Weekend Warriors

  • CJ Maleney
    7 years ago

    It's not often I get on here of a weekend as there is always something to do. Kids, jobs that need done, kayaking, drinking etc etc etc. (Not much drinking though). :-(

    On the odd occasion I do get on I'll blip something new (or old) on for people to read. However I notice that there seems to be a lack of new stuff on over a weekend. This doesn't bother me as it gives me a chance to look at people's older work and brows through categories.

    But I wonder how many are like me? Simply to busy or is it that adding a poem over the weekend means it has less chance of being nominated for the weekly contest.

    I hope the latter isn't true, although one has to wonder. For my own part I'm not bothered if I get nominated or not although I have to admit it's a nice feeling when someone likes something you have written enough to nominate it. Being nominated is more flattering and humbling than any win or HM could ever be. What you have written has touched someone, that's pretty bloody special.

    Anyway for you weekend warriors out there who continue to find the time to soldier on and bare your souls

    I salute you


    Craig aka Aries Rising

  • hiraeth replied to CJ Maleney
    7 years ago

    Poems submitted on the weekends are still eligible for the next contest.

    I.e Poems submitted on 04/22-04/23 should be still eligible for the May 1st contest.

    The site goes through periods of activity and inactivity, and I think with exams for students, that's been one possible explanation for inactivity.

  • CJ Maleney replied to hiraeth
    7 years ago

    How dare they study lol


  • Milly Hayward
    7 years ago

    I think also where people work in the week or family members are at work in the week, for many the weekend is family time or a time for catching up on chores so I guess those things probably push poetry writing to the back. Millyx

  • Lost One replied to CJ Maleney
    7 years ago

    I tend to post Monday through Wednesday because that's what my schedule permits. The beginning of my week is usually slow while Thursdays and Fridays are spent getting things done before the weekend so I can spend time with my family.