Shows you when poetry readings are and when they will be held. Incase any of you are intrested: Of course this is for the Madison area....
3/18, Friday; 9 pm: Urban Spoken Word Poetry Slam, $5 cover. Virginia poet 13 of Nazareth will be the featured poet. Madison's Fabu and John Grambling will read as well. Café Montmartre's Side Car, 127 E. Mifflin St. Event Phone: 255-5900.
3/19, Saturday, 7 pm: Duluth, MN poet, Louis Jenkins, author of Sea Smoke, The Winter Road, Just Above Water, Nice Fish, and other books of prose poems, reads. See his poem “Violence On Television†at, and more at Avols' Bookstore, 255-4730, 315 W. Gorham St.
3/20, Sunday, 7 pm: Richard Roe and Robert Schuler read, followed by open mike at Barnes & Noble West, Mineral Pt. Rd. behind West Towne. Sponsored by the Wisconsin Fellowship of Poets and organized by Richard Roe, 831-8947.
4/2, Saturday, 7 pm: Lisa Marie Brodsky reads her poetry on Higher Ground, WPR, 87.9 FM.
4/3, Sunday, 1:30 pm: Laurel Youke reads from her new poetry book Waiting For Beethoven (Marsh River Editions 2005). Avols' Bookstore, 255-4730, 315 W. Gorham St.