
    2 years ago

    "The poet is a liar who always speaks the truth."

    — Jean Cocteau

  • Everlasting replied to BOB GALLO
    2 years ago

    ^^ Said someone the other day on twitter

    “ a UFO caught on tape”


    Is he a POET?

  • BOB GALLO replied to Everlasting
    2 years ago, updated 2 years ago

    Haha It is so funny Luce. I've never seen your humor so witty. What happened? the effect of those vitamin Ds?
    Your referring quote was totally relatable to the conclusion from mine; it was hilariously accurate and to the point. But two pointers:: First when I post a quote it is base on their being interesting, but not my total approval of them necessarily. The second, is this quote that you inspired::

    Never allow your humor to outscale your desire for true understanding.

    But humor also could be very powerful tool for understanding.

    Nice one!!

  • Everlasting replied to BOB GALLO
    2 years ago


    I stopped taking vitamin D3 since January. Though it’s probably the other vitamins I’ve been taking. :D
    I feel more relaxed. Still achy here and there but nothing compared to how it was before.

    Anyways, yes. I agree the quote about humor.

    Oh let me see if I can find it. There’s a subreddit about stuff like that that talk basically about the truth. “Technically is the truth”. It can be pretty funny sometimes.

  • Everlasting
    2 years ago, updated 2 years ago

    Guys, if I ever lose control, this is the type I would like to lose…


  • ddavidd
    1 year ago, updated 1 year ago

    Chase after the truth like hell
    you'll free yourself,
    even though you never touch its coat tails.

    Clarence Darrow

  • Sunshine
    1 year ago

    "...unless I am myself, I am nobody."
    - Virgina Wolf

  • ddavidd
    1 year ago, updated 1 year ago

    is human ability to walk on both sides."

    "What sheds lights must endure burn."

  • Ink
    1 year ago

    If a saint knew they were one, a saint they'd cease to be

    1 year ago

    “And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.”

    Friedrich Nietzsche

  • ddavidd
    1 year ago, updated 1 year ago

    “The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.”
    _Friedrich Nietzsche

    1 year ago, updated 1 year ago

    "I had no role in my birth...
    And I have no role in my own death either....
    My role is only in my life!"

    “Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world.”
    _Arthur Schopenhauer

  • ddavidd
    1 year ago, updated 1 year ago

    "In order for the truth to wear its boots, the lie has surrounded half of the world."
    _Winston Churchill

    "I saw the graves of those who did not fight for their rights, lest they be killed!"
    _Ernesto Cheguara

    1 year ago, updated 1 year ago

    "Palestinians Are, The, Jerusalem."


    1 year ago

    I believe anyone without a certain amount of madness is insane.


    11 months ago

    People sleep safe in their beds in the night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.

    George Orwell

  • ddavidd replied to BOB GALLO
    11 months ago, updated 11 months ago

    How could they sleep peacefully in real, Mr. Orwell, if they learn the "rough men" are committing genocide in the name of their "beauty sleep??"

  • Sunshine replied to ddavidd
    11 months ago


    11 months ago

    Our conscience aloofness is not as the result of our intellectual flaws. Most often it stems from our refusal to see things clearly. That refusal, is more, an unwritten agreement between our conscience and our consciousness. We put the constant nags of our imperative moral obligations to sleep, deliberately, out of a malignant convenience.


  • Everlasting replied to BOB GALLO
    11 months ago

    I read this quote but there’s something troubling me. I’m not sure if it’s my ego speaking or if it’s something in the quote that isn’t clear or that perhaps I have different definitions?.

    “Our conscience aloofness is not as the result of our intellectual flaws. “

    ^ can you define intellect for me? Or give me examples of intelectual flaws?

    Most often it stems from our refusal to see things clearly.

    ^ for me, when I cannot see something clear is because my ignorance is immense. My intellect lacks info. I often thought that I couldn’t see clear without my glasses, so I thought my eyes were the problem. (hehe I still can’t see a clear picture without the glasses but if I have been in the area I can make up the images. I can use my other senses to make up for it somehow but I need prior exposure. So if I refuse to expose myself, I might not be able to see a clear pic without my glasses. On the other hand, I can just buy glasses to help me see clear or vice versa I can’t refuse the glasses.

    But let’s say I didn’t know that exposing myself would give me a “ somehow”clear pic without glasses, then it wouldn’t be refusal per se… or may be it might but the reason behind the refusal changes… it would be due to fear…Not sure if I am making sense.

    “That refusal, is more, an unwritten agreement between our conscience and our consciousness. “

    Can you define conscience and consciousness?”

    We put the constant nags of our imperative moral obligations to sleep, deliberately, out of a malignant convenience.


  • ddavidd replied to Everlasting
    10 months ago, updated 10 months ago

    I left you a message two weeks ago, but you did not signed in like the rest, ( I expected more from you)
    So, if you like, I answer you::

    ~~How do you want me to define intellect?It is a very common word! Do you want me to give you the access to the real meaning of it, the unwritten wisdom, or you just want to discredit me to look appealing to those who invisibly have certain expectation from you?

