
  • nouriguess
    1 year ago

    Please help me raise awareness about what's really going on in Palestine.

    I don't know if sharing links is against the rules but you can help by sharing this post:

    1 year ago, updated 1 year ago

    The video seems blocked or taken away. At least in Canada.

    It is a view about the subject, not in recent but in general::

  • Sunshine
    1 year ago

    I didn't bother post here because many sources are getting blocked in CANADA and the US. All my social media accounts are shadowbanned because of my constant coverage.

    I do not know who is reading forums here but I won't bother share anything I will just tell you, if you haven't already saw somewhere on Tik Tok or on Facebook or on Twitter or on Telegram or Instagram or or or. If for some impossible reason you didn't hear yet, thousands of human lives of babies of children of women of innocent, absolutely innocent people, are being taken away in the most inhumane brutal way ever, brutal that it's hard to believe it's happening in 2023 LIVE with the green light from the so called free world.

    Do your own research. Do an effort. It could have been you. It could have been your families. As I write this post, more children and women and men are being bombed to pieces. I just saw a baby with no head, a child with her brain out of her skull, baby legs with no bodies. Those people do have names. Those pictures are available in video as well. You can see them yourself if you care enough to know. Do speak up. Do ask your governments to speak up. Do your research on Gaza. Ask for this genocide to stop.

  • BOB GALLO replied to Sunshine
    1 year ago, updated 1 year ago

    I know how brutal this is for Palestinians, Arabs, Muslims , true Christians and all who have heart, or still remained partially human in their politically correct hearts.
    But I have to say these are all good. Because believe me life is nothing but the stages of alchemy. Universe is searching to reassemble its golds, by examining our true values. To assay our worth it would turn us around, and gets us where we are least conscious of our acts, (in darkness of subconscious,) in order to see the real us, to see the x-ray of our gold.
    Everyone could pretend, act and preform so loving seeing a poppy , scream out of sheer love, or get mad when an animal, or a child, an innocent is hurt. But believe me those do not count. Those of us who become suddenly deaf, hearing about all these atrocities, and go as nothing happened, prove that we are not truly kind, and all our kindness are in theatrical nature. Because when we could deny atrocity due to our conviction, political sides, or urges to be politically correct to evade persecutions, we are not really kind and our love, our affections are conditioned to the density of light, for in day we are ferocious humanitarians and in the pitch of dark, we are brutally cold.

  • Star replied to Sunshine
    1 year ago

    It is ridiculous how so many accounts are being flagged, blocked, closed in all social media platforms. This is not something only Muslims, Arabs, Middle Eastern’s should witness but the world entirely regardless of ethnicity, religion etc.The footage that is being broadcasted live is not something a human with a real heart can ignore.
    I didnt want to post here either, for the same reason as you Rania and also hopping one of the non-Arabs who are still active would post.

  • Maher replied to nouriguess
    1 year ago

    Most FB and Instagram links get taken down really quickly, censorship at it's worst. Surprisingly though, the message has been getting out like wildfire on Tiktok. I am happy to see that independent media has been covering this massacre religiously though and they've been doing a pretty good job so far. Arab media has been showing everything raw and as-is which is often unbearable.

    The message has gotten out though and the world is waking up. Here in Australia the government is very pro US and openly stated they support the bombing, but the people here have been waking up to the point where it's very surprising. The protests here have been bigger each week, but the media downplays them a lot. The first one was about 10k people and the media said 6k. Last week's one was about 40k people, media said 15k and wouldn't show the whole aerial shot, just parts. I have no doubt today's will be even bigger Inshallah. Yesterday's one in the UK was probably a million people going by the footage. The government in my state tried to ban the protests 2 weeks ago and also tried banning the Palestinian flag. Glad to see people didn't listen to them and still went out on the streets. All the Palestinian scarves and flags are sold out.

    Over here though, as stupid as it sounds, you quite literally have to get a permit to protest. You need permission from the government to protest against the government or it's up to a $22k fine, over $50k in states like South Australia. One reason why I'm happy to see the people still hit the streets regardless :)

  • nouriguess replied to Sunshine
    1 year ago, updated 1 year ago

    Thank you Rania, and I'm sorry I didn't elaborate myself. Being totally mentally and emotionally drained, I find it super hard to write what's happening in details. But I have to. It's my duty as a human.

    22 days ago, Israel forces launched a barbarous attack on Gaza Strip in Palestine; another episode of ethnic cleansing. Thousands have lost their lives in the ugliest of ways. White phosphorus bombs are being used against unarmed civilians.

    This attack reached its peak yesterday, 28th Oct, when Israel started a communication blackout and cut off all connections (cellular and internet services) while also expanding their military operations. So far, people in Gaza cannot be reached. Nobody can tell what's going on in there or how many are dead. A genocide in total darkness.

    Now you can hate politics all you want, you can opt out of taking sides, you can choose to not protest, you can choose to avoid arguments and keep your peace. But please, give it a chance and do your search. Look at the photos. Watch the videos. Listen to the victims. Note that those being murdered and bombed and evacuated are also humans. I'm positive you'll wish for a ceasefire, you will wish that those children, who have names and families and friends, could be protected somehow. I'm positive you will wish you could reach to them through your phone and help them out.

    Well, you can help. One person can help a lot, by telling a friend about it, by writing a post, by sharing a video.

    This massacre shouldn't go unremembered.

