
  • Liz
    8 years ago

    There will definitely be an uproar. No matter who wins

  • silvershoes
    8 years ago

    You know what keeps running through my head now? All of the elderly women who thought they might see the first woman President and they were full of so much hope and positivity. Hope that they'd get to witness how much we have changed. How far we have come. And how many of these old women who voted for Clinton will die with their hopes dashed?
    Die thinking nothing has changed.

    I know. Morbid. But this is the reality.

    I did not know Trump's presidency would make me feel this way. I feel like a second class citizen. Like I don't matter because I am a woman. I am going to throw up.

  • Brookie
    8 years ago

    We did it to ourselves.. 62% of white women voted for trump (i believe that was the numbers, i can no longer find where i got that number from though)... White women in college are the only ones who voted to clinton with large numbers.... POC women it was like 80% or something...

    But white women... Man... We apparently love trump.

  • silvershoes
    8 years ago

    Self-loathing. Wives at the whim of their husbands. Who knows. Sexism is heavily engrained. I believe with my whole heart that if Trump was a woman and Clinton a man (with their exact levels of experience and their characters), we'd see a very different result.
    I also think just like Bush, Trump will be a clown (hopefully not a tyrant (fingers crossed)) and next election will be totally different. We'll have learned our lesson. Again. I feel weak. Dizzy.
    The problem is not that he's a conservative. Not that he's a republican. It's that he's an entitled, sexist, racist man with the mindset of a child, and with a republican congress, no one will be able to stop him.

  • Hellon
    8 years ago

    I can only wonder how it will affect you guys in America...the next few weeks will have everyone holding their breath for sure. Here in Australia this is how today has affected my superannuation fund...(that's the one that is supposed to keep me above the poverty line when I retire) has virtually been wiped out. Something like 47k of Australia's stock investments is floating around in cyber space right now ..hopefully Donald will not be able to get his greedy hands on it before the stock market stabilises....

  • silvershoes
    8 years ago

    Yep, stock market tanked.

    I'm in a daze.
    A nightmare.

    I had an influx of messages come tonight from friends and family who are women, minorities, gays, and immigrants. All searching for comfort or some shred of hope. As Brooke said, white women turned out to vote for Trump.. I saw a chart with what each party thinks of the opposition. Words describing Trump were across the board: dishonest, poor businessman, sexist, racist, etc. One word unified people against Hillary: Liar. Although Trump lies tenfold compared to Clinton, she has been overwhelmingly deemed THE liar.

    Hello darkness my old friend.

    The phrase that people often agree on for Trump? He tells it like it is.
    As an impulsive liar who changes his mind every 5 minutes, I can only assume telling it like it is comes down to a few things that do not change: his horrible opinions of women, people of color, the disabled, immigrants, and gays.

    Give the people what they want.

  • Em
    8 years ago

    All I can say is what the hell!!

    So sorry to all you Americans.

  • Nicko
    8 years ago

    America has gone to hell in a handbag .. this is just unbelievable, outside of America Trump is thought of as an absolute moron

    I can't imagine anybody voting for him, FUCK me...

  • silvershoes
    8 years ago

    It is heartbreaking... I am ashamed, sad, scared. Please welcome the star of the reality TV show, The Apprentice, also known as our next president of the United States.

    We are a complete and utter joke. The saddest part is white women voted him in. You heard me. Women. Icing on the cake, that's what I call that.

    I am going to try to sleep again. From a waking nightmare hopefully to dreamless sleep. I'm emotionally exhausted.

  • Brookie
    8 years ago

    So while trump is president im just going to inform you all that im going BACK into the closet. Ill cut my hair and pull out those baggy uncomfortable clothes and just pretend because its safe being a white man.

    - This is obviously me being sarcastic.

    But seriously ive had LGBT friends who were thinking of coming out crying and calling me asking if they should wait 4 years.

    Fuck no that man shouldnt control them like that but that kind of fear really sucks. its not something easy to deal with when you feel like your putting a target on your chest already. Man and flordia. WTF. you just had the largest shooting and a few other things *glares*

    Ive never seen an election like this. Hate crimes in USA has already risen since trump started talking shit
    Hate crimes for other minorities will come too, when the violent supporters come out of the floorboards.

