NC Law ((HB2))

  • Britt
    8 years ago

    Nei I would be so stressed out to choose my own name. Brittney is not a name I would've chosen for myself, but given the opportunity to change it, I have no idea what I'd name myself, lol.

    Jane - I totally understand. I was there, months ago. It's all growth. And yes, some people it's like the devil himself is rampant in their hearts. One thing a counselor told me one time is we should be thankful we don't understand sin, because it's insane. That person would be very, very hard for me to love. I couldn't do it.

  • Brookie
    8 years ago

    ^ i actually am changing it to Brooke for my first name. Im keeping my last name so its going to be Brooke Nichole (Last name) I actually didnt choose it. It was to difficult to choose so
    i asked my mom what i would have been called if i were born a female. Easiest way imo

    But im still in the beginning processes.

    its lengthy and what not but worth it IMO. I actually decided it because

    I agree though britt, i find it harder to love people who i do not understand or who i disagree with on certain subjects but its something that I have gotten much better at the past 2 or so years, same with patience.

  • Britt
    8 years ago

    The beautiful thing is God doesn't expect perfection, just that we try. He knows.
    Brooke is a beautiful name!

  • Larry Chamberlin
    8 years ago

    Let's just settle on Brooke.

    You kind of tossed out something important like an aside. Is your mother now accepting of your choice to become what you feel you have always been? When first we talked it was ostracism you faced.

  • Brookie
    8 years ago

    Ohh yeah, my mom made a complete 180. She started to defend me completely and told the rest of my family that if they didnt accept me and they stopped talking to me that she too would leave and stop being in contact with them too. She made the 180 when she really started looking up and researching. I have access to a lot of transgender articles and studies that are being done currently (benefits of having a friend who works underneath some of the top researchers for lgbt groups. They do alot of research for and against)

    Last christmas my grandmother approached me (they always do somethin gfor the family) they gave everyone with a bag with their name embroidered on it. Mine was blank which i thought was cool, assumed they were accepting in their own way when everyone was away grandmother came up and she was like me and your mom were talking about what we should put on the bag and we want your input. Do you have a name? which is what sparked the convo of choosing my name.

    Brooke is the outcome of my family accepting me so the name is kinda special. but a lot of my firends call me other names because i went by so many other names for such a long time.

    The worst i get is my grandfather. he just doesnt talk about it because to him its to difficult but hopefully over time he will accept it.

    My grandmother just mostly has questions, and her being in the medical field she is really worried about my health cause it can affect it in negative ways.

    She just worries about my happiness because i have had depression for a long time but that is 4000% easier to manage now. My family is mostly happy for me because before i was barely surviving. Now.

    Now i do amazing work and i get paid enough to take care of myself. I never had ambition before and they just assumed id amount to nothing. So they are fairly happy.

    All in all its been a 180. Its super nice to have support, even when the area around me is really against anything transgender. I dont get threatened like i used to and no one else is threatening to kill me. My job is overly accepting and i love that.

    Its a lot different from when i first started the transition constantly worried for my life. But i have been hurt fairly bad before so it makes sense..

    Either way this is greatly off topic and im sorry :3

  • Hellon
    8 years ago

    You're posts have always been so open and honest so...thank you Brooke. I'm glad your family is now accepting you..can I ask, at what age did you consider that you were born into the wrong gender?

  • Ben Pickard
    8 years ago

    Two things. The first is that I agree with Hellon entirely - your answers and explanations have been truly brave and honest. They are a breath of fresh air in an all too often stagnant world.
    The other is that Brooke is a lovely name.; mind you, I cannot separate the truth from bias there as I spent much of my teenage years fawning over Brooke Shields....

    No seriously, a lovely name.