  • Poet on the Piano replied to nouriguess
    1 year ago

    Listening and spreading the news where I can. It shouldn't ever go unremembered. And it's heartbreaking to hear some people do not see this as genocide. The one thing I've seen online at least on Reddit (mostly where I'm active) is that there is more conversation and awareness that yes, Palestinian lives matter and this has been going on for so long, as well as the US involvement in propaganda and erasure of the crimes committed against innocent civilians. I think a lot of people are starting to do more research, because some have stated they didn't even know where to begin given the history of the conflict, but there are many genuine sources of information. There have been for quite awhile yet I have no doubt many have been silenced. And it's wild that people are thinking this is something to flippantly "pick sides" over when it's literally genocide, and any criticism of Israeli government is not criticizing the people. One can condone murder and brutality in any form and from any source (I think most of us don't want tragedy of any kind) while also understanding the history and being informed by listening to those LIVING it. War is war is war. And understanding the history as much as we can from not living there helps in some way, I hope, even if we feel helpless. There was a protest supporting Palestine a few weeks ago in my city, and there's also (from what I've been able to find) a nonprofit called Jewish Voice for Peace that has good information. Especially in regards to Anti-Zionism not equaling anti-Semitism, and that's starting to be a big talking point here.

    Yes to asking people to do their research. Especially if they have the means, resources, and platform to spread the info. Nothing good comes out of ignorance or saying that this is too "political" of a topic to follow.

    I cannot imagine having all communication cut off. And I hope no one forgets, just because it is not being seen.

  • Sunshine
    1 year ago, updated 1 year ago

    It's good to read these from all of you. Many others chose silence and impartiality. You can't be neutral on this matter. This is not Muslim vs Jew or Arab vs non Arab. The Israeli occupation state is a terrorist state and hundreds of rabbis and Jewish people have taken part in refusing the terrorist state of Israel to do a genocide in their name. Israel has already committed a crime that equals the horrific crimes that were committed against Jews. The Israeli govt. represents nothing of Jewish values. So the narrative of anti-semitic or not is just too absurd.

    Noura, I've went through Israel's 2006 War but you've lived the years-long Syrian war where all sorts of international laws were broken. The fake free world claimed opening door for Syrians to flee but we know very well the extent of suffering and traumas and tragedies that you went through and still do. So I can imagine what this genocide has triggered in you.

    The main tragedy for the Palestinians is that the whole world doesn't even care to fake sympathy or open a door for those people to flee. It has been agreed to let Israel do an ethnic cleansing against Gazans who live in an open air prison. The world's governments have fresh innocent blood on their hands.

    And no, not because I am Arab, not because of my roots. I was in Greece and could have stayed there to dissociate myself, especially that I live in Lebanon at the momenet where Israel is also targeting towns and villages every day. But I cannot unsee what I saw, and I cannot live my life as if I do not know what's going on in Gaza. Many people who I've connected with on social media throughout the years have immensely got involved and interacted with the news I was sharing. They come from India. from UK. from the US. from Canada. I wake up and look at my phone and see they've already shared new updates while I was asleep. So any effort would definitely make a difference. Tell one person and it would make a difference. It is worth it. It just happens that in the Arab region Palestinian sources are not banned as they are in the West and EU. But the live videos of the massacres are too viral you can find all you need if you care. It could have been any of us living this hell. I literally cannot believe and yet believe at the same time that this continues to happen. We are witnessing how genocides took place in history. People just let it happen.

  • Maher replied to Sunshine
    1 year ago

    The media wants people to believe that this is a religious feud. It serves their interests and fuels the massive game of divide and conquer that's being played. Get the masses to believe that this all boils down to a religiously fueled hatred between Muslims and Jews and it's easier to just point at that as a scapegoat. This couldn't be further form the truth. This is the result of a Zionist regime that in no way represents the Christian or Jewish faiths and people - this distinction needs to be made clear as unfortunately, not many people know this.

    I believe that this is one of the main reasons why they're absolutely SCRAMBLING to censor social media and the internet as a whole as soon as possible. They don't want the truth to get out. But it's getting out and people have seen what's really going on now. They've now seen the lies and propaganda on one hand and the truth and bloody massacres on the other. The governments of said countries can support this genocide all they want, but the people are overwhelmingly in opposition to what they do and plan. They know this and they fear it, so people need to unite more and more.

    This oppression is nearing it's peak and soon the people of Gaza and Palestine will be free. It may not be tomorrow or next week, but I firmly believe that it will be in our lifetime and that this is the beginning of the end of the Zionist regime.

    1 year ago

  • nouriguess replied to BOB GALLO
    1 year ago

    I swear to all gods that my stomach churns when I hear the Israeli politicians speak. It's like they're simulated monsters, I refuse to believe they're actually humans with feelings.

    What is even more disappointing is that the majority of people are just shrugging it off (including many of my Syrian friends... wow) like yeah they're sad Palestinian children are being bombed and injured and orphaned but eh what can they do about it? But imagine if those children were white... oh my god, streets would be CRAMMED with protests, their newsfeed would be dedicated to fight for those children.

    You CAN do something about it and you SHOULD do something about it. "Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim." Each individual, even if they're not a social media influencer, should raise awareness. They should post their news, they should boycott Israeli products (would be happy to share a link that tells you if a product/brand supports Israel or not), they should do this as if their lives depend on it because one day their lives might depend on it just like Palestinian childrens' lives depend on it now. NOBODY is safe from those barbaric killing machines. One day it could be your kid suffering from their cruelty.

    This usually falls on deaf ears but I won't stop shouting it on every platform.

  • BOB GALLO replied to nouriguess
    1 year ago, updated 1 year ago

    It is all about the light. We have to shed light. We have to speak the truth, otherwise we remain in darkness for good. Everything is a test. Palestinians are the Jerusalem. This is the exam to free our spirit, to be allowed to enter the other side. People don't see that. They must be kept in dark otherwise everyone even the feeble souls, people with no just, heart and gut could also pass.

    Some more light::

    1 year ago

  • ddavidd
    10 months ago, updated 10 months ago

    The profesor is so clear; compare yours::

  • ddavidd
    8 months ago