    Holocaust survivors have mentioned that this seems just like then... (i dont think it will get anywhere near that bad)
    But im still worried of war and public relations

    Obama had a lot of flaws but worked really well with our relations (in general)

    Im just going to wait till that blows up.

    I still cant believe i have friends and kids that are delaying their coming out over fear of this man. and i guess what follows.

    Republican house, Republican Senate, and a Republican Supreme Court

    This is what im worried about. THe president has a lot of say and a lot of sway in the party... Things might changed drastically over 4 years...

    Okay im rambling now.
    *goes away and gets off her cute little LGBT stadium shes standing on*

  • Britt
    8 years ago

    Jane, re: Republican Congress, I wouldn't worry as much about it. Republicans are incredibly divided over Trump and many will block things just because his name is attached.

    I just listened to his acceptance speech and you know what I heard? Love and appreciation for Hillary Clinton. Talked about unity and serving all Americans.

    This was a time where the man already won. I expected gloating and honestly a crap storm of ha ha, you suck, we won etc. I have to say I was wholeheartedly surprised by his speech. He could have said anything and his followers would have cheered and backed him, he had no new votes to pander to. Not defending him by any means, I just thought it was interesting and gave me a tiny sliver of hope.

    Those of you who know me well or are friends with me on FB know I am a conservative but I'm a Jesus follower more importantly. I choose love, not fear. I choose peace, not anxiety. For those of you who may be believers, God literally used the worst of the worst to do amazing things. I understand as a white heterosexual I have a different privilege. I understand that. But I can't change it. Nor can you change your color etc. But what we can do is be an example. I will love those across political lines. I will serve them. I will be friends with them. I will try to understand them. I will try to be the exception to the rule. Get out there and be a blessing to someone today, in spite of your fears. We will never change people's minds by being hateful and angry and scared.

    Maybe I'm talking more to the people who are similar to me. Maybe I'm not resonating at all with someone totally different than me. But let me just tell you, people change. Compassion grows. This won't be the end of America, guys. It will be okay. Breathe through this. We're five seconds in and already planning our suicide. Stop. That's what they want. They want us to divide and hate and kill one another. America can be great again, IF WE DECIDE TO LOVE OUR NEIGHBOR.

    We have to stop with the hate. We have to. Be different. Be kind.

  • Maple Tree
    8 years ago

    All I can say is this.....

    When our homeless population doubles in percentage, when benefits are cut and when hatred, crime, and racism reaches new heights...there is nothing we can say or do....

    I have zero respect for this man. Zero.

  • Britt
    8 years ago

    Then people need to rise up out of this fear and do something. Volunteer. Donate. I know you do these things Andrea but I know many who don't and sit behind a computer and spread hate (on ALL sides). We need to stop thinking our government will fix everything and realize we must be the change we wish to see. I learned this from years of being absolutely terrified of Obama. My little town has come leaps and bounds out of the fear in his presidency because we came together, loved well, and our charities are EXPLODING with goodness and kindness and love. Fight the mentality they want you to have!

  • Maple Tree
    8 years ago

    You are correct Britt....

    Our city, along with other city's are doing great things for our homeless for instance, however....if our programs are cut by the government, which Trump has promised to do....then it's going to be a nightmare.... I will continue to do all that I others are doing as well....but I'm honestly worried....

  • Ben Pickard
    8 years ago

    I don't know, and while there is every evidence to the contrary, I honestly believe that Trump will tone down his rhetoric and (frankly) his idiotic quips etc from now on, lest run the risk of being the most unpopular president ever (which will take some doing).
    As for minority groups being afraid, I have to be honest, what can he possibly do to them? Hang them? Yes, he is president; he isn't God.
    The fact remains that through the years (and this applies to most countries) things are gradually getting worse. Obama meant well, possibly, but was unable to achieve anything useful. Trump might be a complete ass, but he won't run the country into the ground on purpose. He - like most politicians - wants to go down as a great man/person.
    Having said all that, I 'm fully aware that most of them fail categorically and he seems a prime candidate to join that infamous gathering. But let's not hang him before he's done anything wrong , despite the likelihood of that happening.
    If it's simply the fact that he's a wretched person and people believe the things he's said and done are quite wrong enough already, well, not too many occupants of the White House have been the upstanding citizens they should be.
    It does seem a shame, however, that America has moved from its first black president and all the hope and progression that brings with it to Donald Trump!
    Good luck guys!

