19 years ago
When someone plagiarizes a poem what is done? I think we need to make a more FIRM stance that it is not acceptable by any means. |
♥-Sharon Ardern-♥
19 years ago
Some plagairized poems do get deleted, i believe ... i think this is a good idea, a mark in their profile to indicate they have plagiarized. no one would want that mark. i think it would be a good deterant. because stealing is WRONG whether it's a pen, a wad of cash or a poem. I had one nicked once, and it hurt. mark the ******** that's what i say. |
19 years ago
I believe that plagiarizing is wrong just like the rest of you. But honestly, this all started because of the mishap with Hailies poem. Could you please get over it already! She is going through a very rough time and you are constantly reminding her of an ACCIDENT that makes her feel horrible. I understand the need for resistance of plagiarism, but this is going a little too far. Let us just forgive Hailie and move on. We all know how talented she is and that she would never purposely plagiarize. |
19 years ago
http://www.poems-and-quotes.com/explicit/poems.php?id=204323 |
♥-Sharon Ardern-♥
19 years ago
hallie plagiarized? i didn't know that ... i'm confused where she's concerned, i was just thinking of other times it's happened .... erm .... i'm shocked. someone fill me in on this hallie thing? she writes so damn well, please don't tell me she's a plagiarizer????? |
19 years ago
Is something going to be done? |
Kaitlin Kristina
19 years ago
We cannot really ban people from the site, if they really want on they will just use a different IP address. |