PPD: Plagiary Patrol Department

  • Eibutsina
    19 years ago

    I agree with Friends here

    It isn't the first time a plagiarised poem has won the contest and this stuff needs to be nipped in the bud!

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    19 years ago

    lol, Bob, I absolutely love you. I just am bursting to say that. Every post you write cracks me up.


    Friends- you are absolutely right. I started searching to see if some people took some of my poems today on google, only got through a few though and didnt find any, so I decided I was bored.

    I definitely agree that the poems who win the contests should be screened and checked up.

  • Jacki
    19 years ago

    Yes and once the poem has been made plagarized Mark there profile so everybody knows how lame they are.

  • Kevin
    19 years ago

    Is there any way that when someone submits a poem to this site, it is automatically scanned using google, and any potential hits in terms of other poems are shown.

    I have no idea how this would be done, though i know what i mean.

  • Seronum
    19 years ago

    I agree with ~friends~ any poem on this site could be marked with plagerism because of one or two lousy sentnces. Maybe something more specific can be done like anytime you suspect plagerism try going with the topic its in and then when you get to the site search with a few words. I dont know lol im just bringing up ideas.....or trying in the least

  • Jacki
    19 years ago

    No I mean a mark for real plagairzing. I don't mean I gave everyone a link so they could see. what it would like.

    Not use hailie again but 4 of her poems were word for. Her profile should be marked along w/ the poems she has used that arn't hers. Just to let people know. The poem itself wouldn't be marked untill like the mods or whatever throughly went throught it and made sure the poem was not plagerized. Do a google search for a few lines.

    etc etc

    But who wants a mark in there profile letting everybody know that clicks on there profile "HEY I"M A PLAGARIZER"...see what i mean

    It's simple yet extreamly effective

    since this is a continuess thing we really need to step things up instead of just deleting the poems. Because they can always continue to keep stealing and fly under the radar because nobody knows that there poems arn't theres.

    Maybe a big red "P" in there profile to let everyone know that they plagarize poems. And the "P" can't be taken off.

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    19 years ago

    I am having deja vu... the last two posts are on another thread, so I will add my input:


    We cannot really ban people from the site, if they really want on they will just use a different IP address.

    But I think that the mark in the profile is the LEAST thing we should do, and I think it is absolutely necessary. We deserve to know who HAS stolen poems, because then we know they are capable of it again.

    I for sure would NEVER want that mark on my profile or attached to my poems. Nobody would.

    Scarlet letter, and brand the fools. It is total disrespect to the site and all of us to post poems as your own that were not written by you. We deserve to know who has a history of plaigerism.

    And although this topic may have been brought up because of the recent Hailie debacle, that was only the icing on the cake. Many other poets have plaigerized, and something needs to be done. Hailie isnt the ONLY one that would be getting marked.

    I would even go as far as to say that there should be a red "P" or black dot by the name, almost like an award. That way no one even has to click on the profile to know what they have done. Even if this mark is only for a 3 month period or so.

    Plus, this only happened yesterday, its not like Hailie has been being dumped on for weeks about this or anything. Most people are still in shock about it, if they even know, and she has retreated from the site regardless. I dont know if she did that from her own valition or if she got kicked off, but something has to be done to plaigerizers in general. Not just Hailie.

  • Jacki
    19 years ago

    maybe not so the black dot, but maybe a black box with the red P inside the black box. Put right next to the award section.

    Always like a plagarizer award

    I also don't think it should come off because then people would forget they are plagarizers and then they could start back up again and go under the radar and were back at square one again.

  • Jacki
    19 years ago

    so then donaldrminikus what do you suggest?

  • BaybeBlew
    19 years ago

    The PPD would be a great idea, I don't mean to insult Janis and Dainz at all but this site needs to crack down on plagiary, even when a poem is stolen and the author is credited. It's still wrong for people to post it on here.

    I hate coming across poems I've read a couple hundred times through chain letters and just on the site. Its annoying and wrong.

    I definitely don't think it's enough to just give them an uncool award...they need to be suspended for a set amount of time.

    The PPD sounds interesting...

  • Kevin
    19 years ago

    In the mods forum i actually suggested giving poetry thieves a mark on thier profile, along with those who consistantly leave offensive comments on other peoples poetry, and unfortunately, the idea was undemocratically knocked back by Dainz [ no offence mate, i sort of understand your hesitation at such a thing]

    So i don't think it will happen, but i wish it would, cause right now, those who steal poems are laughing at us in a way...and as a mod, and a poet who sometimes struggles to find the words to express my thoughts and feelings...there is no greater insult than the theft of an idea or emotion.

    Name and shame i say, after they have a chance to reform their behavior.

  • Jacki
    19 years ago

    maybe dainz will see how upset everyone is getting now. Maybe since it was brought up outside of the mods forum then he might actully think about it.

    The mark is a great idea. They can still continue to post there poetry, maybe even a mark on the poem that was plagerized itself. I don't know but they need to be pointed out.

    I think it would cut back on people wanting to steal others work.

  • Dante
    19 years ago

    Kevin: I didn't knock back this idea. I said that I will speak with Janis, however I put my opinion about it.

    p.s. see new thread

  • PnQ Mod Account
    19 years ago

    Dainz, is there anyway you could tell us how many poems are reported as copyright violations? I know I have reported.... ALOT.... and if everyone that calls out plagiarizers here in the forums (or in the comments on the poem) actually reports them, too... we have to be catching a fair number....

    I'm not sure what people are actually wanting when they request a PPD.... shouldn't EVERYONE (since everyone has access to the "report copyright violation" form - even unregistered users) consider checking a poem they read to see if it might be plagiarized?

  • Sean Allen
    19 years ago

    actually no, you can post a poem by another writer only if they give you legal consent to post it and give them credit.

  • Sean Allen
    19 years ago

    I meant in general, but you're correct concerning the rules of the site.

  • Dante
    19 years ago

    Ann: There is about 5-20 copyright reports daily.

  • Pianist
    19 years ago

    JPM has a very good point. The chain grows out of control, and eventually there are 20 websites all with the same poem and nobody can find out who the original author is.

  • ~*^*~ longing to belong ~*^*~
    19 years ago

    But do people actually get thrown off if they are caught plagarising?