have had friends like that in the past and I hated having to support them financially and continuously pick up the pieces, i thought thats what a true friend did. But in the end those same people wouldn't lifta finger to help me - it was all about themselves.

    Intelligence plays a big part for me personally too. I don't want to associate with idiots, people I can have a stimulative conversation with - I mean its a waste of my time and energy.

    I have come to the realisation of late that life is short and a gift. I dont HAVE to do anything and that includes socialise or befriend people who have no common interests or relations to me.

    It may seem harsh to others but its my life and it has really has made me a happier, less stressful and less complicated existance...

    You guys should try it :o)

    Eirisa xoxox

  • Bret Higgins
    19 years ago

    I have an aversion to arseholes. I'll avoid them... a lot.