Almost a year after October 7

    4 months ago, updated 4 months ago

    just sharing a few clips::

  • Sunshine replied to BOB GALLO
    4 months ago

    Thank you for sharing. Speechless...

    I really don't talk about Gaza or Syria or Lebanon here anymore, who cares? I have people from here on my social media accounts, where I actively share real live footage and updated news in videos about the massacred being committed by the Israeli terrorist state, supported by USA, and I see no reaction. No body cares so long they live far enough. Even if we are being bombed by their taxes. A year after Gaza, Israel hasn't stopped, infact it started with my country Lebanon. Just tonight, less than few hours ago, Beirut was violently bombed by bunker-buster bombs (thanks USA) to bring down so many buildings over it's people like it does in Gaza. I don't care that I thought some are friends and didn't care that my family and my people are being bombed by the support of their governments, I just feel so much disgusted that so many of you watch these news like you are watching some Netflix thrillers. Shame on each one of you and may the souls of those getting killed by your taxes with no action from you haunt you for generations. This life is not immortal. If you choose to live in ignorance, so be it. I just hope thay 1 day you will know how meaningless your life was.

  • Sunshine
    4 months ago

    Israel is this:

  • Maher replied to Sunshine
    4 months ago, updated 4 months ago

    I was born in Australia but both my parents are from Tartous, Syria. Just the other day they bombed not even an hour from where my mum's family lives there. Both my sister in laws are Lebanese, one from Al Menia where there was recently a drone strike and one from the the Jnoob where a lot of her family live in Baalbak and Al Dahieh. Those areas have been under constant bombardment and much of her family was forced to move North. We're pretty much keeping up with the news all day, every day. Everything on Arab media that you'll never find on Western media. I've lost a couple of friends over differences of opinion, but that's fine. Let whoever wants to be offended, be offended. I honestly couldn't care less. The evidence is plain and clear, so I'm not bothered by things like that. I'm proud that I'm deeply hurt by what's going on there. I'd rather feel that pain and be connected in some way than live my life without caring. I believe that I'll be questioned one day about what I did with what means I had when I had it, and I'd like to have an answer, not an excuse.

    Just today we had a huge protest that the police tried to stop through a submission to the Supreme Court here in Sydney. Estimated over 100K people. They've been happening every week for 52 weeks now and over here, you literally need a permit from the government to protest against the government. Go Australian democracy. Thankfully, the judge threw their case out and the demonstration went ahead. They took issue with some people holding Hizbullah flags because the G7 designates them as a "terrorist entity". A law was introduced here in December of last year about "harmful symbols", but it hasn't been tested in court yet, so a few decided to bring said flags in today and get arrested so that they could test the law in court and challenge it so that it can be defined properly as everything Parliament rams through here is intentionally vague. To put it into perspective of how hard the Federal Police tried to stop today's protest from going ahead, after the judge dismissed all their other claims they actually put forth a defense of "well the council in the City CBD recently installed a new plant area near the footpath and people could trip on it and get hurt". They actually had Kings Counsel barristers argue that point in the Supreme Court.

    They're also trying to ram through a "Misinformation/Disinformation Bill" here that would allow the Australian government to censor social media platforms such as YouTube, X, etc, so that they can stop us seeing the truth and fighting back. Basically, if this new government body that they've put together deem that an uploaded video or post is misinformation or disinformation, they'll be able to very heavily fine that social media platform for it. So that would inevitably make said platform censor what is visible here so as not to get fined, effectively limiting what we can see. Funny enough, government officials and mainstream media are EXEMPT from this bill. So it's a case of "rules for thee, but not for me".

    Ultimately, they're scared of the people and they believe that shutting us up and stopping us from resisting will save them. They're willing to drag the world into a third world war as though we're all worthless cattle. The dust beneath the feet of the martyred is worth more than them by infinite orders of magnitude.