    All the best

  • Bob Shank
    8 years ago

    Most of this "bathroom" stuff is a double edge sword, damn if you do, damn if you don't sort of thing....scenario, you go to a public pool that has a shower facility where you must shower before entering the pool (yes they still have those), you were born male, but your identity is female and you still have the male equipment.......well you get the picture. It sets one up for ridicule, harassment .....I can't stand bullying or making fun of people because of who they are or what they choose to be. Same thing for a woman using a male shower I have no problems with any of this if said person gets the gender operation, or if all the bathrooms get rid of urinals and open showers, if they are equipped with private stalls. I think the transition would be a lot better and less attention brought to the individual.....
    Homo sapiens are scary, those who are homosexuals aren't. Almost all the ones I know are loyal, compassionate, and a great asset to their communities, which is fascinating considering how much they have been shunned, ridiculed and the focus of hate crimes throughout time. Am I homophobic, hell no, never have been. I do feel sorry for the way most gays are treated by society, yet feel that society has come a long way in its acceptance of that lifestyle, but as with any form of hatred and racism, we still have a long way to go.....Do I think they deserve special privileges , nope, but I don't feel they should be entitled to anything less either......In the end, be yourself, whatever and whoever that is.......thanks for all the posts, very informative and some of it very sad to read, because being accepted is a thing many of us have had to deal with throughout our lives, and it's not easy when it's a daily struggle.

  • Brookie
    8 years ago

    Bob ^ That right there is why i dont know where to honestly stand on the issue. I honestly believe that closed restroom spaces / shower facilities should be one debate and open should be a completely different.

    I realize it is to expensive to create a "third" shower for places like that so on that specific topic i have no idea.

    I still stand by the idea if people are truly worried about perverts in restrooms though the easiest way to combat that would be just simply having F on the birth certificate. (which has its other ups and downs)

    Im always open, i dont ever really see a reason not to be honestly, most of it is just misunderstanding. As far as special privileges go i dont believe that people should have that either but i do believe that people should be able to use a restroom in peace.

    And as i stated above i do not have a good stance on the showering thing because i can understand how that scenario can be dangerous for *both* parties.

  • silvershoes
    8 years ago

    It is so nice to read your POV, Brooke. And what a beautiful name.

  • Brookie
    8 years ago

    I originally had it in an edit but jane replied before i got the chance to submit it.

    Im going to paste it here but this is the answer to the question on the age thing.

    Edit: Also i considered that i was born the wrong gender when i was 4 or 5.. I cant quite remember the age but i was really confused why i couldn't wear female clothing... As i grew older i saw how other girls developed vs how i did and i was really confused because growing up i honestly was considered one of the girls even though i didnt present that way. Almost always when the boys group went out and the girls went out i always was with the girls

    The whole gender thing actually when i was younger caused me to become severely depressed and as a young child i didnt understand the implications of death and attempted taking my life, but that was mostly because i strangely believed in reincarnation when i was 5 or 6... I didnt understand that my physical body would stop existing and i believed there was a chance i could come back as a girl. As i grew older i was thankful that attempt did not succeed but i still experienced a lot of pain about the gender i was born with and struggled with it my entire life till i had a girlfriend who approached me about it. My first girlfriend at 16 asked if i was transgender from just how i acted because, as she put it "you dont act gay but you are not straight" and she wound up talking me into dressing up a little (which i looked horrible might i say) And it felt weird. I wont lie i was pretty confused at the time because i did not know what transgender was. Needless to say i told her i did feel like i was a female but i didnt want to express it because i was terrified of being abandoned and my parents were... less then accepting of anyone... (racist, homophobic) I also chopped it up to maybe she just wanted soemone to experiment on so i thought it surly must just be her.

    Well we broke up and life went on the next significant person i was with - again a few months in, asked if i was transgender.

    This repeated itself another time before i decided to try transitioning out. It literally was just a test, you can take the medication for a few months. I attempted dressing a little but i felt very masculine and that bugged me. Eventually i decided id try the medication for 3-4 months (because most of the affects that which occures will be reversed) once i hit 3 months i was... 100% happier then iwas before. Life had color and didnt feel grey. Thats the best way i could put it.

    ANyways, again im horribly off topic again but its fine as long as we touch it.

    A lot of people have spoken out about the open facilities but only bob has answered on that exact portion of the issue.

