Weekly Contest Results February 17

  • Meena Krish
    4 years ago

    Hello Everyone, let me first thank our two dedicated judges who make
    this weekly contest possible. Congrats to the front page Winners and those
    who received HM.


    His Valentine by Tony Grannell

    May Contain Allergens by Aegis

    I Love the Way You Love Me by Brenda


    I Love the Way You Love Me by Brenda (10 points)

    This is a poem that celebrates love. An honest and sincere love.
    A poem so beautiful from its emotions to the adjectives and the fitting form.
    A really beautiful and special poem that touches the heart.

    His Valentine by Tony Grannell (10 points)

    What a lovely sonnet! Tony is one of our newer members and this sonnet is just
    swoon worthy. He writes of a man who writes songs for his lady love who is a
    singer. His words come from his heart and his soul and she shares his love with
    the world. Such a beautiful concept. The only thing is, she does not exist...only
    in his mind. So he writes and longs for this lady. Quite the twist on what I
    thought was a love story between two actual people. Creative and beautifully written.

    May Contain Allergens by Aegis (7 points)

    Why do we tend to return to things that are bad for us? Aegis has this unique
    ability to say so much in these tight well written pieces. He describes this to a T
    with this poem. You keep coming back even though you know it's bad for you,
    even though you know how much damage and havoc it will cause. All the bad
    stuff that comes about from being with someone who just is so wrong, allergic
    reactions can be deadly.


    Haunted Letters by Saerelune

    PIANO by Anna Banasiak

    The Week of Grounding by Tanya Southey


    The Week of Grounding by Tanya Southey (4 points)

    We need each other, some sort of bonding, coming together with common
    ground. We need that reassurance that no matter what we are not alone. "No
    man is an island " as John Donne has said and it's true. No matter how much
    solitude we seek we can't do this life alone. I read in the comments about Tanya's
    response to the word beached. She hates crowds and feels as a beached whale
    with all eyes on her when she finds herself amongst too many people. It's a double
    edged sword, the need to establish those bonds and the need to be left alone. I feel
    her conundrum in this piece.
    PIANO by Anna Banasiak (4 points)

    This poem is like a small classic music piece. Classic songs conveys emotions
    with no words, and this although it’s short it has beautiful metaphors that I
    could almost hear a piano playing in my head.

    Haunted Letters by Saerelune (7 points)

    I couldn’t believe this was inspired by a prompt. The emotions are very powerful,
    like the poem was written because of an instinct. Excluding the letters that took
    the physical form, the other metaphors are out of this world.

    To me they weren’t only letters of love, but also letter of a life that seemed
    simple but then reality strikes. Also, I was reminded of all the poems I wrote
    in the past, about how complicated life and relationships are. Like every letter
    I write in a poem displays a part of me.

  • Brenda
    4 years ago

    Congratulations to all the front page winners and HM's! Thank you to the judge who deemed my poem worthy of front page. What an awesome wonderful surprise to me! Thank you Mark for nominated this, I appreciate you-thank you for hosting Meena and our judges for doing the voodoo that you do. Happy writing everyone!

  • mossgirl19
    4 years ago

    Congrats to all our winners and HMs this week! And thank you Meena and Mods for moderating. :-)

  • Ben Pickard
    4 years ago

    Congratulatins to everyone and thank you to the judges,

  • Mr. Darcy
    4 years ago

    Lovely poems this week. Thank you to Meena and our judges.

  • Everlasting
    4 years ago

    Congrats winners. And thanks judges

  • prasanna
    4 years ago

    Congrats winners and those who picked up a HM! Thank you for hosting Meena and thank you judges for your hard work!