Question on suicide.

  • Jacklyn
    19 years ago

    i write poems a lot about cutting, suicide, rape and i have never cut my self intenally, never tried to kill myself and never have been raped. some poeple do relate to the poems they write but i don't. your friend might be writing and relating but maybe she isn't just let her know you care for her and try to keep positive thoughts around her it will help. PLP

    ~lil slam~ good luck!

  • !*!Zoe!*!
    19 years ago poems "Because of You", "Who are you to tell me?" and "The Easiest Thing" are all about cutting and suicide, but I wasn't cutting when I wrote them.


  • Jacklyn
    19 years ago

    i know people that cut and write about it.

    i agree with andrea, she probably hurting, but if they want the attention it's probably a call for help they are looking for.


    ~lil slam~

  • katie!
    19 years ago

    I cut and write about it, just because I like writing poems

  • LinkinParkFreak
    19 years ago

    I have cut before and I was so close to sucide but I'm so happy to be alive. You don't know how happy you are to be alive until your close to lossing your life. I regret it. It's so not worth it...


  • LinkinParkFreak
    19 years ago

    Hey yall...just because someone writes about suicide or other things like that dosn't mean your going to do or have tried and stuff...It's just a subject that they felt they needed to write about...that's my opnion because I do that sometimes.....

  • Jacklyn
    19 years ago

    help her, let her know you care about her, your not a true firned unless you really care about her, if you did you would help her, sorry suzy but you don't seem to understand friendship if your telling her o leave your friend alone, if she ends up dead then regrete it! Check out my poem "Silent Cry" might help you decide about what to do with your friend. hope this helps.

    ~lil slam~ PLP

  • Jessy
    19 years ago

    No it doesnt mean they are suicdal and no it does not mean you want attention!!! I used to write suicide poems out letting my feeling out becasue i couldnt hold them in no more!! It is a stage i think we all go through.. Like me i had this time in life were i almost died and after that i never wrote a suicide poem aagain because it freaked me out so it is a stage that almost everyone goes through just dont let her emotions take hold

  • unprotected lover
    19 years ago

    thanks for you comments it means alot to someone that use to cut ummm not everyone does it for attention thank you very much your comment (the second comment) was rude and could get your emotions going and get them to cut again

  • ßeAuTiFuLlY~bRoKeи
    19 years ago

    i agree that was really rude not everyone cuts for attention, if they go around bragging about it to everyone then yeah, but some people do it cause they are really hurting inside...there are alot of reasons y people cut and yeah attention is one of them but be carful accusing people of that if it's not true you could make it worse

  • unprotected lover
    19 years ago

    thanks for backing me up on that one i just thought it was rude, for some people its hard and painful just to wake up in the morning how would you like to live that everyday of your life?

  • BleedingAngel
    19 years ago

    I write poems about suicide, so I can release the pain I'm feeling inside....I don't do it for attention or anything like that!!!

  • Jacklyn
    19 years ago

    just let her know your always there for her and care. let her know she has some place to go.

  • unprotected lover
    19 years ago

    thanks it helps alot i know to have a friendt that cuts themselves. some people dont tell anyone they cut because the fact they maybe rejected but let them know someone cares about them

  • shadowgazor
    19 years ago

    OK, my opinion is really simple and I think it is the bottom line, not always do people cut themselves for attension, that there is just dumb to think that. I have friends that cut themselves, but for more reasons than they'll even tell me, and majorly in my opinion is that you should think of it logicly, would you: 1.have them cut themselves to get out there pain/w.e or 2. would you have them write about it and get there feelings on paper, personally, paper is always better than harming yourself

  • Jacklyn
    19 years ago

    still just keep looking out for her, you never know when it come to the real thing and it ends up being to late.

    ~PLP ~lil slam~

  • shadowgazor
    19 years ago

    yea just be a good friend, talk alot, know whats going on

    -best of luck

  • David Paul
    19 years ago

    I don't have any suicidal thoughts in my mind but wrote a poem like that. I just wanted to think like they do so I could talk to them about it. But yeah I think its better to have someone write about it rather than try to take it into action. If you can get her to go to a shrink. She needs more than writing. In writing all it does is leave the thoughts with no one to tell her that what she is feeling is wrong. If she wont go to the shrink than get her to talk to you. Be the friend that saves her life.

  • unprotected lover
    19 years ago

    yeah at least someone agrees with me, and what if she doesnt want to go to shrink because she doesnt want to kill herself just get away from the pain.

