Happy 15th Birthday, PnQ!

  • Larry Chamberlin
    6 years ago

    On 16 July 2003 Janis Krumins created this site.
    You can still see his profile as: "1"

    Happy fifteen, PnQ!

  • silvershoes
    6 years ago, updated 6 years ago

    Happy birthday, PnQ! Although the copyright at the bottom of the page reads (c) 2001-2018, so I'm suspicious.

  • Maple Tree
    6 years ago

    I first joined in 2004, August.

    The site was overwhelming for me at first, very fast paced, but I knew it was a good site to belong to...

    And I still love it to this day...

  • Larry Chamberlin replied to silvershoes
    6 years ago

    Janis would have spent some time developing the site before he opened it. He would have begun the copyrightable work from before the public launch.

  • Poet on the Piano
    6 years ago

    So neat! Please feel free to share any memories, friends.

    PnQ is there when I need a place to express myself freely and through poetry I've been able to learn how to be honest with myself and others. My childhood friend showed me this site in 2007 and we wrote about love poems and Twilight. I actually met Chelsey from here twice (I visited her and she visited me) and I know I can come here to escape or simply be able to cope with everything going on around me.

    Thank you all for being here and being you ^_^

  • naaz
    6 years ago, updated 6 years ago

    30 more, and my childrens will be posting the poems on pnq.

    Happy 15th birthday!

  • Meena Krish replied to naaz
    6 years ago

    Happy 15th birthday PnQ...
    a place where I grew up as a poet, learnt a lot
    experienced the good /the bad and have also
    made some near and dear friends!

  • silvershoes replied to Larry Chamberlin
    6 years ago

    Makes sense to me! I’ve always wondered about that, but I think you’re right.

  • mossgirl19
    6 years ago

    Happy 15th birthday PnQ!!! Thank you for being such a wonderful place. More more years of poetry and love!

  • Ben Pickard
    6 years ago, updated 6 years ago

    Changed my life in many ways, to be honest. I hadn't written a thing from the time I was 18 to 34 when I discovered this place. I've 'met' and become close to numerous people on here over the last few years, particularly Andrea and Michael (Mr Darcy) who I speak to on the phone now and again and exchange emails/pictures with regularly.
    I hope I've grown as a writer because of this place but also as a person too. Despite numerous misadventures round these parts, I respect and admire each and every one of you who pours their hearts out on these pages and lets the others know that they are not alone.
    Although none of us can quite name it or put our collective finger on it, there is something - something - very special about this place. Happy 15th, P n Q.

  • Ya----Na
    6 years ago

    I just want to thank all the beautiful, wonderful members(I can't just take one name) for accepting me as a part of this community. Happy 15th, many many, many more to come.

    Thank you

  • Milly Hayward
    6 years ago

    Happy Birthday PnQ,

    Prior to joining P&Q I was a reader of poetry but had only three poems under my belt. I wanted to find a site where I could read poetry and perhaps try my hand at a bit of poetry writing too. I jumped in enthusiastically and found to my delight a community filled with friendly, creative people who readily participate in one way or another their time and effort to make this site what it is today. Since being a member I felt part of something really important, a community that helps nurture the creative talent of its members, a place that's something more than just a poetry site.

    I am continually blown away by the exceptionally high quality and diversity of writing that regularly appears on the site and inspired by the feedbacks and insights that are left on the various poems and competitions. I am fortunate that I have got to interact with so many like minded creative people and have also made some good friends who I would never have known had it not been for P&Q.

    In short for me P&Q is like a brightly lit treasure island floating in a misty sea of rugged rocks which sometimes gets attacked by marauding pirates but for the most is like paradise.

  • Brenda
    6 years ago

    Happy 15th P&Q! I myself am so very happy I happened upon this site. To be able to Express and create freely and openly on such a warm and welcoming site has been truly wonderful. I have met so many wonderful people from all around the world, truly gifted writers that I now count as friends. I've been encouraged and pushed (in a good way) to explore new writing avenues. I have grown incredibly because of this. For all that and more I thank each and everyone of you for allowing me to have a voice. Here's to another 15!

  • Em (marmite)
    6 years ago

    We have to think pnq wasn't around too long before I first joined. I needed somewhere to vent my anger, my built up emotions etc etc etc before I did anything stupid again (I'd already tried twice and failed miserably) so pnq for me really really was a life saver yes, it's had it's moments where I've had to stay away because of certain people/things but more or less pnq really is one of the best things in my life.... It might be sad but it's true.

  • silvershoes replied to Em (marmite)
    6 years ago

    Not sad at all, Em, and I think most of us can relate. This site and the people here have been a haven throughout the years. I've turned to friends here on occasion when I felt like I couldn't talk to anyone else in the world.