  • Sunshine replied to Maher
    4 months ago, updated 4 months ago

    It's okay Maher. Everyone and all govts will do their agendas despite whoever is suffering. I have heard from high profile people so much BS that it makes me feel it's impossible to let ordinary people believe what's going on cause it's so easy to brainwash anyone. Look at news, look at the headlines. If I wasn't Lebanese and if I didn't know these areas that are being bombed street by street, I would hail what these reports say lol.

    I've heard BS about who wants to prolong this war that made me laugh silently. There are people out there who actually believe there are others who want this war apart from the Israeli terrorist Netanyahu. With all evidence out there, with history out there, with them zionists saying it out loud, them being the chosen people and those lands belonging to them by faith, saying they are ready to do whatever it takes to expel the arabs, still many come to defend Israeli right of self defense. It's just some sick supremacy and we have to accept that. We will all die one day, every single person living during this current generation, and history will shame them and each person who was silent in the past during every single atrocity ever committed, has children holding their genes who are now silent watching what's going on around the world, in Gaza, in Lebanon, in Syria, in Yemen, in Congo, in much going on.

    It's a sick world, and no one should be neutral. You are either on the evil side or good side. If you are silent, you are part of this. And in our story, the only evil side is Israel, occupying, mascaring, killing it's neighbors by the support of the US and their allies. Then they get furious about refugees flocking to their countries. What do you expect?

    SPEAK, protest your governments. Ask your governments to use this money to boost your economy and support your educational and health systems. It's a disaster. Your countries are falling apart, you just ain't looking at the right side. If you think the repercussions of your silence are not going to reach you, you are wrong. Wars = displaced people and angry and hateful people. You don't want refugees? Stop the genocides that are being committed by your money. Israeli terrorism created Hamas and Hezbollah. Israeli terror will continue to create groups who want to fight what's being done to them, who want revenge and liberty. Falling on deaf ears, but whatever.

    PS, on a positive note: This up was for the silent and brainwashed. So many have woken up from their slumber. The protests being shunned are still showing hope for humanity. What happened today in LA and Washington was as such.

  • BOB GALLO replied to Sunshine
    4 months ago, updated 4 months ago

    Pay attention specially to the 6 minutes and 40 second of the clip, that the character called Yosy... that bluntly lies about the picture of the fetus that were cut out from the pregnant woman... in which the reporter confronts him and the lier right away changes the story.... It is quit appalling the capacity of lying in these non-humanoids.

  • Maher replied to Sunshine
    4 months ago

    Agreed. I have only one response to this: "They plan and Allah plans, and Allah is the best of planners". That is what I believe. This evil will eventually fall and unfortunately everyone around the world will suffer from it, all because of the agendas of the elites who think of us common folk as nothing. A revolution is happening, people are indeed starting to wake up. When you see governments reacting so harshly in trying to censor and suppress and act as nonsensically as they are, then you know that they're afraid and are desperate.

    Things will get worse and life will become much harder for everyone more than likely, but this is what happens before evil empires fall. I only feel bad for the people who didn't want this, but at the same time, without the people's ignorance their leaders wouldn't be where they are now leading them all into poverty and war and that goes for every nation complicit in this. Because of a "chosen" few at the top, many of whom were never even elected, we're all suffering.

  • Maher replied to BOB GALLO
    4 months ago

    Pretty much all of the claims made about that day were debunked. They have a propaganda machine that isn't rivalled by any other. Over here probably 98% of mainstream media is all owned by Rupert Murdoch. The amount of coverage that those stories got on here, without even any evidence, as astounding. It was on the news day and night. Even when the UN and Israeli investigations proved that the vast majority of what was claimed didn't happen, our media kept pumping the same narrative as though there was never an investigation debunking them. Case in point, Piers Morgan. He still propagates those lies and surprise surprise...he works under Rupert Murdoch still even though he's no longer mainstream.