    *Jane, I do agree with you wholeheartedly, by the way. If Clinton was a man, a few dodgy emails would have been entirely irrelevant.

  • Britt
    8 years ago

    I think the scary thing is that people who wholeheartedly support Trump can now be categorized as racist and sexist. And a chunk of them are. Absolutely not denying that fact one bit. So by these people confidently coming out of the woodwork, we're seeing crimes against minority groups. The problem is these same people, I believe, are the ones committing the same crimes anyway, we just see their ugly Trump gear lol. The ugliness has always been there, now it just has a bigger face to it to "join" under.

    But not all people who voted for him believe he stands for everything they do. I will never find a candidate that aligns with me 100%... never. Just not possible.

    I agree with he will tone down. I don't believe he will try to put in policies to cut benefits. All the republicans I know are VERY pro Veteran's services. The problem with our political system (among many reasons) is we have earmarked bills. What you're being told is Republicans are voting against a bill with money for Veteran's services, but they don't mention there is an abortion clause in there somewhere. This is done on both sides -- our party system is SO skewed and messed up. Repubs put in their special interests and Dems shoot it down, so now they're anti-whatever. It's a mess. We gotta see past the smokescreens they put in front of us.

    I want Trump to do well. I want him to succeed. I want him to be the best President we have ever seen. You know why? Because I want America to do well, and I want them to succeed. I want a thriving economy, I want unemployment lines smaller and welfare lines smaller because there are better paying jobs, or jobs in general out there. I want charities to support their towns more, churches to step out and take care of those we are called to take care of by embracing minorities and groups such as the LGBTQ. I want so badly to see unity in this country. Unity, love, support, thriving economics, that's what will make America great again. Not the hatred Trump spewed, not the hatred the anti-Trumps are now spewing. That's a vicious cycle. Science tells us negative/bad thoughts literally poison our brains. We've got to stop doing this to ourselves.

    I was literally terrified when Obama came into office, guys. Honest. I started researching shelter bunkers, stockpiling ammo because he's gonna take our guns and ammo... seriously. Full blown conspiracy theorist. I was pleasantly surprised and incredibly relieved. I've grown a lot. I've realized the President does not control everything. I've learned not everyone who voted for one person believes everything they do, because I'm that person. I believe in the primaries and the election process, they're going to carry a big stick, but when it comes down to it... that's all they have. No strength to swing. Take heart, friends. We're going to be okay.

  • Brookie
    8 years ago

    I know he will tone it down but he just gave someone with no resume for the job the highest position... I pray good things happen... But at the same time i worry about the mistakes he could make without realizing it.

    Also lol @ canads's immigrant site went d own last night

  • Britt
    8 years ago

    And the Republican's 8 years ago said Obama has no military experience and we put him in charge of the military.. how could that happen?

    And it was okay, because advisors. If his advisors can just advise him to shut his mouth.... lol.

  • Brookie
    8 years ago

    ^ Understood that. I was just a little blown away by that thought like, could i go apply to be a doctor? Man. I would take that up.

    Anywho. back to my boring life, i just hope this dies down and it isnt a scene after scene

  • Liz
    8 years ago

    Brookie, I now see what you were talking about when you mentioned Harambe. Apparently the dead gorilla got over 15,000 write-in votes? I don't see how anyone could have thought that was funny. It's pretty pathetic and embarrassing, if you ask me. I haven't checked if it's real or not, but I hope it isn't

