The old gang

  • Gem
    8 years ago

    Hey guys! Not sure who is still here but popped on today out of nostalgia. Ten years and so much has changed! I'm still with Marcus, (teenage love ftw) we're married and had a daughter last year.
    Reading back on some of my old pieces is so cringey. 17 year old me was a hopeless romantic who 'knew everything' haha. However she must have done something right ;)
    Miss the old days. This site helped me through so much and I can't remember the last time I wrote a poem. It's quite sad.
    Maybe one day..

  • Hellon replied to Gem
    8 years ago

    Gem!!! How good to hear from you after so many years! Glad to know that you and Marcus are still together :) A baby??? that's GREAT news for you both...hope you stick around for a while.

  • Gem replied to Hellon
    8 years ago

    I need to dig out all my old folders with my work in. They are hidden away somewhere! Haha. How have you been?? Can't believe how long it's been!

  • Hellon replied to Gem
    8 years ago, updated 8 years ago

    You now have a daughter and I have SIX grand kids...can you believe it??? Yeah, it's been a long time for sure. You also appear to have red hair, WTF????

  • Gem replied to Hellon
    8 years ago

    Oh yeah! That started out as an experiment by my step mum and then just stuck! Haha. Six?? That's absolutely amazing!! The joy of seeing them grow and play but giving them back when they act like terrors! Hahaha. Am i right in thinking you're in Australia or is my memory shot?

  • Hellon replied to Gem
    8 years ago're memory is still fine sweety...I'm in Ozz....

    So what's your daughter's name???

  • Gem replied to Hellon
    8 years ago

    Lily Michelle :) but we call her Lilypad haha. Do you still speak to any of the old faces? O have Krzysztof, Bob, Luanne, Goran and a few others on Facebook but there were so many awesome people on this site! Do you still write?

  • Nicko replied to Gem
    8 years ago

    Hey Gem

    how time flies ive been here 10 years as well, congrats on marriage and you daughter.... get your pen and paper out girl and get writing ha


  • Gem replied to Nicko
    8 years ago

    It's insane isn't it! Writing was so much easier with all that teen angst! ????

  • Nicko
    8 years ago

    yep your right, wrote my first poem in 4 years a couple of weeks ago

    Just need some turmoil in your life to kick things along haha

  • Gem replied to Nicko
    8 years ago

    Hahaha. Now how do you actively look for that :p

  • Nicko replied to Gem
    8 years ago

    Haha yeah, kinda happens when you least expect

  • Gem replied to Nicko
    8 years ago

    You are so right. I'm not up to my usual standards but penned something today that kind of works!

  • Barbara Jean replied to Gem
    7 years ago


  • Barbara Jean
    7 years ago

    i was 20 when i tarted this site. now im 33. wow

  • Italian Stallion
    7 years ago

    Yep, time sure does fly. I've been here for 12 years. wow can't believe that...

  • Em
    7 years ago, updated 7 years ago

    Hey Gem I'm rubbish with names so don't remember man from years ago here though it's nice that you're back and are with your high school sweetheart and a baby too wow that's wonderful news :)

    I signed up here in 2005 when I had just before I turned 16 (I remember as I was having a real tough time) on another account and looking back there and here at my older work I think "cringe how could I have written that" but we have to start somewhere right? Anyway I left for 2-3 years then like you had a nostalgic moment early last year and haven't looked back. Some people as I say I recognised and others not so much but there are also so wonderful lovely new members too.

    All the best
    Em x

  • Nema
    7 years ago

    My goodness. I decided to get back just today and I see this. I do remember some of you, sadly not all. I don't know if anyone would remember me :)
    Wow.. I came to this site when I was 16 or something. Now I'm 28, married and moved from Egypt to the UK.

    I miss the old people a lot. I remained in touch with Luanne and some of the older folks (still have Debbie Hignett and Jen Blackier on my Facebook).

  • Mo
    4 years ago

    Wow it’s been a long time for me too. Just thought I’d stop by and see if any of the old gang were here still.

  • Kevin
    4 years ago

    Ello old timers.

    I turned 40 last year and it's looking like my 41st birthday will be over skype, how curious!

    Since I was last active here (cringe) I am now running a tools refurbishment workshop helping adults with additional support needs to live full lives. We take donations of tools from the public and fix/clean them up then send them out to various charities, but most notably the good people of Malawi. I love my job and I'm very lucky.

    I'm a trapeze fiend these days, static trapeze. Been training for 4 years, performed a few times and it's a big part of my life. Outside of that, I've become a big Dungeons and Dragons nerd and a photography geek. I don't write poetry much anymore but I can still turn a phrase if need be.

  • Nicko
    4 years ago

    Hello hello anybody here.. ... takes a few more steps as the echoes bounce off the empty walls ...

    I’m guilty of desertion ... how could we let this happen?

  • Italian Stallion replied to Nicko
    3 years ago

    Same here. Haven't written anything in years and have been away from the site for quite sometime.

  • Beauty In The Breaking
    3 years ago

    Oh my gosh! Seeing all these familiar names hits right in the feels! I LOVE the little family picture Gem! Hope everyone here is doing well! It's been forever since I've actually written...maybe a sign that I've gotten more mentally sane? haha Hope y'all are well <3

  • Nevi
    3 years ago

    Wow...Nostalgia brought me here, and I recognize some of these old names! I joined when I was I'm 28 with a wife and son! I feel the same about my old work, I was trying so hard to sound smart and get my emotions across, but it's cringe as all get out.

    But as cringe as it is, it's also the perfect crystallization of what I was feeling and thinking back then.

    I miss this place, unfortunately I lost touch with pretty much everyone when I impulsively decided to leave Facebook a few years ago. If you remember me and want to reconnect, please reach out to me! I hope you're all doing well, sending love to each and every one of you.

  • Gem
    9 months ago

    Another pop in because nostalgia hit haha. Hope you're all doing well! So many times I've got the urge to write something again and then just don't lol. I have had another daughter to add to the mix so I'm going to say it's because I'm so busy and not just because I'm lazy ;)

  • Koan replied to Gem
    7 months ago

    "So many times I've got the urge to write something again and then just don't"
    I know the feeling all too well.
    But I have came to realize that no one cares about poetry not even me anymore...

  • Twisted Heart
    4 months ago

    Hey everyone. Twisted Heart here. Just popped in to say hi. Haven't written much poetry lately... Haven't written any in years. Trying to get some inspiration. If anyone from the old gang is still around. Say hey.

  • Timothy replied to Gem
    2 months ago, updated 2 months ago

    I have been on here even longer than you. The only current member I am aware of that's as old as me is Meena. But she restarted a few years later so she may look newer.