  • Poet on the Piano
    4 months ago, updated 4 months ago

    Just commenting to say I hear you. There's a vigil in our city planned early this week with kite-flying, music, and I believe a reading of the list of children killed along with flowers to spell out Gaza.

    It's really telling that there are people still afraid to use the word genocide or people who argue over semantics which is just willful ignorance at that point? I don't want to watch or give views to people who aren't actively speaking up or at least saying something, especially if they have any kind of platform or position of power. And that may be an obvious thing, but I also ask: are they truly doing what they can consistently or saying it as a "one and done" thing to look like they care? One streamer I watch is actively donating and spreading information and links, on a daily basis, as well as platforming other voices directly affected. And he's Jewish. It's really people choosing ignorance when they say that criticizing Israel is anti-Semitic. It's completely ignoring the truth.

    I have noticed people are spreading more awareness and realizing that silence is compliance, when I think before it seemed like people vocalized that the the issue was too complex... but it's also twisted in a way that this has been going on for so long and only now there is more coverage/protests? I don't know. I'm ashamed of my country and the wars it continues to fund. Someone I know has spent a majority of his life and time working for a major US defense contractor that supplies weapons... and all these corporations are just about greed. And power. And blood. I remember being so incredibly sheltered and it being a big deal when a few Americans were killed on the news. But absolute silence about the murder of civilians, at a much larger number, in other countries. There was always "justification" for atrocities we most certainly contributed to. It's not only propaganda but almost a brainwashing (if I'm allowed to use that word) when we're in my opinion taught (in subtle and not subtle ways) that the US is #1 and our lives matter more (the whole military industrial complex being so prevalent here). That was no excuse for my ignorance though.

    Really good point about how no one should be neutral. That is dangerous. Or people who taunt it as "well I don't want to be involved in politics". These are human lives. This isn't about having opinions on mundane things, on things like where to eat for the day, what flavor ice cream is best, etc. There is a right and wrong side.

  • Sunshine replied to Maher
    4 months ago, updated 4 months ago

    Piers Morgan is full of crap. He himself knows it.

    Elliott thanks for being human and for choosing not to be ignorant. Because today it's by choice 100%

    If names of children killed by Israel will be read out loud. One night won't be enough. Be ready, you will soon have a similar list from Lebanon.

  • Maher replied to Sunshine
    4 months ago

    He is indeed, but it's ok. Bassem Youssef, Low Key, Mehdi Hasan and Roger Waters destroyed him and his credibility.

    4 months ago, updated 4 months ago

    It is so sad that everyone talks about 41,613 civilians who were massacred by the Nazi zionists, but no one ever talks about thousand people that are buried under the rubble, or et cetera.

    estimate of death from starvation: 62, 413
    missing estimate, death under the rubbles 10,000
    estimate from lack of access to care for chronic disease: 5000
    estimate death from Infectious diseases, maternal/neonatal death and others: ?? God knows how many.
    those in which did not die directly by the hit, so, their estimate hardly ever appears in any broadcast .

    " I will always be on the side of those
    who have nothing
    and who are not even allowed
    to enjoy the nothing they have in peace."

    Federico Garcia Lorca

  • Meena Krish replied to BOB GALLO
    4 months ago

    A very, very painful, cold hearted reality of life where no one is stepping up to put and end to all this..are prayers even heard..?

  • Maher replied to BOB GALLO
    4 months ago

    These figures don't appear in Western mainstream media broadcasts, but they appear all the time in Arab media and independent media. All of which ironically the West wants to censor and shut down while they claim they stand for democracy and free speech. It's incredible and as painful as it is you can't help but to laugh at the hypocrisy.

  • Sunshine replied to BOB GALLO
    4 months ago

    Israeli terrorism:

    Gaza death toll rises over 42,000 today, since October last year.

    Lebanon death toll rises over 2,000, more than half of this toll is only since this September 21 (2024).


    4 months ago, updated 4 months ago