7 years ago, updated 7 years ago
I will just start this shared place with: |
7 years ago, updated 7 years ago
I promise that anything I write is from my heart. I can only write the truth of my experience. I say this because wanting to share my learnings with you. I am not here to judge, teach or will never advise anyone what they should do. There are associations, groups and support to access in this world, but me/you must make that choice. Helping someone accessing or directing should be seen as guidance, not advising someone what is best for them. |
replied to Michael
7 years ago
Michael, |
7 years ago, updated 7 years ago
In my last post, I talked about 'falling to the bottom of the well' in truth the well is 'rock bottom' a place that I will do all that I am able to not be there again. So I will share with you my rock bottom (I have some poems posted while in this time; 'In the air'/'Bottoms rock'). |
Larry Chamberlin
7 years ago
I think what you are doing here is well worth the effort it takes to expose yourself. Thank you. |
7 years ago
Michael, thank you for sharing. Addictions are never an easy thing. I'm happy to hear you are making it work. My ex was the addict. He's an alcoholic and drug user. It cost him his marriage, his kids, etc..he's supposedly clean now, remarried. Still a very addictive personality. Gambling, smoking, I don't believe anything he has to say and thankfully we don't live close to each other so I don't have any interaction with him. So I'm on the other side of addictions, the fallout from being with an addict. Thankfully I am now married to a wonderful man, his story was similar to mine, we don't drink, smoke, gamble, keep a very low keyed life. I don't worry about if we will have a steady paycheck that week or if the bills will get met or I'm going to get a call from jail. It's all good now. Sending prayers your way for continued successes. |
replied to Larry Chamberlin
7 years ago
Hello Larry, |
7 years ago
I love everything I read from here and I'm learning a lot. |
Milly Hayward
replied to Michael
7 years ago
Michael, thank you for sharing. You hit the nail right on the head - when depriving self of something its human nature to want it more but by taking control and saying I can have one or do something if I want to but I CHOOSE NOT TO empowers a person to turn their lives around. It has worked for successfully giving up smoking for friends of mine where they would carry a pack of cigarettes and say I can have one if I want to but I choose not to have one. Life is all about learning lessons and progressing ones soul. |
replied to Brenda
7 years ago
Hey Brenda, |
replied to mossgirl19
7 years ago
Hey Mel |
replied to ddavidd
7 years ago
Hi Frank, |
replied to Milly Hayward
7 years ago
Hi Milly :) |
7 years ago, updated 7 years ago
'Rock bottom' |
replied to Michael
7 years ago, updated 7 years ago
Most of people that addiction happen to them,are those with extra sensory faculties. That is not by any means an excuse. Please do not let your talent burn you or get the best of you , except in poetry. Assent from them to the picks of your gifts. |
replied to Michael
7 years ago, updated 7 years ago
Michael Firstly I'm so proud of your bravery. I could never have done this myself and I will admit talking to you previously had a huge impact on me. |
replied to Em
7 years ago
Hey Em, |
7 years ago, updated 7 years ago
Previously I was talking about rock bottom, which felt at that time when I slumped. A familiar feeling of many times before. However this time I really felt was rock bottom, as my situation worsened. Which I now believe was meant to be. I am a firm believer of fate I may add. |
7 years ago
Oh Michael, I have so been in that place, the lies, sneaking about. My ex was quite the manipulator. It got to the point I just couldn't believe him. I feel so bad for your friends wife and dealing with this. She wanted to help and your friend used the situation you were in against you to cover his own. I'm so glad you decided not to lie to her also even though it would have helped your situation. It's an awful place to be in with no options. My ex always had enablers, including myself. After I was done with him, his mother continued. I really don't think he ever hit rock bottom. He was sober for a hot minute, pity partied himself and manipulated himself right back up there. He's got a muscular degenerative disease now due to a mutated gene, (supposedly), says he doesn't drink or do drugs. Yet at my daughter's wedding he was drinking. About 5 years ago the kids found coke in his stuff. And you wonder why I don't believe a word he says. |