F award - How many people have you on their favourites list.
Pink - 5-19
Blue - 20-49
Gold - 50-99
Platinum - 100+
C award: Critique award: How many praised comments you have.
Pink C - 50+ comments
Blue C - 3-9 praised comments
Gold C - 9-29 praised comments
Platinum C - 30+ praised comments
(Note: You need 10 praised comments to gain nominator status, i.e. to get the ability to nominate poems for the weekly contest on the front page.)
P award: Number of poems posted on your account
Pink P - 30-99 poems
Blue P - 100-199 poems
Gold P - 200-399 poems
Platinum P - 400+ poems
D award: Discussion award (number of posts made in forums)
Pink D - 50-199 posts
Blue D - 200-499 posts
Gold D - 500-999 posts
Platinum D - 1000+ posts
For easy access. :)