  • Kitty Cat Lady
    6 years ago

    Happy birthday PnQ!

    I joined just a year ago, at a time when my life was going through utter turmoil. Not only has expressing myself through poetry been cathartic in itself, but the members here who encourage and befriend have had a huge impact in my life.

    I'd never written poetry prior to joining and I've loved learning more about poetry and myself just from being here and going through the process of trying to write better. I've been touched by just how much people share here, both their joy and pain. I've laughed and I've cried and I've learned a lot.

    It's a bit special here eh? Thanks everyone for welcoming me :-) x

  • Saerelune
    6 years ago

    Happy bday PnQ!

    I haven't been active on this site at all the last couple of years but it is still a very important place to me. Joined back in 2009 as this teen that didn't know what to do with her poetry... and here I found a platform to fully explore myself and my creativity. I have grown so much from reading other people's work, receiving their criticism and also reviewing other people's work. I even made friends and met some of them in real life. PnQ was a crucial part of my adulthood because without it I would have never felt so comfortable writing poetry and showing it to others. I've been moving my work to instagram and twitter as of late, which is a good next step branding-wise because I am showing my true face to the world... but I really miss the in-depth understanding and commitment to poetry that I experienced here.

    Really great to see the site is still up and running. Lately I have been a bit dissatisfied with the things I write because the social media format doesn't allow for much depth and I feel like my work is becoming washed down in boldness. When I wrote in PnQ I always felt uncensored which I think contributed to a more distinct style of writing. We are surrounded by so much talent here, so many of us have their own distinct voice in poetry. I love it.

  • End Of Eternity
    6 years ago

    Happy Birthday 'P&Q', the role played by this site (along with it's members) in my life simply can't be defined by words....

  • -Choke-On-MY-Halo-
    6 years ago

    I joined when I was 15 if I believe my memory lol, I was filled with emotions and I wrote a lot to vent all my teenage years... got to say I passed through a lot of fake names no I know that's rude but I trusted and still trust few but my first account shows all the emotions I now can't access anymore I know I changed and I am not gonna lie I still change names online but bright side I am no longer a bleach blonde of my youth and not so dazzled by relationships I miss reading and writing poetry but I am so glad to have joined this site I have friends from here on my fb and others I miss ???

  • Glenn G
    6 years ago

    I have enjoyed putting my writings out for others to see. I write because it helps me release inner tensions and I enjoy it. I don't really write to please others although I hope sometimes my poems might touch someone in a good way, many of yours have touched me. And, also I just like to write. If you have read any of mine you have noticed my subject matter can be broad, I write from a created idea, few of my poems are true experiences (however there are a few that are very personal). I think this website gives me a chance to be part of the web in the only way that interests me. I am not a social media person, I tried it a few times but it was to too much meaningless gibberish for me.

  • Catchy
    6 years ago, updated 6 years ago

    I know it’s a very late greeting. I joined here from 2007 but could not retrieve my old account so I just made a new one.

    I just want to express my highest gratitude for sharing this website for free. It really warms my heart that this site is still alive and remained classy thru all the technology advancements. You don’t know who I am but this has been a great outlet for when I were young and in love. I made poems for my love which currently still the person who I am with now :) My first and in another years he will be the last. So thank you so much. Happy 15th to PnQ! I hope it gets older as the world. Much love to all the admins and developers.

  • Gem
    6 years ago

    This site meant everything to me back in the day although I cringe when I see some of my earlier work! haha. I still love it to bits and pop on every now and again, I just wish I still had the time to write. I would write on post it notes through out the day, write on sales tickets at work, anwhere and everywhere. I can't believe it's 15 years and I'm so proud that I was once a big part of it, not so much now due to... well life! Happy birthday P&Q and here's to another 15!

  • Beautiful Tragedy
    6 years ago

    This site and the support of the people on here have gotten me through so much!! I love you all. Happy late birthday p&q!!! <3

  • xTheEcstasyOfSuicidex
    6 years ago

    Oh wow... 15 years? I've been here since 2005.. 13 years give or take. I didn't realize how long it has been.

    This site is the reason I stayed alive. Being able to freely express my opinion and writings and receive great reviews and construcive critism; I made life long friends on here that I still speak to today on Facebook.

    This site helped me grow as a writer... It's really died over the years; let's make this place popping again, guys! It truly is the best writing site I've ever been apart of and I've tried many... There was just nothing like PoemsandQuotes.

    My soul belongs here.
    I recently lost my twin soul to suicide...
    And the only reason I logged back in is to post something I wrote about him.
    Every time.. This site saves my life.
    It's saved so many poems I would have lost..
    This place is my soul. The only place I ever belonged.

