Ben Pickard
5 years ago
Q: What do you call a boomerang that doesn't work? |
Poet on the Piano
replied to Ben Pickard
5 years ago
Lol! |
Ben Pickard
replied to Poet on the Piano
5 years ago
I had to laugh, MA! They're the kind you know are cheesy, but you have to find the smell appealing! Here's another of that ilk. |
Larry Chamberlin
5 years ago
What is the name of Schrodinger's cat? |
Poet on the Piano
5 years ago
This is super silly and cringey, but here ya go ^_^ |
Milly Hayward
5 years ago
What did the two cranberrys say to each other? Tis the season to be jelly :) |
Ben Pickard
5 years ago
What would you call Postman Pat when he retires? |
Poet on the Piano
5 years ago
I've seen this one floating around recently: |
Aiko (Dreamsurfer)
4 years ago
If love is blind, then why doesn't Batman marry Catwoman in the movies? Because he is not blind enough. |
Aiko (Dreamsurfer)
4 years ago
In which country are citizens advised to stay indoors to avoid the Coronavirus? Indoor-nesia. |
Aiko (Dreamsurfer)
4 years ago
What do you call a Rastafari born in Munich? JAH Man [German]. |
Aiko (Dreamsurfer)
4 years ago
What did JESUS say to Arnold Schwarzenegger? I'll be back. |
Milly Hayward
4 years ago
What do you call a woman who burns her bills? |