Can I get my old account back?

  • Nema
    7 years ago

    Hello all,

    This question is basically for the moderators. Don't know if someone can help me.
    I had an old account on this website (it was Knee) which I lost the username and password for. Basically I don't remember anything about the account but the old people could probably recognise it (like Melpomene, for example).

    Is there any possible way to get this account back?

  • PnQ Mod Account replied to Nema
    7 years ago


  • Nee
    7 years ago

    Got it! YAY! Thank you sooo much! :)

  • Hazel (Dancing Rivers) Phillips-Dube
    5 years ago

    Heya so sorry to steal this post but I was wondering if you could do the same for my dancing rivers account (apparently it's been deleted) can it be reactivated and then I just put my poems from this account on there? I just feel so attached to that profile like I'm losing a whole part of my life