Plagiarized Poems Whats Done?

  • Jacki
    19 years ago

    When someone plagiarizes a poem what is done? I think we need to make a more FIRM stance that it is not acceptable by any means.

    What I believe we should do is mark the poem and the profile. Make it so the mark will never come off. Such as this GREAT example:

    Here you can clearly see what poems she did not write, and on the top of her profile its maked.

    So if people want to read plagiarized poems they can and know thats its not the person work.

    Because it seems we get so many people Plagiarizing and its getting out of hand. Nothing seems to happen, they just continue to post there unoriginal work and life goes on..

    I say enough is enough already!

  • EoB
    19 years ago

    I agree.

  • ♥-Sharon Ardern-♥
    19 years ago

    Some plagairized poems do get deleted, i believe ... i think this is a good idea, a mark in their profile to indicate they have plagiarized. no one would want that mark. i think it would be a good deterant. because stealing is WRONG whether it's a pen, a wad of cash or a poem. I had one nicked once, and it hurt. mark the ******** that's what i say.

  • Jacki
    19 years ago

    Thats what i'm saying who wants a mark in there profile? Not I

  • Pianist
    19 years ago

    I believe that plagiarizing is wrong just like the rest of you. But honestly, this all started because of the mishap with Hailies poem. Could you please get over it already! She is going through a very rough time and you are constantly reminding her of an ACCIDENT that makes her feel horrible. I understand the need for resistance of plagiarism, but this is going a little too far. Let us just forgive Hailie and move on. We all know how talented she is and that she would never purposely plagiarize.

  • Eibutsina
    19 years ago

    LoL Friends - now dont be harsh Hailie will be copping quite a belting now I'd imagine

    Well said Jacki I couldn't agree with you more!

    It's so disappointing...we do need to take a firm stance!!!

  • Jacki
    19 years ago

    Exactly how many "I'm Sorries" do we have to hear and just always look them over. Give them all a slap on the wrist and say thats ok. 10 poems later there doing the same thing.

    Something really needs to be done. I'm not saying Ban them, i'm saying mark there profile.

  • Jacki
    19 years ago

    Why is that plagiarized poem still in her profile anyways? I mean do you delete them or what are you guys planning on doing? Dainz you are an admin now right, or are you on vacation too?

    Please Can you do something about this....

  • ♥-Sharon Ardern-♥
    19 years ago

    hallie plagiarized? i didn't know that ... i'm confused where she's concerned, i was just thinking of other times it's happened .... erm .... i'm shocked. someone fill me in on this hallie thing? she writes so damn well, please don't tell me she's a plagiarizer?????

  • Dante
    19 years ago

    I don't have a vacation...

  • Jacki
    19 years ago

    Is something going to be done?

    No I mean a mark for real plagairzing. I don't mean I gave everyone a link so they could see. what it would like.

    Not use hailie again but 4 of her poems were word for. Her profile should be marked along w/ the poems she has used that arn't hers. Just to let people know. The poem itself wouldn't be marked untill like the mods or whatever throughly went throught it and made sure the poem was not plagerized. Do a google search for a few lines.

    etc etc

    But who wants a mark in there profile letting everybody know that clicks on there profile "HEY I"M A PLAGARIZER"...see what i mean

    It's simple yet extreamly effective

    since this is a continuess thing we really need to step things up instead of just deleting the poems. Because they can always continue to keep stealing and fly under the radar because nobody knows that there poems arn't theres.

    Maybe a big red "P" in there profile to let everyone know that they plagarize poems. And the "P" can't be taken off.

  • Dante
    19 years ago

    Hmm... marking. This thought I heard about offensive comments too. When Janis will return I will speak with him.

    My opinion: This is not unambiguous question...

  • Jacki
    19 years ago

    that would work to Dainz :)

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    19 years ago

    We cannot really ban people from the site, if they really want on they will just use a different IP address.

    But I think that the mark in the profile is the LEAST thing we should do, and I think it is absolutely necessary. We deserve to know who HAS stolen poems, because then we know they are capable of it again.

    I for sure would NEVER want that mark on my profile or attached to my poems. Nobody would.

    Scarlet letter, and brand the fools. It is total disrespect to the site and all of us to post poems as your own that were not written by you. We deserve to know who has a history of plaigerism.

    And although this topic may have been brought up because of the recent Hailie debacle, that was only the icing on the cake. Many other poets have plaigerized, and something needs to be done. Hailie isnt the ONLY one that would be getting marked.

    I would even go as far as to say that there should be a red "P" or black dot by the name, almost like an award. That way no one even has to click on the profile to know what they have done. Even if this mark is only for a 3 month period or so.

    Plus, this only happened yesterday, its not like Hailie has been being dumped on for weeks about this or anything. Most people are still in shock about it, if they even know, and she has retreated from the site regardless. I dont know if she did that from her own valition or if she got kicked off, but something has to be done to plaigerizers in general. Not just Hailie.

  • Eibutsina
    19 years ago

    Kaitlin - very well spoken :o)