  • silvershoes
    8 years ago

    Britt, I am trying hard to understand... why was anyone afraid of Barack taking their guns when he wanted to tighten gun control up, like Hillary, not take them away? Why was his lack of military experience unbelievable when he graduated college after the Vietnam war ended and he never dodged the draft because he was not drafted? I can't help feeling that Obama was scary for some people because they thought their white privilege was threatened. Period. I heard people call him all kinds of things as fear-mongering... a socialist, Muslim, terrorist, foreign born. None of it true. He never said he'd take away guns and he has called service in the military ennobling and honorable. The fear instilled around Obama was made up by people who had already decided they hated him.
    As for Trump, the fear many of us have is based not on what we suspect, but on his own words and actions. That is the fundamental difference. Mexican immigrants are rapists, we're going to build a wall and make 'them' build it, a woman with a curvy figure is a pig, global warming isn't real, a deaf person is retarded, we "have to treat women like shit," our military will be forced to commit war crimes... the list goes on. Having grown up in a diverse area, my facebook newsfeed is riddled with terror from Muslims, Indians, Blacks, Hispanics... People are scared of Trump's words about them. His threats against them. Real, not suspected or deducted somehow like the fear (from what I gather) that surrounded Obama. Lack of experience is just the start of it. The guy makes up articles in the constitution because he doesn't know what they are :( He dodged the draft how many times? If no military experience is concerning then draft dodging must be worse. I am not all that scared for me. Yes, a little, but this is a setback for women, not a death sentence. I am scared for my friends and family. Kevin and I might marry an undocumented immigrant couple with children who have lived here for over a decade so that their family isn't ripped apart. They are our friends. They work so hard to be here and are honest, good people. The man works 3 jobs and is paid under the table and sometimes his bosses choose not to pay him. He needs help, not to be thrown out like garbage. He's not a rapist, Trump. He is one of the most decent people I know and he escaped starvation at home. Why can we not open our hearts to these people in need? My best friend's mom(s) married each other when gay marriage became legal. They had been together for decades. One of them has been laying in bed crying all day today because she is scared her marriage is going to be taken from her. I don't know what that feels like, but it hurts my heart. I have so many people on my newsfeed feeling like they've been let down. They feel like the election of Trump has told them they don't matter. As a woman and a feminist, I have some semblance of that feeling, but I still have important privileges tied up in my heterosexuality and my being white. What for those who have multiple aspects of a person that Trump outwardly condemns? I will stand strong for them. If I see or hear intolerance, I won't mind my own business. I'll call it by its name. How do you get through to someone who has held racists or sexist or homophobic views for their whole lives? That's where I'm at a loss. It takes friendship and years of communication and maybe you can change the heart of one or two people. How do we change millions? I can't help the hopeless feeling today. I hope that tomorrow I can pull myself together and lend the support so many of my friends and family desperately need right now. They need to be told they're loved and valued and those of us who understand will fight. Today I need to be held by my boyfriend and loved on by my cats and maybe call my dad so he can reassure me I matter. I need to hear it from an older man today that I do matter and no one can grab me by me privates and get away with it. That it's not okay to be spoken about like that and good men care.
    I hope Trump's advisors tone down his hate speech. For many, the damage has been done with his words already and now we wait to see how much his actions hurt. I was not surprised by his acceptance speech. He won and he was in a room full of people who support and accept him. When Trump is being flattered and no one speaks a word of dissent, he is gracious. Always has been. He was also ill-prepared and said a lot of the meaningless things he relies on: we're going to do great things, wonderful things, and we're going to do them together. Something like that. It's a lot of air. It means nothing. I'm not worried about how little good he does though. It would be okay if he barely does any good so long as he doesn't do a lot of harm. That's my opinion.

    Andrea, now might be the time to start gathering donations for the homeless shelters in preparation.

  • Britt
    8 years ago


    This came across my timeline today and just thought I'd post.

    Jane, I feared Obama because the media I listened to told me to. Fear mongering. The world was going to combust. It didn't. Guns aren't taken away. I was wrong, and I have readily and completely admitted that. I've grown, expanded my knowledge and compassion, and am a different person than I was 8 years ago.

    That's as far as I got and I can't take the time I want to really respond so I'm definitely coming back. Work is calling :/

    Okay that didn't take as long as I thought. Jane, I don't like Trump. I don't like his views on women. I don't like the comments he has made about Hispanics and this ridiculous wall. Regarding the wall, I really believe that's one of those "my bark is big" to try and pander to the off-the-wall people. I think the things said are absolutely ridiculous (by him, not what you're saying). I honest to God wish he'd put a muzzle on and not speak for the next 4 years.

    But where does this get me? Stewing and spinning and freaking out and feeling sick about a man who doesn't truly have the power everyone honestly thinks he does.... I won't do that to myself. I voted knowing no matter who I voted for 1. Didn't matter because I am in Oregon, and a vote for anyone else but Hillary TRULY did not matter, and 2. I didn't support any of my options. Do I just not vote? I thought about only voting local. Then I thought about eeny-meeny-miny-moeing. Honest to God. I was sick when I voted. I prayed hard. I let the boxes stay unchecked and my ballot (Oregon votes by mail) sitting on my table for 2 weeks until it was literally 6pm Tuesday. I hated having to vote for the first time in my adult life. I'm not happy. I'm not excited. I'm not proud. I'm disgusted.

