Sad News Janedoewrites

  • Ink
    9 months ago

    Hello fellow writers,

    I feel a huge sense of regret in having to inform you that Janedoewrites (Crystal) has passed away.

    Her writing was amazing and it was on here at PnQ that we met, provoked each other to the point of madness and some years later married, our love of writing brought us together and she will be sorely missed by family and friends, her passion for poetry was only matched by her love for her family, animals and the universe and she brought a lot of love into the world.

    I have no other words than these right now but felt that some she connected on here have a right to know.

    Big loves


    9 months ago, updated 9 months ago

    Indeed a sad news.
    I 'did not know her. but I checked now, she was a strong poet too. She reminds me of those stars that their lights reach you long after they 're gone.
    My condolences and prayers to her family,
    She looks soo young and vibrant, what was the reason if yo don't mind to share?

    I knew you were Ben from your first post.
    Thanks for sharing.

  • Ink replied to BOB GALLO
    9 months ago

    Thank you Bob it's nice of you to say, she lost her battle with her mental health and left us early, I appreciate your kind words and so will her family.

  • Poet on the Piano replied to Ink
    9 months ago

    I am so sorry to hear this news. I remember reading her poetry and seeing her presence on here nearly a decade ago, and the light she brought through her writing. I'm sorry I didn't know her better. Thinking of you and her family, friends, everyone... sending all my love.

  • Rayven
    9 months ago

    RIP crystal. I remember her from a few years ago and she was indeed a great poet. She will be missed.

  • Maher replied to Ink
    9 months ago

    I regret to say that I unfortunately didn't know her, but my condolences to you and your family. May only the best find you and may life be made easy for you and may the stresses and sadness of it be lifted from everyone fortunate enough to have known her.

  • Ink
    9 months ago

    Thank you all so much for your kind words they mean alot to her family, I gave them a link to her profile so they will be able to read her poetry whenever they want.

  • Larry Chamberlin
    9 months ago

    I'm very sorry for your loss. I'm sure your memories are both wonderful and full of anguish. Thank you for letting us know of Crystal's passing.

  • Ben Pickard
    8 months ago

    Ben, I am so genuinely sorry. I know from past conversations what she meant to you and how you two came to be married. She truly was a gifted poet and I remember reading her work from our time in Rainbow Writers and she was one of the first poets on here I interacted with, along with yourself. You have my sincerest condolences and you know where to find me.

  • Ink replied to Larry Chamberlin
    7 months ago

    Thank you Larry 9 honestly appreciate it

  • Ink replied to Ben Pickard
    7 months ago

    Ben, you are a gentleman as always, I genuinely appreciate your sentiment, she was definitely one of a kind and I wish she shared more of her writing here, she literally had reams of poetry that she had written. Thank old boy I hope and the family are well.

  • Unknown
    6 months ago

    My heart is shattered to hear about the loss of Crystal. I remember her from Rainbow Writers and she was a beautiful soul. Her poetry always captivated me! I truly was inspired and amazed at her gift of words. I'm truly sorry, Ben. My thoughts, prayers, and condolences to you and her family. <3.