    ~~I'm simply telling that for example your lack of response and passion, objecting against the genocide of 42,510 civilian Palestinians in the Gaza, your lack of enthusiasm, and participation, is not because of the lack of inteligence, or being cold hearted. It is because you CHOOSE to look away, ( that choice would eventually dims your passion) because of the elephant in the room, the invisible yet tactile forces that making you feel, it is not really good for you and the unspoken status that is given to you. They demand cooperation. Therefore you politely rejecting my say, in the way that perhaps is not even clear to yourself. For you also, deep deep in your heart have love and respect for what i say and for humanity, but your survival instinct is way stronger. ( Do you remember our zombi talks??)

    ~~I think I already covered your next question completely:: It is not as you said, because of "the immensity of your ignorance," "lacking info," your "not wearing your glasses." Yet it is exactly the way you put it so brilliantly ( gush) :: It is because you "refuse to expose yourself to the truth." Because we have been conditioned to accept that the truth is conditional, in this such pragmatic world. Humanity is just a "show off" It can be sorted, or put aside if it suits us.

    Then as always you got lost in the profundity of your example and go to the different trains, because talking that elusively needs discipline in thinking, that you lack, here and there.

    ~~The difference between conscience and consciousness is the one of "function and variable"
    Go look it up.
    I wish you find me good good enough to get back at me and share your finding, via here or personal M....

    10 months ago, updated 10 months ago

    We live in the generation of emotionally weak people. Everything has to be watered down because it's offensive, including the truth.
    ~Keanu Reeves (?)

    We will fail when we fail to try.
    ~ Rosa Parks

    “To be independent of public opinion is the first formal condition of achieving anything great.”
    ~ Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

    “The valor that struggles is better than the weakness that endures.”
    ~ Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

  • Everlasting replied to ddavidd
    10 months ago, updated 10 months ago

    How do you want me to define intellect?It is a very common word! Do you want me to give you the access to the real meaning of it, the unwritten wisdom, or you just want to discredit me to look appealing to those who invisibly have certain expectation from you?

    —-I would like to know how you define intellect. I can look it up online but I would like your definition. And no, I have no need nor want to discredit you. Plus, who on earth have expectations on me? My only intention was and is to understand. But sadly, I don’t learn the same way as others.

    “I'm simply telling that for example your lack of response and passion, objecting against the genocide of 42,510 civilian Palestinians in the Gaza, your lack of enthusiasm, and participation, is not because of the lack of inteligence, or being cold hearted. It is because you CHOOSE to look away, “

    ^ I’m confused. What does what I said have to do with Gaza?

    Sorry about the late reply

  • BOB GALLO replied to Everlasting
    9 months ago, updated 9 months ago

    You said: "I’m confused. What does what I said have to do with Gaza?"

    You still living in denial my good good friend. It is never about what you say, it is always about what you don't say. You don't know the referees, they judge your darkest corners. The most sufficient way to survive is abandoning ourselves to absolute "HONESTY" Because there are no corners in the whole world that we could ditch those eyes behind. They well know our tricks, our slick maneuvers between consciousness and subconscious. That how the ego pretends oblivion and throw itself where that consciousness has never penetrated, to asume innocence by hiding the real motives.
    As a human it is a moral obligation to broadcast our dismay of atrocities, If we do not show enough concerns, no excuse could justify our slack or the lack of conscience. ""THESE ARE ALL EXAMS"" If we don't take them serious we fail, in the highest aims we're looking for since our births. Then it doesn't matter if we're connected, rich, have grate support system, are fluent to excuse ourself, highly educated, popular,.... These are all detours. They are to distract us from the real game: The alchemy!!
    The question of: are we going to rase to the higher stage, or this is our level, where our true journey ends? are we going to be buried here, sharing our most excruciating loneliness with all our kinds?
    We should not indulge on those 'two cents' self help mottos, preachings: leave the world alone, just search for your own salvation.
    I have to break it to all of you my friends:: Believe me, there are no salvation, alone. Our true being is :: Collective Consciousness.

  • Everlasting replied to BOB GALLO
    9 months ago

    You don't know the referees, they judge your darkest corners

    It looks to me that you are the judge. Making judgements because I haven’t comment on a thread.

    There are other ways to be involved.

    All the best in your journey.

    8 months ago

    "Philosophy is transcendental homelessness; it is the urge to be at home everywhere."
    Gyorgy Lukacs

  • Koan replied to BOB GALLO
    7 months ago

    Oh, wow you quoted a Hungarian... ~smiles~
    It's always joy to read this tread...

  • ddavidd replied to Koan
    7 months ago

    Thanks, I did not pay attention to the nationality: Inteligence is rightfully the source of great prides in any nation my friend.
    as Shakespeare would say:
    "That which we call a rose
    By any other name would smell as sweet."
    ~~From the play: “Romeo and Juliet”~~

    Glad to see you around. Our friendship is now an old bottle of Shiraz wine, (straight from the barrel of Hafez poetry.) dear Iluminatex.

    3 months ago, updated 3 months ago

    A just punishment is the ultimate act of kindness.