Teen Beaten To Death in High School...

  • Britt
    8 years ago


    This is horrifying to see.

    How does this happen? We hear about bullying every single day, but this, over a boy? I'm sure the intent wasn't to kill, but things happen every day, and you just never know. How do we teach people differently? My heart just hurts reading this news story. I'm a rollercoaster of emotions between sad and downright angry.

  • Bob Shank
    8 years ago


    one today in wilmington , del

    unbelievable, when is this nonsense going to stop....so sad, it's a shame that our children have so much other things to deal with rather than just going to school to get an education......no tolerance, no phones, and constant supervision is the only way to protect them.

  • Britt
    8 years ago

    When I was in school there was this girl who just had it out for me. I had gossiped about her with a mutual friend (wrong on my part), and I owned up to it. She cornered me with a bunch of her friends and I just kept thinking yep, this is where I'm going to die.

    I missed almost my whole Sophomore year because I was terrified of this girl. And cops couldn't do a thing. The school refused to do anything. This girl was allowed to bully me over one small mistake (the gossip, while true, wasn't damaging, and she talked about it with people).

    Someone told me the next time I wore a dress, they'd light me on fire. In front of the administrators.. and they LAUGHED. An adult laughed at a death threat. Are you joking me?

    We've become a society of being afraid to hurt peoples feelings all while allowing children to kill one another? What?

  • silvershoes
    8 years ago

    Two boys beat me until I was nearly unconscious after school in 4th grade. One of them had been dumped by my friend, who was too scared to break up with him, so I broke up with him for her. Could've died that day, but my mom was worried since I hadn't gotten home yet and decided to drive to my elementary school.

    Britt, that's horrible. I experienced something similar in high school. How can some kids be so cruel? Gossip, sure, I'm guilty. Death threats, vicious attacks, bringing loaded guns to school... It's getting out of control. Modernity has made the youth sick.

  • Britt
    8 years ago

    Oh my gosh, 4th grade?!?! Not that being 15 is any better, but freaking 9 years old?

    I think society misplaces their anger and/or blame... we blame stuff and things instead of hearts and mental illness and core reasons of problems.

  • Brookie
    8 years ago

    The highschool i went to had a horrible indecent

    This guy who had a lot of depression and he was really big into his faith with God, what wound up happening was that his best friend, his girl friend, and his best friends best friend wound up tying him up and read his fate through tarot cards and killed him in the ways that was shown. This included beating him with hammers till he was unidentifiable. WHen he was found they originally had no idea what the gender of the body was.

    This was huge and scary. I was good friends with all of them. scary stuff

    Edit: http://www.wral.com/news/local/story/8291262/

    The first link i could find on it

    As for myself, at one point i lived an a wannabe ghetto. (it wasnt by any standards) but i was the only white kid in the area and out of any of my classes i was one of 3 in a class of 30 or so. This was elementary school. Everyday i got beat up, it got to the point where i wouldnt go outside for recess because the bullying wouldnt stop. People would threaten my life almost daily. You know those bullying documentaries? Yeah it was a lot like those. This was about two years, eventually i stopped communicating to people created 0 friends through middle school cause i kept to myself and read. In highschool though i because really popular and i didnt know how to deal with it and honestly didnt like it. I was weird. but i was still bullied by people in my neighborhood growing up till we moved. Was very nice to move.

  • Britt
    8 years ago


  • Brookie
    8 years ago


    I was used to go over the the guys house daily...it was pretty bad. no one is quite sure still *why* it happened. they say its because of relationship but i mean.. They were both in an open relationship.. They already knew that. It was for some other reasons and i was confirmed it was but no one will tell me why @.@

  • Poet on the Piano
    8 years ago

    ^ My gosh, my heart breaks reading this, Brooke. And to Britt and Jane, that's horrible that that happened to you. There are no words for how awful that is. Bullying still shocks me. And Britt? That reminds me of a movie I watched where the police couldn't do anything because it was all based on accounts from other kids, no eye witnesses I guess. And I've heard too it's hard to make laws because a lot of bullying can be done online or can't be traced. But it just blows my mind that a death threat wouldn't be taken seriously. My mom said awhile ago, she works at a public school, when she was attending a conference for those working for our city's schools, some of the employees said to just expect bullying and try to minimize the damage. But the speaker was trying to stress that there should be zero tolerance. Just because bullying may happen frequently, we shouldn't believe there's nothing we can do to prevent it.

    I never really saw physical violence or bullying in front of me. I was homeschooled almost up til 5th grade and maybe I missed what was around me but I saw more of rumors and cliques, especially in private schools. The way people talked to each other behind their back made me want to puke. Senior year in high school I realized who really were my friends because I realized the way they were acting toward almost everybody else, judging and I didn't want to be around their negativity anymore. I think I realized how much gossip there was in my late junior year... I was told that my friend K was voted to be editor of the newspaper (while I was on a trip away from home) I had been working on for years. I had been interested in the position too but was gone for the voting. It was fine she was leading but she started treating me differently, condescending, even though we had been partners for years. At lunch one time when I wasn't there, someone suggested that I don't even do anything for the newspaper, so why am I there. My friends later told me what they overheard as they were at the same table but didn't stick up for me. I decided to quit newspaper not because I was jealous of K but didn't enjoy it anymore or how I was treated.

    Girls can be nasty lol. Not worth the drama.

    Rambling on... I just hope bullying will never desensitize us. It hurts that children and youth are being abused in any way, but especially with physical violence. It makes me wonder if the bullies have no healthy way to express their feelings, or if they experience violence or abuse firsthand in their homes.

  • Larry Chamberlin
    8 years ago

    You all are relating a parent's worst fear for their children. While I was the "regular"victim of bullying in grade school it never amounted to what you all describe. In fact, being the youngest brother, I learned to fight back early on.

    Still, I have no idea how I raised four children without them becoming victims.

    And Brooke, I remember other incidents you referred to in a past incarnation as Nei. It has not been easy for you and I am more than a little relieved that your mom and gma have come around to support you. I hope the rest of your family does likewise. Meanwhile, I am very proud that you turned your circumstances around and managed to survive the depression.

  • Brookie
    8 years ago

    ^ I seemed to have survived and thrived. Sadly though my bf has lost his job recently so the name change process is put to a small hold. Simply because money for house > name change. Plus its wayto expensive compared to what it needs to be.

  • Em
    8 years ago

    This is awful. I was bullied but not so badly. How times change. I fear for the kids of today.

  • Ben Pickard
    8 years ago

    One of the many reasons we decided to home school. Children, parents, technology and society in general are out of control. It's disgusting.

  • Red Yoshi
    8 years ago

    It happened to me too but my parents were the ones doing it. I digress.

  • -Choke-On-MY-Halo-
    8 years ago

    God bless to that child

  • silvershoes
    8 years ago

    Hugs to you, Red Yoshi.

  • Em
    8 years ago

    Ben totally agree.

    Red Yoshi, hugs!! X