    Also about posting here this is the best place, as i stated earlier, that i feel will result in a more adult place then name calling or threatening people.

  • Britt
    8 years ago

    I can't help but think how confusing it'd be, and embarrassing for -everyone- in this scenario (and I'm going to use person rather than specific gender to help make sense when I type it out)

    Women's Bathroom: Woman who hasn't undergone surgery in an open shower facility, yet otherwise looks just like a woman. Small girl doesn't understand and just sees a penis - total freak out moment (especially if you don't know if this person is a pervert etc.. because there have been situations where men go into a women's bathroom to prey). Other women freak out. Let's be honest, I see someone in the ladies room with a penis and I'm freaking out because why are you here, why can I see a penis? My immediate thought wouldn't be oh, this person is transgender minus the surgery. I'm just thinking "OMG why do I see a penis". lol.

    Men's Bathroom: Woman who hasn't undergone surgery in an open facility -- totally uncomfortable for said woman, totally uncomfortable for kids who otherwise see a woman (especially if they are wearing make up etc). That would be SO confusing for people, and embarrassing for said woman and holy rambling but y'all get my point.

    Also, I may be 12, because I giggled every time I typed penis. I'm ridiculous lol.

    So what's the alternative? Honestly I don't care who you are, I HATE open shower facilities and I just showered with a suit on lol.

  • Brookie
    8 years ago

    ^^ i do that. Everytime.. I can promise you i will never undress in an open facility. Ever. Its just to weird. Period.

    ALSO Donald Trump says that the law is stupid... I dont know how to take that. Am i the one crazy or is he still crazy. Idk. Either way. WOW. Hes so on one side.. But i guess i dont really like cruz either considering his stances on everything.

  • Hellon
    8 years ago

    Thanks for answering the age question Brooke. The reason I asked was because I read an article regarding a child in American being refused restroom entrance at school because of transgender issues. The child was only 6 and I thought at the time that this child was far too young to have made this choice on their own and perhaps the parents were pushing for the child to dress and act in a certain way because they wished the child had been born in the opposite sex to what they were. I can't remember whether it was boy to girl or the other way around. Anyway, I tried to find the case and was unsuccessful. What I did find was this information and just wondered what your thought on this would be?

  • Brookie
    8 years ago

    *Removed Ill re edit it and apply my response eventually*

    WHoops i thought i hit edit apparently im an idiot

    If possible to delete this be mu guest

  • Brookie
    8 years ago

    Side Post before i start. After research the article about the person in a womens restroom happened three years ago.. WHich is a little strange that now they are using it as if its a brand new thing. Either way, im sure we get your point.

    My response to that specifically is that if you look at recent studies on transgender kids, 1.) they dont have more depression or anxiety or anything like that, 2.) they seem quite normal. Its actually pretty crazy how normal they seem. 3.) If a parent is pushing surgery on their child. That is a problem. Surgery, even hormones, are moreso at the consent of the child (when the child is old enough to make said choice... I think right now at 13 if the child insists the parents can, if they deem it necessary, to put on blockers. Which is awesome but still has their own affects and at 16 is when they can choose to start hormone therapy *if both the parent and child allows it*)

    Obviously the child is going to have to wait till 18 if the parents are extremely against it, and thats fine. Theres currently a stigma in the transgender community that if you wait till 18 you will need surgery after surgery to even remotely pass.

    I can send you many pictures where that is not the case. Most of the studies done are on grown adults. These adults grew up in a society that shunned transgenderism. Lets look at something thats not transgender. Lets look at what we "used to call a mental issue" Homosexuality. the same thing has happened to them. they had high suicide rates and bullying . They had no friends and it was extremely rough... Dont want to do something related to LGBT? fine. Lets go with race.

    With race when someone is being picked on their entire life because of the race they are (usually a minority) their risk of depression and suicide sky rockets. Yes some children are sensitive, yes others are not. Its not something easy to look at and really judge. This pattern is shown in a lot of things and with almost all of them, the moment they had support growing up and felt comfortable to be themselves whatever group was having a high suicide rate / high self harm, dropped.

