Keep PnQ Weird, Poems

  • Larry Chamberlin
    1 year ago, updated 11 months ago

    Keep PnQ Weird: Vote please

    I got so busy I forgot about the contest! How weird is that?

    Send me the order you would judge these poems, please, first through fourth:

    Fly with a fly
    to live
    with what you leave

    My Christmas.

    It will soon be Christmas once more.
    I get so excited.

    I wonder what I have bought myself this year?

    I close my eyes while I wrap them, so I can't know
    what they are, then place them under the Christmas tree.

    Usually, on Christmas Eve my intrigue gets the better of me.
    I think, maybe I'll just open one a little early.
    But then I think, I can’t as it will spoil my surprise.

    Just be patient, I think.

    Then, while watching TV my hand creeps closer to one of my presents. I pull it back,
    Saying “No, just be patient like everyone else!”

    Finally, Christmas day arrives. I stay up all Christmas Eve due to being over-excited. But there again it soothes my insomnia knowing it's been worth the endurance.

    I open the first one. I keep my eyes closed and feel woolly material. I open my eyes. It's a pullover. I try it on straight away. I struggle a little as it’s two sizes smaller. Well, I think it is one of those presents, whereas that usually happens, and have a quiet giggle to myself. I hope I kept the receipt!

    Onto the next one. I open it up in the same fashion. It's a light bulb. I've always wanted one. I feel happier now and my disappointment dissolves regarding the pullover.

    And now for the last one. It's the largest of all. I always leave the biggest until last. I carefully open it with curiosity, all the time keeping my eyes tightly shut for the surprise.

    At first, I think as I feel around the edges, it's a picture of some sort. However, it has something attached on one side. I open my eyes as I can't resist my excitement.

    Oh my goodness, its a kitchen cupboard door! Im so happy as one has been missing for a while. How thoughtful of me.

    I am one happy chap.

    I can't wait for my birthday!


    When I think all the universe start to make sense.
    When I speak the whole world begin to listen.
    Universe is so tuned to my tones,
    that even the bottom of oceans
    hear my heartbeats
    and all the time pieces
    adapt to my rhythm.
    Everyone desires exactly what I desire.
    Everyone is aflame with fire that burn in my passion.
    The same surge of thirst that goes through my mouth
    dehydrate all the deserts.

    I am the rain of all the gardens,
    the flood of summer fruits.
    Without my attention no flower ever blossoms
    Without my watch no trains are in time.
    Without my swollen chest,
    the craw of my guitar
    no serenade is ever sung.
    Without my gullet
    no bird ever sings.

    I have never been only me.
    "I" is just a distraction.
    I have been everywhere and everyone
    at the same time
    the omnipresence
    of timelessness.

    Title: blah

    who cares?

    I don’t think marshmallows are yummy
    not even when they are being digested in my tummy

    the other day, my knees were hurting bad
    So I walked backwards

    while doing so, I slipped on a hole and fell on my bottom
    in the mean time, I thought about the times I fell
    and the times I stood up

    Well, this time, I didn’t want to stand up
    so I stayed there for while

    time tick tock tick tock



    I was going cuckoo…

    it seems the longer I stood there sitting on my tushy
    the insaner I got
    So I gave up staying on the ground
    it wasn’t worth my time

    I stood up and walked forward with proudness from corner to corner of my mouth

    my knee hurt no more

    walking backwards




    One fine day in the middle of the night
    Two dead men got up to fight
    One dead donkey passing by,
    Kicked a blind man in the eye,
    Kicked him through a 6inch wall
    Into a dried ditch and drowned him all

  • BOB GALLO replied to Larry Chamberlin
    1 year ago

    Glad you are back. I was a little concerned. It was out of character your absence.

  • Larry Chamberlin
    11 months ago

    Thanks for your concern. At 74 I'm finding more on my plate than I had anticipated at this age.

  • BOB GALLO replied to Larry Chamberlin
    11 months ago, updated 11 months ago

    Number 74 has a huge significance in Persian poetry and philosophy.
    Omar Khayyam has one of his pieces exactly talking about this number. Once I understood is as a rang of four individual seven. But of course in the face value Omar Khayyam is talking about his age, yet you can grasp there is something more: astrology, theology or....

    By the way I hope everything is right by now, if not yet, whatever it is, I am sure you have the strength and fortitude to overcome any obstacle, and the wisdom of adjusting yourself scientifically and emotionally to deal with them.
    In any case you have my prayer and surely every member of this site to back you up spiritually dear Larry.

  • Larry Chamberlin replied to BOB GALLO
    11 months ago

    That's interesting about Omar Khayyam & 74.
    I'm doing okay, just having to get finished with a few clients whose work was both immediate and critical.

    So! Folks, how about some votes! Send them to me by PM.

  • Ink
    11 months ago

    One fine day in the middle of the night
    Two dead men got up to fight
    One dead donkey passing by,
    Kicked a blind man in the eye,
    Kicked him through a 6inch wall
    Into a dried ditch and drowned him all


  • Larry Chamberlin
    11 months ago, updated 11 months ago

    Having received no votes in 3 weeks, I declare a 5 way tie

  • BOB GALLO replied to Larry Chamberlin
    11 months ago

    O good
    thanks Larry it was not from the lack of effort or having an exciting subject. It is only the state of the site.
    I feel a winner now`~ or even more~
    5 ways win is a good achievement for me who never wins.
    I truly enjoyed, thanks again.