    Namste, P&Q. Thank you for always being there. 13 years and counting. <3


  • Poet on the Piano replied to xTheEcstasyOfSuicidex
    6 years ago

    Thank you for posting on here, Sheena. I remember reading your poetry! Welcome back though my heart aches it's under those circumstances. That's beautiful you wrote something about him and I'm so sorry for what you're going through. PnQ has indeed been here for so many of us when we feel like we have nowhere else to go or truly express what we feel, whether that be happy emotions or some of the heavier stuff we don't know how to deal with.

    Hope writing brings peace/ relief once again and please know, we are all here for you. That's the beauty of PnQ.

    Sending love and support and comfort your way, fellow Hoosier.

  • Mandy
    6 years ago

    Happy belated birthday from me! PnQ has definitely been here for me during alot of rough times over the years I've been on here, since 2015. Hope that everyone gets as much from being a member here as I do!

  • Boy
    4 years ago

    after many years i just login back and i still remember my 10 years old password. happy to see the site still alive with many good stuff hopefully.

    Happy 15 th Birthday im bit late. in reply....

  • Poet on the Piano replied to Boy
    4 years ago

    ^ Welcome back! ^_^

  • Dino Dhamphyr
    2 years ago

    Amazing this site is still up. It's been over a decade since I've been here. I still remember using this site as my diary when I was a teenager. Lol :)

  • Larry Chamberlin replied to Dino Dhamphyr
    2 years ago

    Nice to have you back!

  • Prophecies In Kodak
    1 year ago, updated 1 year ago

    i was going through some old messages trying to find some means of contact with a couple people i used to talk to and this message was in my inbox.

    i joined in 2005 as a very young writer and i deleted al of my work at one point and started back over in 2007 i think. this site has given my life so much: it gave me the love of my life whom i met for the first time after 16 years last month, countless best friends, so many memories. i’ve met ten or so poets from all
    over the country that grew up on here. this website shaped me as a writer and helped me grow so much as an individual, i’ve always held it close to my heart. i took a big hiatus but i try to log in a few times a month hoping the magic might come back one day. there’s no family like the p&q family.

  • Larry Chamberlin replied to Prophecies In Kodak
    1 year ago

    I am happy that you made so many positive connections through PnQ.

    Especially finding your love here! That is the first time I heard that PnQ actually led to a relationship. Good for the both of you.

    I am also glad you are writing on here again. Congratulations for your poem 'decade' being nominated.

  • nouriguess
    1 year ago, updated 1 year ago

    I think I wouldn't be who I am without this website. It had this much of an impact on me.

    Apart from the amazing poetry, many PnQers have become dear friends to me. Jane is the woman I incredibly look up to and have always wanted to meet. She's remarkable, loving, courageous, honest. She taught me so much about so many things. She will defend and speak for those who can't fight for themselves. She's a smart feminist. She's a trustworthy good listener. She's an animal lover. I mean, you guys, she's perfect.
    Jordan is a wonderful person with so much integrity, and I don't know if he logs in anymore but oh my, his poetry is mesmerizing. He helped me get through so many awful days. I can tell him anything and I know he'd never judge me. He also recommends great books and tv shows!
    Rabea (he left ages ago). Really wish we could hang out in person one day because he's so much fun. He's inspiring and iron-willed and compassionate and caring. We still chat and call and check in on each other.
    Larry, Hellon, MaryAnne, abby... too many to count. Great people. I'm very lucky.

    I owe PnQ big time.

  • Koan replied to nouriguess
    1 year ago

    -smiles- Happy Birthday PNQ!
    When I landed on this website for the first time I didn’t know how to write Poetry, I didn’t really speak well enough to understand the language…
    I just wanted to post my soul-whispers and hoped to be appreciated and guided with my writing…
    After all these years and and different usernames I can honestly say that I feel blessed to be a part of this family… I use the word “family “ because we had our share of love, fights and disagreements but at the end of the day I always felt love and respect towards each and everyone of you..
    With all honesty, I thought when I return this site would be flourishing, would be flooded with poetry and messages on the main boards… Sadly, the reality is different, very different..
    I wish I would know how to make this site as busy when I first came here..
    Any ideas, suggestions????? -smile-

  • Everlasting replied to Koan
    1 year ago

    Hmm - participate by reading and commenting on poems, on main forum, by making contests, participating in contests, by writing more poems, etc.?

  • Barbara Jean
    6 months ago

    ive been on here 20 years!! after a long 10 years i came back on the other day for the first time in sooo many years. i was happy to know my profile and my poems were still on my account!! and i got new ones to share soon. so im back everyone!!