    I assure you. This will happen again and people will eventually see

    *Hey! this person is just like anyone else* they have feelings.

    Bringing the topic back in a little ill give you an idea how we are viewed currently. ill try to edit anything that is to bad, but ... I will be posting comments coming from commenters about the HB2 law.

    *also if you are transgender and trigger easily.. Because i dont know who might read this, please stop reading now.*

    Some quotes.

    3/1000 of 1 percent of the entire population is a tranny! Who gives a shit what these mental cases want!

    Freaks are freaks.
    No difference...

    Well, I'd have no problem whatsoever doing a little transgender surgery on this sicko with a dull, rusty knife! If he wants to pretend to be a woman, I'd be more than happy to ...

    If he wanted to pose as a women, then I think we should help him with a little surgery that will insure he'll have to sit to pee. We can thank todays elected officials for passing laws like this, they are as sick as the poeple they are allowing to use this law.

    I knew I would hook one of you sick, queer atheists like a marlin. HAHAHA.

    Theres a ton more. It really doesnt stop. I only did three because its kinda hard to make an example but i mean, ive heard that threat before personally, i also have been beaten up many times.

    All in all, with what the current studies i font think any of them are really accurate. In general the pool is to large with everything that is going on.

    Idk. I just remember when i started transition and bad bathroom experiences in the males room that could have turned south very quickly, which is when i started using the womens simply because of safety, which a friend urged for me to do. Received weird looks at first but nothing bad. Later on in transition people dont even glance at me.

    Ill head back towards the article

    Citing findings from the American Psychiatric Association, the College pointed out that "as many as 98% of gender confused boys and 88% of gender confused girls eventually accept their biological sex after naturally passing through puberty."

    This is actually false. Extremely false. If you want me to pull out some of the studies i can find let me know ill go fishing through some of the studies ive read.

    Also anything from the ACP i dont really credit for a lot of reasons. One i think they are reported under 200 members? Two they discredit a lot the AAP (which is the national standard in the usa i believe, correct me if im wrong) states pretty much the opposite. the AAP is the group who makes the DSM and the most recent DSM is pretty much stated the opposite of their statement.

    Sorry i had to do fact checking because those numbers were skewed *VERY* heavily.

    I think the ACP actually is a group of people who disagree with the AAP which is why they went off and did their own thing? (have not fact checked this)

    The College (ACPeds) was founded in 2002 by a group of pediatricians including Joseph Zanga, a past president of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), as a protest against the AAP's support for adoption by gay couples.


    Again i have not fact checked this

    What i do know is that

    the AAP has 64,000 (i believe more)

    Knowing this and knowing that ACP has frequently made a lot of "studies" against LGBT i give no shits about them and usually dont listen to them at all.

    Again its been awhile since ive looked some of this stuff up and some of my fact checking is a *little* old

    Edit: Boyfriend stated they broke off because they stated that

    children cannot lead a healthy successful life when being brought up in a same sex household

  • Bob Shank
    8 years ago

    ^let me ask you an honest question, I don't know how old you are, so I don't know if you're even able to make the you think that some people in the LGBT world are going overboard with the seeking attention and sympathy?....It's like soldiers of today and don't get me wrong, they deserve our utmost respect , but I've been noticing a change in humanity of late, everyone thinks the world owes them something, or there seems to be this strong desire for self recognition.....I know growing up, soldiers didn't even talk about war, didn't even want special recognition, they felt they did it for their country and it was their duty period. Same with a lot of the older african americans, they refused to talk or complain about how they were treated, same thing with many older immigrants, but now it seems like everyone wants to be acknowledged. Do you see any of that.......BTW I just had a few people delete me because I copied and pasted what I said about the bathrooms from this forum here.....and I'm good with that, they requested me as a friend, I didn't request them, but one should never ask an opinion in a public forum and then delete them when their opinion differs from yours especially if done respectfully, all that does is create an even bigger division, course not with me, because when you delete someone for a varying opinion it actually is a sign of immaturity.

