Black Lives Matter

  • Yakari Gabriel
    8 years ago

    You seeing it first hand does not equal you experiencing the feeling of it. Mr. Shank.
    the article was not problematic at all.

  • Bob Shank
    8 years ago

    Never said that it did, can't imagine it, can't even be compared to any discriminations I've ever faced for being an ex-con. That's your opinion on the article, to me, it's very problematic, a lot of the rhetoric in regards to this situation and many situations before it are problematic. Civil rights and affirmative action is problematic to me, though it's necessary, it never should have been, if all people are truly created equal. But we all have opinions, so to me, it's problematic.

  • Bob Shank
    8 years ago

    Has anyone seen the pictures of both parties new interns, if you don't notice the problem, then that's the problem.

  • Sunshine
    8 years ago

    I'm voting for Jill stein

  • Larry Chamberlin
    8 years ago

    I'm still voting for Hillary

  • Bob Shank
    8 years ago

    That was my first choice, Cruz believe it or not was my second, but with the addition of Tim Kaine, I like my choice even more now, wow, I don't know why this guy didn't run himself, his story is unbelievable.

  • Britt
    8 years ago

    Bob that's really surprising Cruz was your next pick. Why Cruz?

    I don't know much about Tim Kaine. Gotta research!

  • silvershoes
    8 years ago

    I read up on Tim Kaine today and am generally pleased with his stances "on the issues." He's a Democrat, but he seems to lean more moderate, which is hopefully appealing to both political sides. Maybe that makes him a "safe" pick and not a VP Bernie would've selected, but he's not a BAD pick by any means. He votes fairly and doesn't allow his personal choices to cloud his judgment on democracy. For instance, he's a devout Catholic who is strongly against abortion, but he believes in the right to choose (individual choice) and votes accordingly.

  • Sunshine
    8 years ago

    He seems to be a good pick for the way the democratic party is headed. Hillary i believe will lose in a landslide.

  • Yakari Gabriel
    8 years ago

    You guys,

    when can we tell Donald that we got the joke and its not funny no more?

    yesterday he tweeted 'waist' instead of 'waste'

    ,,,when is god going to put his hands in this situation??!!!

  • Sunshine
    8 years ago

    Sadly, probably never. Republicans and democrats hate each other, and independents hate democrats because they think they rigged the election. Shrug.

  • Larry Chamberlin
    8 years ago

    There's always a bounce up from a convention
    Expect the same from the DNC for Hillary
    The real polls aren't close to accurate until October

  • Bob Shank
    8 years ago

    I believe in the constitution of the United States, if you read it, it is a formidable document, intended by the forefathers to be the guide to governing with democracy, there wasn't a better or more qualified candidate bar none than Cruz as far as the constitution goes, he knows it inside and out, and that is one of the main reasons why his own senators didn't like him, because he did everything by the constitution and stood against them when they tried to veer from it. Hope that answers your question.

    On trump, the fact that this race is even close should be an embarrassment to all democrats, republican and independents period., you think anything can get worse, you can't even imagine what a trump presidency will bring, maybe even the end of america as we know it, if you vote for anyone else other than someone who can legitimately win , then you're a sellout, not to your party, but to the country. There's only one way to beat this racist, divisive, ignorant ass, and that's to unite and get out more votes than ever, make history, make it a blow out, because America needs to know that under no circumstances can we ever allow a maggot like despicable don any where near the white house. EVER

    waist....waste, He's got a big brain Yak Yak, he probably tripped over his pathetic

  • Britt
    8 years ago

    Cruz was one of my front runners, so I definitely agree with you on those points. I just didn't see you supporting him, I don't know why lol.

    Do we have any Trump supporters here?

    Tell me something good - Hillary supporters, why should I vote for her? Don't you dare tell me because she's a woman. That doesn't get my vote.

    Same for Trump supporters if we have any lol

  • Hellon
    8 years ago

    I wouldn't say I was a Trump supporter...not by a long shot but, after reading this article I will admit I stopped to ponder on one of his controversial policies...banning muslims from entering American. As you can see, it was published in 2004 so, it's not something that has been written to fit into the current situation or, to fit any particular agenda. Just wondering what your thoughts on this are and also if anyone can confirm/deny or explain al-taqiyya?

  • silvershoes
    8 years ago

    I don't know anyone voting for Hillary because she's a woman. Gotta come back to this tomorrow.

