Sharing an experiance

  • ddavidd
    3 months ago, updated 3 months ago

    A few years back then, for two weeks I was in hospital. But the experience was very profound. First, a Muslim nurse was picking on me because I wanted to be left alone and did not wish to participate in any collective activities. They told her to back off for it became very annoying. However in the end she turned into a good friend because I changed and transformed into something opposite. I found my place in the world, and I enjoyed helping people there. Believe it not if you wish, but on the last day, when my sister came to release me, to her ( and mine) surprised eyes, a Portuguese young fellow came and ( feeling so silly to say) kneeling in front of me trying to kiss my feet, claiming that I inspired him the most in his life and he had never been inspired by anyone like that. He was kind of right I even overwhelmed myself. I had never seen myself that way before. There only was a faraway feeling of having faith in me, like a vague memory, in outlaying distances of my subconsciousness. However, that part of me went down in the closet after returning home. Again I have become no one's hero. I think heroism is an aquatic creature in every one of us that needs the right water to swim and return to life.

  • Sunshine replied to ddavidd
    3 months ago

    Touching post. Thank you for sharing your experience. It's true what you said at the end of this post. But, you know what I think? Maybe that part of you went down after you returned home, but how that person sees you and what you made them feel, definitely is still with them. I have been touched by some that way and I still carry their influence with me.

  • BOB GALLO replied to Sunshine
    3 months ago

    Thanks, Rania

    We only remain in how we influence others.

    3 months ago