  • Brookie
    8 years ago

    I agree with you Bob, and im only 26, but i have noticed it. A lot. I dont mind to much personally, but coming from a very conservative family where, like you said nothing is really said (not that thats a connection to that just something i noticed within my family) and every male bodied person in my family serving at least one term, if not more in the military

    i understand that.

    I generally dont try to complain to much till people ask then i feel like well what do i tell them what dont i tell them?

    As for LGBT i agree completely. As of right now it feels like everyone is trying to dived everyone on your this side or that side which seems really silly to me. We are all people.

    I guess im fgoing off topic now.

    But yes i have heard that, but if i remember correctly my parents, same with everyone elses, has pushed the *you can do anything* so heavily and the You are special the past generations.

    I believe it.

    Same time i can understand how this mentality can turn things around.
    I also think its caused by social media. I bet the average age of a tumblr user is 15. (no offense its great to go through that sometimes, there are some great artists and stuf)
    but you get a group of people together who can support each other and ask to be heard and to hear that it builds confidence.

    Yes the worlds changing. In that aspect, personally, im happier just because people are more outspoken which, considering my position on things more or less at least protects me. Well kinda, transgender has come to light and honestly i was hoping id be able to just go invisable. As for the im special complex, bleh, I get it first hand. I help a transgender group chat that focuses on like ..ages 15-19... People who tend to constantly be like.. I DESERVE THIS AND THAT BECAUSE I DO THIS AND THAT AND IM AWESOME FOR THE THINGS I DO AND GGO THROUGH.

    And im like, Yes thats right but lifes not fair... Your going to have to get over it at once point i cant baby you, but generally im very nice about it. But trust me i get it constantly

    And Bob trust me, you seem pretty cool honestly. You always offer the truth and you dont seem to be to big into attacking other people with different opinions and its nice to actually talk about this without it exploding in my face. If people reject you over your opinion then thats their own problem.

    Same time though, when i walk into a mens room and im threatened for obeying a law that was placed that also creates a divide.

  • Bob Shank
    8 years ago

    Same time though, when i walk into a men's room and im threatened for obeying a law that was placed that also creates a divide

    ^yeah I can imagine it both ways...I'm glad you've seen it too, and you're probably right, social media has elevated communication to a whole new level and in a sense has created more confidence as to speaking out, but also creates a lot more drama, and seems to have become a new way for bullying and disrespect as well, as I'm sure you've seen and read....Thanks for the honest answer.

  • Brookie
    8 years ago

    Im fairly certain anyone over 25 will see it and i can almost say for certain that people older then that view me and my generation as the same. I feel like we are leaning in that direction for some reason more and more. But who knows.

    Also agree with the point you've made about it and i have seen a lot of it happen. idk how to feel about most of it.

  • Hellon
    8 years ago

    Hi Brooke...thanks again for your answer. I'm not sure what all the abbreviations stand for because I don't live in America but, wouldn't the department who issued this statement have to have done research before going to print. I mean you can't just make a statement like this without being able to back it up with some sort of facts.

  • Brookie
    8 years ago

    I was kicked out for my last response. Whoops.
    Lost it all

    You can pay for the answers you want. You dont want to just look at the person doing the study, but the people paying for it.

    ACP = christain group. The group thats funds them are a hardcore christain group that believes deeply in the bible to the point that anything different is going to hell. I mean this is the group that has stated that homosexuality is a choice, and that if someone were to tell them that it is bad and reinforce it (usually with force) then they will be cured.... something like 87% get cured.. Idk let me look that up..

    "if the behavior is not reinforced." Similarly alleging that "most students (over 85 percent) with same-sex attractions will ultimately adopt a heterosexual orientation if not otherwise encouraged."

    ^ this was from wiki, i didnt feel like checking their sources. But yeah...

    Granted i didnt look upwho paid for the study you linked - at the same time i dont care enough to. I dislike that group and how much hate they spread... and how much they skew actual viable data.

    Idk. Anyways.

    Theres another rant.

