
  • Bret Higgins
    19 years ago

    You can log the ip for voting which means you know who is voting for what. It would be an idea if the votes cast were listed like comments so the young'uns don't feel offended by low voting.

    This has probably been mentioned before but I think we're losing young talent because of the bungling imbeciles who have nothing better to than try and lower the gifted poet's esteem down to their own level.


  • Jacki
    19 years ago

    I think that is a great idea

  • Bret Higgins
    19 years ago

    Yurp, that works too.

  • Bret Higgins
    19 years ago

    Bob, the idea of the voters name being visible is to discourage the cowardly vote. They only do it because they feel anonymous. If you take that awaythe anonymity they'll lose the reason to do it.

    But I do see your point. A fake login can still be tracked to the same ip though.

  • Eibutsina
    19 years ago

    I don't know why votes are such a big issue - personally I write for myself not the approval of others but I can too remember a time when I did care about others thoughts on my writing...

    I think that people who vote should be required to leave a comment automatically with thier vote, which is viewable to both the author and fellow members...

    :o) Just my thoughts - Eirisa -

  • Eibutsina
    19 years ago

    On another note I agree with Bob if members are going to continue to bitch and moan about the voting system I would have it eradicated - comments option only :o)

  • Bret Higgins
    19 years ago

    Yurp, it is a problem for some, not for the older and wiser among us but for the teens, for whom the vote means something.

    Better to remove the whole thing if nothing is going to be done or acted upon.

  • Eibutsina
    19 years ago

    Well said Bret :oD

  • Bogie
    19 years ago

    Knowing the ip address of the “phantom rater”
    have the moderators e-mailed that person
    with some kind of warning and/or a what’s up
    and if a youngling maybe some schooling.
    I haven’t seen this suggestion but may have
    missed it. You guys have a hard job with all
    in all and I applaud all your fair decisions.
    Also agreed just do away with votes.

    Anyways an older aged member here 6 mouths when it happened to me I must say it does bring you down.
    I did post hate writes “phantom rater” but deleted them
    knowing that comments is what it’s really all about.
    It does hurt and anger young and old “It’s a hurt crime”
    For all. Thanks people for all our hard work holding
    down the fort.

    P.S. Do away with members with no
    posted pomes or quotes and not allow
    new members that don’t have a least
    one write.

  • ~*^*~ longing to belong ~*^*~
    19 years ago

    I'm not sure about your last comment bogie. I mean if you got rid of members with no poems you'd lose a lot of valuble insight in the discussion boards. Or you could end up with poems which weren't written for the sake of the writer, but so that they could come on this site. Surely that defeats the idea?

  • Bogie
    19 years ago

    The idea was to stop uncalled for rude
    comments from upset members hidden
    behind their true identity.

  • Bogie
    19 years ago

    Ok then no two or more deferent poets
    with the same ip address without
    a Request from moderators.

  • Kailynn Makenna
    19 years ago

    yea i like that idea
