Self-Care Talk.

  • Poet on the Piano
    6 years ago, updated 6 years ago

    Self-care is not always luxury baths, candles or laying back and drinking a fine wine.
    Let's be honest, some of us can't, and sometimes it's more stressful spending money on ourselves.
    It may help others to set aside some money and spend it on themselves, but it's not for everyone.

    What helps you relax, breathe and deal with anxiety?
    What little moments help?

    For me, it's taking extra 30 minutes or so in the morning before work, before I start worrying
    about the day, to just make a cup of tea and read one of my favorite books that is dystopian, something fictional.

  • Sunshine replied to Poet on the Piano
    6 years ago

    I love this topic. I also love the fact that you highlighted how self care is commonly linked with luxurious or money-tearing tools.

    Sometimes it's not just about financial restrictions but also time restrictions too. So for me, dealing with anxiety means a hot bath and some relaxing or motivational music that could distract the mind from its thoughts and I usually top it with a nap. I usually wake up feeling better.

    Tea and a book sounds like a great idea!

  • Hope
    6 years ago

    Besides baths and drinking a glass of wine in the evening might be everyone else's cup of tea, I find myself finding hobbies like new books to read of a different genre, getting into new hobbies, and getting new interests....I find myself taking care of my mind.

    Mental health is a way of taking care of yourself, that's what I do. Walking, reading, and relaxing exercises at night is a way of mental health. But I also love my hobbies and interests. I find myself loving politics but it isn't a book I would pick up 'cause I prefer the news.

    Getting into new interests and finding new hobbies is a way of working on yourself. I like to sing, read, go out for a stroll, exercising, writing, then I might find myself sketching....I love being in my own world and it isn't bad. I love improving my way of thinking by looking at a view of politics by watching the news, I even like debating my own review and I don't even care if anyone replies to what I say because all it is is a review, it's not a debate to me 'cause I hate bashing in politics. Politics is just an interest of mine.

    Mental health and physical health is a way of improving your essential being. One thing I always love doing is improving my own way of thinking by following my interests, then my hobbies. My hobbies improve the way I feel in my heart and my interests always improve the way I think.

    I've bettered myself through the year after so many issues of mine. I feel so much better about myself and I just feel proud of myself now. I never want to go back to the way I was before. I love who I am now and I wouldn't want it any other way. Next everything will just be spiritual for me and all I can say is....I feel spiritual in my essential being. I'm proud of myself.

    Everyone needs to do this I feel. I found everything in myself and that's all I can say. I love who I am.

    I don't feel so low anymore, I feel great about myself and that's all I have to say.

    Thanks for reading....take care everyone!

  • Unknown
    6 years ago

    I have one day a week that I use for self-care. It's not always the long luxury baths but I do prefer those! LUSH bath bombs are my jam right now. I normally relax in the tub, candles, soothing music, read a book, glass of wine or bourbon if it's been a particular long week lol. Then I go through the long process of truly pampering myself, I do the body scrubs, hair mask, face mask, all of it.

    Other things I do for self care is I love to craft. I love making things for my home. I don't have much time for it anymore but I usually try to do one or two different crafts per season to decorate my home. I love the rustic style so that's normally what I choose.

    Of course, I write. I don't share everything I write any more. Some of it is too personal but it helps me so much to let it out. I bottled it up for years, I neglected writing and forgot how much it truly is beneficial for my mental health.

  • Aiko (Dreamsurfer)
    4 years ago, updated 4 years ago

    The Self Care Talk I give myself is: Do whatever makes you happy and have no regrets. Those who talk about it can go on. I'm nobody's Puppet.