    So this thread is so far from HB2 that theres no recovery xD Ill give up on that aha.

  • Hellon
    8 years ago

    I've just looked up the webpage of ACPeds and now I can see why you have little time for them or their findings.

    Some of their statements are so narrow minded they appear to be from the last century or even earlier!

  • Brookie
    8 years ago

    One of there statements says that 80- 90 % (this is a guess, but all their findings are up there) of sexual abuse cases are caused by homosexuals. It literally states that if we make everyone straight no one will abuse anyone. Its crazy.

  • Hellon
    8 years ago

    ^^^'s called Ostrich Syndrome.

  • Brookie
    8 years ago

    Ill try to drag this back to HB2

    Taking pictures of people in the restroom *facepalm*

    "Beginning today, individuals that notice any kind of gender-suspicious activity in the men's or women's restrooms are encouraged to call the new 'HB2 Offender Hotline'," Horner said. "We encourage North Carolina's residents to take photographs and report as much detail as possible when calling. With the information gathered from this hotline, we'll be working closely with local law enforcement agencies to make sure this law is enforced and those who break the law see jail bars. We are sending a clear message to all the transsexuals out there; their illegal actions and deviant behavior will no longer be tolerated in the state of North Carolina."

  • Hellon
    8 years ago

    Who said that? Was he wearing a white hood? Seriously...that is totally laughable..."We encourage North Carolina's residents to take photographs" did they add..."seriously we will not consider you as a deviant for taking pictures of a suspected deviant"....LMAO

  • Brookie
    8 years ago

    Wow... I just... I just dont know what to really say about that.

    But in all honesty ive stopped using the restroom in public which is kinda funny / sad.

  • Brookie
    8 years ago


    Whelp this is going to go to federal courts.

  • Britt
    8 years ago

    In the last week and a half I have been a part of many different conversations about this.. and I've had to bite my tongue. I've learned to not speak when angry and unable to get my point across genuinely.. it is absolutely APPALLING how people treat this topic, and the bathroom laws etc. It breaks my heart.

    I tell you, if I ever see someone taking pics in the bathroom that aren't stupid selfies or of someone they know, I will flat stop and call the police right there and there. Heck no. Not okay.

  • Brookie
    8 years ago

    ^ Yeahh, its an interesting. As of right now though im just upset how people are treating it. The big christain group again it around here are doing something crazy. They are sending groups of men into womens restrooms all around. A few people have been arrested. its... Just weird at this point

  • Britt
    8 years ago

    Do they realize that this law does not mean unisex bathrooms? Or that men can go into the bathroom? Honestly?
    Way to love people.

  • Brookie
    8 years ago


    After this blows over im pretty much staying away from politics for awhile.

    For real though. This has torn everyone to one side and there has been no real discussion from the higher ups.

    Ultimatums is not the way to go with this im afraid...

    But thats where we are going.

  • Daisy if you do
    8 years ago

    In all honesty I am very confused by Transgender community for the most part (pronouns) I am a conservative (havent always been) and believe for the most part with what Britt stated earlier. You live by one simple rule, "Love others as you would have them love you" . I am not an active enough church going Christian, however I am strong in my faith and morals. My confusion with transgender doesn't even lie with use of bathrooms etc. (I have used the men's bathroom many times, there were times when I was younger and clubbing that I didn't want to wait the long women's line. It didn't bother me to use the men's restroom, as long as another female kind of guarded the stall. I have also used the men's restroom recently because the women's was trashed and nasty). I have learned to hover lol). Perhaps I should clear up that though I am conservative now, between my husband and I we have four daughter's. Ages 22,21,18 and 16. The 21 and 18 year olds are mine from a previous marriage. The 21 year old has had a lesbian friend since she was 13, (my daughter is straight and has had a boyfriend of 6 years now) There's never been problems with us allowing her to spend night etc. She's just always been accepted. Now my daughter is in her 3rd year of college and has some new friends, one is trans. But with respect I don't know what this person is transferring into. He/she doesn't identify with either sex and wants to be called zhim, zer and zhe. I don't know when to really use which term, and certainly wouldn't want to offend anyone. Zhim/zher will be coming down in about a month for a party we are having.I have an uncanny knack for mis speaking. I certainly hope my questioning does not offend you Brooke, just hoping you could ease my worry and help me. Now as far as the bathroom issue. Use what bathroom you feel you identify with, I am all for that. But I will be attending the bathroom as I have always with my child to a reasonable age , so I can help fight off any pervs who may skip in. No I may not always be there but hope I have taught them to always be aware of their surroundings and go in groups. Just like I have taught them not to sit on the toilet seat, rarely see one I would sit on. I am OCD about hand washing and toilet seats so bad that I carry a small pack of Lysol wipes everywhere, yes even friends toilets get a wipe down. It's just a phobia. Had absolutely nothing to do with this thread though sorry lol.