    But I also know that God's in control. And it's hard for me to go into all of that on PnQ because the majority is not believers and I 1. don't want to beat a dead horse and 2. don't want people to feel like I'm ramming my beliefs down their throat. So it's a crapshoot for me to go into, to be honest.

    So what I do, is I decide that even though the pick isn't good, I know good things can happen. I know that people can now take a really beautiful opportunity to teach others. I can rise above the hate. It's disgusting what I see on Facebook today - -people who couldn't stand Trump because of his hate speech are spewing some of the most heinous hate I've seen - calling for his assassination, calling for white people to be hanged, calling for "f-ing Christians to burn in their hell", that any woman who voted for Trump deserved to be raped and skinned alive.... WHAT????? How is that not hate speech? Truly? I choose to ignore. I choose to rise above. I choose to love. I'm not telling you all this to toot my own horn, but I made a donation to charities I never had before for communities and groups that I don't relate to, but because they are hurting and I want them to know that I love them. I speak with my actions, I speak with my service, I speak with my money and my generosity. I speak with my love. We HAVE to do this! We can't sit and spin and stew over what's happening in the world, instead we have to go out and change it!

    It seems overwhelming, when there are millions who are broken and hurting and therefor hurting other people. It really is. But if one person can affect 2 people. And those 2 people affect 4 people..... see where I'm going? It's slow. But it's possible. I used to believe I wasn't racist until the BLM movement really came about and all of a sudden, my convictions showed me I was racist. I had black friends. I had black family. I thought that meant I couldn't possibly be racist. But my heart showed me otherwise in my actions, judgments and speech. And I changed. I support. I love. I give. I reach out. I stop my friends and family who make disgusting comments. I politely educate. I do what I can in my small tiny neck of the woods. It's overwhelming. It's hard. It feels like you're going to lose. But Jane, you've made an impact on opening my eyes and heart to see things. You're made a difference in my life, my views, my thoughts. You matter. Your efforts are not wasted. Do. Not. Stop.

    I feel like I'm missing something else that was said but can't remember and now work is calling again. :) <3

  • silvershoes
    8 years ago

    I will look at the link now.
    I am turning to my republican friends for wisdom right now and for a way to wrap my head around Trump as president. I value anything you have to say about it.

  • hiraeth
    8 years ago

    Did Obama ever get to fill Scalia's seat?

  • Brookie
    8 years ago

    No obama didnt.

    Also ill try to do the same


    Also britt that always blew my mind when people react to hate with hate... Especially that kind of stuff. thats just *so extreme*

    Im honestly more scared of pence then i am of trump. like.. Please i beg you do not assassinate trump.


    No one.

    Not anyone deserves sexual assault on *any* level. Thats a mental pain that will never go away.

    I just worry because we are becoming divided again. POC are saying these things to white groups... Like seriously do we need to create more hate out of this.

    Things will hopefully be okay. And il try to find some *friendly* republicans to ask more about what they believe will happen.. (the ones that im kinda living with are extremely racist and violent... just waiting to find a place where i can move)

    Thank you for the long post britt

  • Britt
    8 years ago

    Added more to my post up there, Jane. :)

    One thing I will say is take heart in knowing that a lot probably isn't going to change.

    Obama in his first 4 years had full democratic house and senate, didn't he? I feel like he did. He didn't come in like the Fox News media-spewers told us and ram it all down our throats. He didn't change everything overnight, but he also didn't take away our rights like the news promised, either.

    Trump won't be able to do these things. I know it seems really scary now. I KNOW it does. But you have to sit back and let it unfold a bit, and yet be active. Call out injustices. Get involved. Serve your community. Love well. He's going to say some stupid things, but so does every President. He's going to get some bills passed that you disagree with, but there will be a lot blocked. I don't think we'll see gay marriage changed... especially when it comes to the states. Correct me if I'm wrong because my brain is mush now, but he cannot change state laws by the signing of his name.

