Bermuda Triangle

  • Augustus Black
    8 years ago

    Bermuda Triangle

    I think we all know about Bermuda Triangle. And still the mystery remains unsolved.

    There's another theory coming in way is which is making this strange domain more weirder.

    In 2012, An American and French research team found two huge pyramids 2000 Meter below the ocean surface of Bermuda Triangle. It's a crystal like pyramids, its origin, purpose and age is completely unknown. It is 300m Wide and 200m tall, larger than the well known pyramids of Egypt. Top of the Pyramids there are two holes. Does those pyramids have some kind of energy that causes planes and ships to get drowned. This is beyond human's knowledge.

    This is strange world.

    Thank you for reading.

    - Augustus Black

  • hiraeth
    8 years ago

    I cannot find any reputable sources about the discovery of the crystal pyramids, and according to this piece:

    it's been debunked.

  • Augustus Black
    8 years ago

    Senryu - Yes, I appreciate your post. You have given a nice link for the conclusion. But we cannot just simply put this subject in side of hoax. I think I need to go more deeper to find out whether this news is real or Hoax.

    I also want to remind you that scientists have found some huge structure under water in Japan, the structure doesn't look like natural formation, but it does looks like manmade.

    This discovery pushed me hard towards the pyramids under the Bermuda Triangle. But your link transferred me to this right track.

  • Augustus Black
    8 years ago

    There is one more triangle in this world it is called 'Dragon Triangle'. It is an area of the southern coast of Japan. This triangle is more deadly and more mysterious than Bermuda Triangle. It has a very horrific past. But because of the western media Bermuda Triangle is more popular.

  • Golden AnGel Rhapsodist
    8 years ago

    August I already watch this courtesy of the national discovery channel. ... there's a sink whole under it with unmeasurable depth ...2 courageous diver dove under. ...later I will post here the link

  • Augustus Black
    8 years ago


    Ok, that's good and again you have surprised me with different fact. I never knew that there is any sink hole. Instead I only saw things like ghost ships sailing in that region, strange UFO like vessel emerging from the sea and drowning down again, lost ships and planes, etc.

    I would like to see the link.

  • Golden AnGel Rhapsodist
    8 years ago

    Yeah there is .... that's my Dad favourite documentary. ...but I can't get to YouTube right now coz of poor Wifi connection. ..but you can search it.....try to search Bermuda triangle mystery solved. ....

  • Augustus Black
    8 years ago

    Well, that's cool, so you both dad and daughter are great. Ok no problem, I will check it.

  • Golden AnGel Rhapsodist
    8 years ago

    Have you watched it?

  • Augustus Black
    8 years ago


    I'm sorry to say that I haven't found any that kind of sinking hole in the Bermuda Triangle. But I have found something else.

    September, 8/ 1980

    This huge ship -- Derbyshire, longer than three football fields sailed out for the long journey. But, on September 9, the ship and its crew disappeared. No one has the answer.

    Later on -- A Japanese Scientist -- Junichi Yaoi came up with his own theory. He said, "The ship may have gone to some other dimension."

    I found that Junichi's theory is a good way to explain the unexplainable. But other researcher are not agree with Junichi's theory.

    Then, after many years, David Mearns, deep water researcher -- Found the remains of the ship -- Derbyshire in the sea. He said, "Derbyshire was caught in a typhoon and eventually it sank down."

    So, the conclusion is coming out that there was nothing any extraordinary happened with the ship -- Derbyshire. It sank naturally.

    So, are we in a position to say that all the other ships would also have been sank naturally like a ship -- Derbyshire, avoiding all paranormal, other dimensions and UFO's stuffs.
    I think the mystery still continuous!

    Yes, we have found the remains of the ship -- Derbyshire. But what about the many more other ships, why haven't we found the remain of those ships.

    This incident happened in Dragon Triangle, nearJapan, which is also very similar to Bermuda Triangle.

    Thank you for reading.

    The mystery continuous.

    - Augustus Black

  • Golden AnGel Rhapsodist
    8 years ago

    Brother here's the link... watch this

  • Em
    8 years ago

    This interests me. :)

  • Augustus Black
    7 years ago, updated 7 years ago


    Recently, I repaired my computer.

    Gel - I watched the documentary and to be honest I got some scary feeling while watching that. Again you have surprised me with that link.

    You mentioned above about the 'sink holes.' There are similar types of sink holes situated also in Bahamas. So, if you are just stating the reason -- We couldn't be able to find the remains of the ships because somehow they got stuck somewhere deep in the sink holes.

    Then, I would say you are far more correct.

  • Augustus Black
    7 years ago


    Recently, I repaired my computer.

    Gel - I watched the documentary and to be honest I got some scary feeling while watching that. Again you have surprised me with that link.

    You mentioned above about the 'sink holes.' There are similar types of sink holes situated also in Bahamas. So, if you are just stating the reason -- We couldn't be able to find the remains of the ships because somehow they got stuck somewhere deep in the sink holes.

    Then, I would say you are far more correct.

  • Augustus Black
    7 years ago


    Recently, I repaired my computer.

    Gel - I watched the documentary and to be honest I got some scary feeling while watching that. Again you have surprised me with that link.

    You mentioned above about the 'sink holes.' There are similar types of sink holes situated also in Bahamas. So, if you are just stating the reason -- We couldn't be able to find the remains of the ships because somehow they got stuck somewhere deep in the sink holes.

    Then, I would say you are far more correct.