  • Brookie
    8 years ago

    ^ I honestly agree with most of your post.

    Honestly, i still will use the mens room if the womens is trashed, assuming i have a friend nearby who can watch me.

    Same time though i really dont want to be forced to use the mens restroom, say at a concert, when both restrooms are packed... Or at a public place where LGBT groups are not common or attacked regularly.

    As far the the transgendered person you are talking about - I personally, find it hard to grasp but i live in a very Gender is this or that kind of world, which science has proven that is not the case.

    Either way, they will be fine if you mess up. They are used to it, and if you try they will see that.

    I never use Zhim Zher zer, i use plural pronouns. They them, i never gender someone who doesnt identify with a gender and i tried (i really did) susing those w terms.. I could not.

    If you find yourself having a hard time - Ask if plural pronouns is okay.

    Trust me, when kids come out to me and they want me to use certain pronouns, i find that the hardest. Look at someone who looks like a textbook girly girl. They come out they want to be a boy, want to try using him/he pronouns (thats usually how it starts small steps to see if it feels weird or right)...

    Also switching from Her to Him is horrid. You never know how embarrising it is to complain to smeone that no one uses their right pronouns then use the wrong one on them.

    As far as the bathroom issue... I will use what restroom i identify with, not because of a statement but because... The way i live, the people around me, the workforce i work at, no one knows im transgender. Theres no reason to. So its mostly because i dont want some big thing about it in my life. Ive buried it in that portion of my life. id like it to stay that way.

    And.. Restrooms are disgusting. I have wiped some clean before so i undersand where you are coming from.

    For random. heres random.

    AHHH aparently i mgoing to a wedding i just found out about o.o

    *has never been to a wedding ever*

  • Daisy if you do
    8 years ago

    Where's my like button??? Lol thank you for being so open and honest with us all and taking the time to answer my (our) questions. Hope you enjoy the wedding. Some can be very exhausting, others, a blast.

  • Brookie
    8 years ago

    Anytime! Im always open for questions to what people think. I always like attempting to answer questions to the best of my ability.

    But i can say with confidence anyone who goes by any sort of unique pronouns like that will get you. We are not the countries that have 3-5 genders, we only have a binary. They understand that.

    Surprisingly i *tend* to be conservative on certain points.
    Its really hard to say im fully one way or the other, i usualyl wind up arguing with either side.

    As far as the wedding thing goes im really nervous. Never wore anything actually nice in my life.

    Im kinda excited but kinda scared. My boyfriend is super excited and now i have to go dress shopping apparently...
    Either way it will be fun and it will be nice to be on a beach for a few days. afterwords im sure ill wind up in the ocean. I always do :3


    We, of course, stated that we aint complying.

    School funding is on the line.. This isnt good. *Sigh*

  • Hellon
    8 years ago

    I went through Perth (Australia) airport a couple of weeks ago and the departure lounge has now got a unisex toilet as well as male and female. This is a new addition as it wasn't there in January...small step yes, but definately a step in the right direction. Keeps everyone happy I think.

  • Brookie
    8 years ago


    So this has gotten to the national level.

    Hellon, i agree to an extent. It still hurts people who are in stealth, though i believe they should be added