  • Britt
    8 years ago

    Jane, sadly, I do. Most of the women in my family voted for Obama because of his skin color, and now support Hillary because she's female. They literally don't pay attention to any politics, and based on the things they openly support, they would not support these people's policies. I have a cousin who votes based on who is best looking. It's infuriating.

  • Bob Shank
    8 years ago

    Read the following link, I grew up in this, trump didn't just become a racist, like his daddy before him, he's been one for a long time. What trump won't tell people is that the muslims themselves don't condone ISIS and are the main ones fighting them, another thing he won't say is how many people of the Islamic faith have fought and defended this country against muslims themselves.....

    as for Obama, many people did vote for him because he was black, and many didn't vote for him because he was black, some congressmen were even heard saying they would never work with that (n), pitiful....

    Some people will vote for hillary and some won't because she's a woman, even women themselves who are catty as hell won't vote for someone more successful than them, it's fact. But I'm going to be honest, even though I do like making an educated vote on who could best help all the people and not just some, if I were a woman I would vote for hillary just to stick it to all these men who have oppressed women's rights for years, and trump is one of the worst at treating women like possessions.

  • Yakari Gabriel
    8 years ago

    Its all conspiracy at this point
    its a scheme

    they making trump a joke, so it forces people to vote for Killary.

    ya'll need to check the hashtag #IGuessImwithHer
    it so so hilarious...........

  • Britt
    8 years ago

    I can't believe how much I flat don't care who wins the presidency. I'll still vote, but I don't really want to.

    Putting it all into context, I am really beginning to appreciate how our country exchanges "powers" and the presidency/leadership. How many other countries in this world sheds blood in the streets in order to take a leader down and change roles? As insane as it is, it's quite peaceful in the grand scheme of things.

    I heard a black preacher say he is sick of hearing that we've never been more divided than we are now, when he lived through segregation years ago (the man is in his late 70's). It was an amazing message that talks about while we still have a long way to go, we're not where we used to be. And while yes, it's bad, we have a launching pad to go from.

    I'm ping ponging a lot but just lots-o-thoughts.

  • Bob Shank
    8 years ago

    Nobody in the history of politics ever, let me say that again, ever, has been scrutinized, berated, conspired against, had more mislead information about them then Hillary Clinton, by no means do I think all of it is unjustified, but I'm still waiting for the "she knows where Hoffa's body is " allegation. Meanwhile trump was given two months where nobody did any investigations on him, because it was and still is a clowns show. People can ignore all the facts they want, he's had a free pass until they started finding out bits and pieces of who he really is, and I could care less who you support, but do it honestly, don't post unfounded BS, and as Cruz and others have said, vote your conscience.

    if people don't think segregation doesn't exist today, they are only kidding themselves, course it's by design and easily accepted.

  • Hellon
    8 years ago

    I'm not sure if refusing a person housing because of their skin colour ( very racist IMO) and trying to stop persons, deemed a threat to a country and it's people, from entering it's borders should be regarded as the same thing.

    I don't mean to sound racist but...I'm now very much afraid of this world we live in. I feel very uncomfortable travelling for example and, I hate that I have to constantly be aware of my fellow travellers and what they are up to...I try to avoid public places when I can...I will no longer sit in a cafe and just watch the world go scares me too much.

    I questioned al-taqiyya and, so far, no one has come forward to explain/defend it so, there is nothing so far to persuade me away from Trump's policy.

  • Bob Shank
    8 years ago

    Trump's policy's, lmao...he doesn't have any policies other than to make people live in fear, one day he says ban the muslims, the next day his stance changes, he also says to stop people from hiring illegal immigrants, yet just requested to be allowed to bring a work force in from abroad with temporary work visas. I don't get it. and you don't find discrimination , racist? you don't find calling an entire ethnicity "rapist's and drug dealers racist'?.

    his rhetoric is spewing hatred and actually making it worse for people across the globe, this clown is actually the world's enemy by inflaming the passions of terrorist groups, if you can't see that then, I don't know what to tell you. Personally I refuse to live in fear for myself, now my boys, that's different, but it is because of them I would never support such a maggot, period

  • Hellon
    8 years ago

    Bob, I never said I was a Trump supporter just that I was pondering one of his policies and I gave the reason why. I've thought about this a fair bit over these last few days and I conclude that I have subconsiously become a racist, albeit a selective one. This is not borne out of hatred no, it's borne out of fear ,a fear that I loath but it's there regardless. I hate when my grandchildren go to the cinema, I even hate it when they go to the playground...something they all enjoy but I sigh with releif when they return safely. I know I can't wrap them up in cotton wool but, I don't think I should have to feel that way.