    Trump has a huge ego. HUGE ego. He's not going to want to fail. He wants his ego stroked, he is going to want to be the best of the best and have everyone know it. It'll be puke worthy, but I don't think he's going to do something the majority of America disagrees with. He's going to pander. He chose the VP he did to get the far right on board. He's way more moderate than you think. Again... words are words... wait and see what his policies do. I FREAKED out about Obama's policies until they started happening, and some I disagree with, but some were really great for our country, too. Trump can't snap his fingers and things be done. It's hard to have faith in our overall system, but the same system that would check and balance Obama and Hillary is the same system that checks and balances Trump.

  • Britt
    8 years ago

    For what it's worth, my husband just told me our stock took a huge increase because there is speculation now that the US will have more favorable tariffs on steel for American companies (we have steel stock). I know nothing about this kind of stuff but they're tying it to the election. Any ideas on why? lol my poor brain.

  • Brookie
    8 years ago

    Im mostly worried about the people.

    like a lot of my LGBT friends in texas are kinda screwed. My friend em had to leave her neighborhood, it turned to a hate crime. Her girlfriend had to leave the state because Em left to her moms & her mom hates lesbians.

    I have a lot of friends online in texas that are LGBT ( my theory is that its probably because they do not have a good community where they live so they t ouch out online more often ) that are really scared or had to move because of threats...

    Scary stuff... But im hoping it dies down. I know it will i just hope it does *soon*

    ~Will let a few people post so im not just spamming the boards~ and again britt thanks for the information

    Edit: Also Trump used to be a democrat so yes he is actually fairly moderate.

  • silvershoes
    8 years ago

    Thanks to both of you. I feel like I can breathe again. For now. I keep thinking "I'm so sorry" over and over again. I feel like I could've done more this election. Canvassed. Made calls. Rallied people.

    Britt, is it alright if I share your words? I have some friends feeling suicidal right now and if your words helped soothe me, maybe they'll help soothe others feeling even more desperate than me.

    Donald won't have as much power as we fear and the American people will hold him accountable. Hillary won the popular vote. All hope is not lost.

  • Britt
    8 years ago

    Dear heavens YES share away!!! My heart hurts for those who are so heartbroken over this. My political "side" may have "won", but when so many of our brothers and sisters are terrified and hurting, that's not a "win" for me.

  • Yakari Gabriel
    8 years ago


  • Britt
    8 years ago


    Oregon's governor. Did any interesting bills get passed locally for you guys??

  • Maggie
    8 years ago

    At least someone is smart enough to know trump used to be democratic. Thats where the unknown comes in. Will he lean right or left who knows. I heard he is against the tpp and citizens united so that makes me less nervous. I just wish people would research before screaming hes a vile person. I have a couple of women friends who said they've met him and hes actually a nice person. Who knows

  • Britt
    8 years ago

    I mean, in the 90's Trump said if he ever ran for President, he'd run as a Republican because they're so stupid..

    and overwhelmingly voted for him as a Republican lol

  • Yakari Gabriel
    8 years ago

    As a woman of color with so much family in the USA, as someone who knows in flesh what it is like to be an immigrant and as someone whose island is and will always be deeply affected by anything America does because American tourism is our primary bread. these are my feels..

    I am sad and I am hurt, because every time things are shaken. minorities are reminded of how little value our life has to the rest of the world.

    this is the price you pay for being born in a black or brown body, this is the price you pay for coming from countries that were colonized and robbed of everything.I hear people say "we need to give Donald Trump a chance because he has done no wrong yet" I hear people say "its minorities that commit all the crime anyways" disregarding that white people committed and keep on committing hate crimes against people of color and are not being held accountable for it.

    disregarding that Donald rose to power using hatred against people, disregarding that he had all the attention of the world and the best he could say we was that Mexicans were rapist and muslims need to be banned.

    this is our life day in and day out, seeing people berate, degrade, blame us for everything and still have the world be an open door for them. People of color are out here leaving their homelands and excelling, working mules, only to be generalized and be told we're not enough.

    Give Donald a chance? he was given it, he spit on everything that didn't fit his image of perfection and ya'll chose him. ya'll be living a comfortable life in a comfortable lie. it isn't about black and white cause we're human.. until not being white is the reason why you're not viewed as human to begin with.

