Poet on the Piano
6 years ago, updated 6 years ago
Self-care is not always luxury baths, candles or laying back and drinking a fine wine. |
replied to Poet on the Piano
6 years ago
I love this topic. I also love the fact that you highlighted how self care is commonly linked with luxurious or money-tearing tools. |
6 years ago
Besides baths and drinking a glass of wine in the evening might be everyone else's cup of tea, I find myself finding hobbies like new books to read of a different genre, getting into new hobbies, and getting new interests....I find myself taking care of my mind. |
6 years ago
I have one day a week that I use for self-care. It's not always the long luxury baths but I do prefer those! LUSH bath bombs are my jam right now. I normally relax in the tub, candles, soothing music, read a book, glass of wine or bourbon if it's been a particular long week lol. Then I go through the long process of truly pampering myself, I do the body scrubs, hair mask, face mask, all of it. |
Aiko (Dreamsurfer)
4 years ago, updated 4 years ago
The Self Care Talk I give myself is: Do whatever makes you happy and have no regrets. Those who talk about it can go on. I'm nobody's Puppet. |