    Anyway, getting back to my main reason for this fear I How can you trust a person who can lie without conscience? How can you trust someone who's religion tells them it's ok to do so?

    As for Trump being a clown and a dangerous man...yip! I wholeheartedly agree with that.

  • Bob Shank
    8 years ago

    I remember December 14, 2012, like it was yesterday, I thought about shielding my son from the world and never letting him out of my sight, but then I had to realize that he has to have a chance to live, to experience life, and that we can be cautious, but not live in fear. I value his life far more than I do my own, and yet it is necessary to entrust it in the hands of humanity and hope they value it as well. "the innocence of a child is in the mind of and adult", cherish that responsibility.

    ^I actually just wrote this in the morning before I saw your post. The world is a very dangerous place, people have no value for life anymore , we've lost respect for one another, it's a scary place, I don't live in fear for me, but I do for my sons and your sons, I look at the people in america who allow fear to control them, because of religious differences and the skin color, and yet the very ones that have the most fear have been killed more by their own circle than anyone else, fact.

  • Bob Shank
    8 years ago

    Now that the conventions are over, did anyone notice the huge differences.

  • Colm
    8 years ago

    As regards the presidency, I feel sorry for Americans that with such a large population, Hilary and Trump are who you are left with.

    I can honestly see Trump winning, it wouldn't surprise me one bit. Polls I've seen have been steadily closing for the past few months. It has parallels to the Brexit vote imo, where a large part of the choice comes down to establishment vs anti-establishment. Nobody thought Brexit would happen but it grew legs. In a way, Trump is in a much easier position as he can go on the offensive as the 'underdog' whereas Hilary has her long career to defend. Trump is effective in debates too, and doesn't it usually come down to a few swing states?

    P.S. The conventions are a circus. I thought they were crazy when I saw them on House of Cards, in reality they are even worse.

  • Britt
    8 years ago

    Bob I didn't watch them both, what were the differences?

    I did however see all these amazing clips of Bill Clinton with the balloons. I'm not making fun at all, it actually gave me pure joy to watch him so excited lol. He looked like he was so happy.

  • Sunshine
    8 years ago

    "May your choices reflect your hope, not your fears" Nelson Mandela

  • Sunshine
    8 years ago

    I'm not afraid of trump or hillary. But i am green party. I don't like my choices so I'm making a new one

  • silvershoes
    8 years ago

    I like Jill Stein. She won't win. Our next President will be Trump or Hillary. I strongly believe if you prefer one over the other, that is the person you should vote for this election. I also strongly believe our 2-party system is awful, but steps need to be made at the local and state level. Voting Green or Independent this election will be a throwaway.
    I am hopeful that I will see a drastic change in our government this lifetime. I am afraid the Democratic party is being tactfully split so that Trump will have a guaranteed seat in the Oval Office.

    Remember, Trump did not win the Republican party by a landslide. He won by 40%. That other 60% was divided among multiple candidates. You don't have to win the Presidency by more than 50%, you just have to win more than the other candidates. If Trump gets 46% votes, Hillary gets 43% votes, and other parties get 11% votes (combined), guess what happens! Hello President Trump. That is not a risk I'm willing to take.

  • Bob Shank
    8 years ago

    The difference was so easy to see, it was the diversity of the crowds and the speakers, it wasn't even close, but was so obvious.

    as for the parties, I don't think there should be parties, there should be primaries either, want to run, establish yourself, have debates, let the voters choose, whoever gets the most votes nationwide wins, over,

    trump and debates, he's ignorant, everytime he comes to a part that he doesn't understand, he deflects by cutting down his opponents , that worked well in the primaries, I doubt people will be dumb enough to allow it to be effective on the big stage. then again, most of these supporters on either side aren't acting like they are too bright anyways. voting for anyone but trump or hillary is a wasted vote unless they get on the debate stage and can pick up a lot of steam like sanders did, if you don't like any of them, don't vote, that is a vote. but don't vote for one to spite the other, vote on platforms and issues, who will better serve ALL the people of this country