    I hold no hatred in my heart against white people, and when I say I am tired of white people I mean I am tired of constantly having to defend my humanity. I am tired of feeling like I occupy space that does not belong to me. I am tired of constantly feeling like I am drowning in a system that is so invested in making sure a group of people does not progress.

    its not me, believe me. I've done the inside work. its you. its the system. by social standards i'm a too much of a good girl and that does not save me from hatred, it does not protect me from discrimination, it doesn't do anything for me. keep your respectability politics to yourself, cause honestly it doesn't mean shit.

    i've learned to hip roll and shake my hair when it hurts, because when you make pain look good it doesn't wear you out.
    I once heard Aleida Hector say that when America sneezes the whole world catches a cold, and i'm honestly sick right now.

  • silvershoes
    8 years ago

    Well said. Rania tagged Andrea and I in a post that further explains what voting for Trump says to Muslims. You might've voted for him for a lot of reasons that have nothing to do with his gender/race/religion politics, but he made those comments and they matter. It's selfish to think they don't matter because they won't affect you personally. Maybe white people haven't suffered enough to be able to properly empathize with those who weren't born into privilege (whiteness).

    Muslim woman in New York:
    "I covered a lot of Trump rallies as a journalist. I didn't feel any hatred. People were more curious than anything. I was never assaulted. I felt like most people were just supporting him because he wasn't part of the establishment. Or because they were tired of politics. But it was confusing. Because even though I didn't feel like they hated me, these people were supporting someone who said I should be banned from the country. Even the father of one of my best friends supports Trump. This man had me over to his house. I went to Thanksgiving with him. My friend asked him: 'Dad, how can you support that man? Our friend Zahra is a Muslim.' He told her: 'Don't worry. He won't do everything that he says.' Today has been difficult. These last few weeks, it was mostly speculation. There was suspicion that most Americans supported him but I could hope that it was wrong. But now that hope is gone. And I have to feel differently. I have to feel like maybe most Americans don't want me here. And I feel like no matter how hard I try, I'll never be part of the community. And even if they're friendly to me, or if they invite me to Thanksgiving, deep down they believe that America is a country that belongs to white people."

  • Yakari Gabriel
    8 years ago

    Words hold so much power. hallo, we're poets here

  • Britt
    8 years ago

    It's very apparent that no matter what I say, it's going to hurt people, so I need to just leave.

    Praying for all of us.

  • Ben Pickard
    8 years ago

    There really is no excusing the man. I think we all agree on that.

    Jane, I have a daughter, and everything you said about feeling worthless after this result really hit home. What kind of world are we bringing our children up in when (in 2016) a man who has been proven to treat women abysmally is voted into office? It's disgusting and I feel for all women, and anyone else this man has offended.

    But Britt has a valid point: why rise to hate with more hate? It won't achieve anything. All we can do as individuals is the right thing as we see it, day by day.

    Take care, all

  • silvershoes
    8 years ago

    To be clear, I am not trying to spread or condone hate. I am incredibly disappointed with anti-Trump people who are stooping to Trump's level of hate speech today and making horrible statements. However, there should be no excusing Trump, like you said, Ben, and people who vote for him need to hold him accountable for the awful things he has said and done, not ignore them because they see his other merits. Those who voted for him need to accept that his stances on social issues matter. They are significant and real. His vulgar comments and derogatory insults are not fear-mongering by the media. He made them. He did. There is video and audio evidence, not conjecture. I think many of Trump's supporters are afraid to accept feeling part of what's hurting so many people right now, but they need to recognize they're part of it before we can all move forward together. They need to take responsibility and say to those who are suffering, "We will not condone that behavior during his presidency. He said and did horrible things, but we will not stand for it when he's in office."

    Britt, I understand why you feel like you can't say anything right, but a lot of what you said is vital for people to hear now, especially those who feel threatened by Trump and his presidency. It's important that we remind ourselves and each other that he doesn't hold all the power. There are checks and balances. Hillary won the popular vote. A lot of people did vote for Hillary. And Trump was not always a Republican. He is in many senses moderate. And the video you posted, he was waving a rainbow flag at a rally on Sunday.
    Further, many of the people who voted for Trump are not in fact racist or misogynistic or homophobic, this is true. All of the people who are not racist or sexist or homophobic who voted for him simply chose to ignore or brush aside that he has demonstrated he is those things. So what we are dealing with is selfishness to an extent, which is not as serious as engrained hatred of others. We need to remind each other how our choices affect others even if they don't affect us. And we need to love more and care harder. I know we can.