  • Unseen Exposure
    19 years ago

    It doesn't necessarily mean that she's cutting herself, or thinking about suicide, maybe writing about cutting is her replacement for the actual physical act, in which case I applaud her. However, it is always a possibility that it could be going on and she's just hiding it from you. I think that writing about it is a thousand times better than actually putting words to actions, so hopefully she's just talk.

  • unprotected lover
    19 years ago

    ok personally i was the one that was writing the poems and ok the schools got a hold of my poems a while ago and I did get taken in and talked to about it if anyone really wants to hear about it read my poems

  • Lipton
    19 years ago

    Simple thought on suicide:

    It's selfish, and stupid.

    I don't care what has been done to you. Suicide is more selfish than you may realize.

    I've been through more than I wish to share... Deep, personal things that I can't say here, but let me tell you, I kept moving on, because I knew that there was someone in this world that cared for me and depended on me. There are more people that do that than you may think.

    What if?... What if I wasn't here?

    ~Ciao Lipton

    PS: I really didn't read this post... I just saw the title and decided I could put in my two-cents worth of mind.

  • Kathryn
    19 years ago

    i think that she is just letting her feelings show in the best way that she can without hurting herself.

    i do the same thing. i have a book of poems that i have written, and alot of poeple are constantly worried about me.... but the best thing is that she is getting her fellings out instead of letting them build up inside of her. .. that can actually make things worse...... well i hope that i helped a little.

  • deadnalone
    19 years ago

    it doesnt mean that she is, it could mean she is but she could just as easily be letting out her feelings and like if shes wanting to cut it mite make her feel better to write like shes cutting or w/e, if you havent already you should say something to her but dont say it horribly, tho im sure u probly wudnt, tell her about the other friends if she doesn't already know and most of all let her no ur there 4 her

  • little birdy
    19 years ago

    JPM: I'm sure no one would care if you were here either...

  • NK
    19 years ago

    No it doesn't, that talk about suicide are never the ones the commite... so if s/he is talking about it they are 99.9% safe...

  • Jacklyn
    19 years ago

    bull! most likely if they are talking about it death is on their mind. they want to talk about it to see what kind of reaction they get from the friends. Statistics show that people that become more suicidal either act like everything is suddenly ok and hunky dory or the thought and talk of death and what it might be like.

    ~ lil slam~ PLP

  • Nicholle
    19 years ago

    No, I write poems about suicide but I will not commit it. If your really worried though search things up about warning signs.

  • sHaTtErEdMiStAkE
    19 years ago


    This might be rude but you really don't know what you're talking about. Cutting isn't for getting attention. It's a way to relieve your pain that you feel inside. Obviously you just don't understand how we feel. If you acctually knew anything then you would already know that. Also, cutting and suicide are two different things, people don't cut themselves as a suicidal act, or a failed suicide attempt. So next time you post something like that, get it right.

  • sHaTtErEdMiStAkE
    19 years ago

    Cutting isn't for attention. People who cut want to get rid of their pain, it has nothing to do with other people like you. Cutting has nothing to do with suicide. People who cut aren't trying to kill themselves and it's not an attempted suicide. They are trying to rid themselves of the pain that they are feeling inside of themselves. Just because your cousin killed herself doesn't mean anything. Cutting DOES NOT have anything to do with killing yourself

  • t i f f a n y ♥
    19 years ago

    Just because someone writes a suicidal poem doesn't mean they cut.

    Just because someone cuts doesn't mean they are suicidal.

    Just because someone is suicidal doesn't mean they cut.

  • no one
    19 years ago

    just because she write's suicidal poems dosn't mean she wants attention badly(totaly bull shit). did you think maybe she didn't write them for people to judge maybe she wrote them to let out stress or anger. you shouldn't jump to conclusions, because most of the time your wrong.

    love always

  • no one
    19 years ago

    hey tiffany,
    i like the way you put that because it is so true.

    love always

  • †JustAri†
    19 years ago

    i agree with angelica (jelly) hun don't jump to conclusions some ppl are just creative in writing. the ppl who said they do it for attention, yes, some do that, doesn't mean you have to attack everyone else's problem....

    and about turning in her poems to the school counsellor (spelling error i know) the first reaction i'd have would be having the feeling of being cornered. i know you want to help her so maybe you just need to talk or something....let her know you're getting her help before you actually do it because she's going to have to WANT to help herself, if what you think is true.

    I know these words mean nothing but utter BS.

    Peace and Take Care.....

  • Lydie
    19 years ago

    Bit of both - some poems I've written are like suicidal but I just let out my feelings...

    It depends on the person and exactly what they write...

    Well done for changing her mind about cutting.


  • EJ
    19 years ago

    Hey.. cutting is not for attention!! i myself cut and i dont do it for attention i do it just to ease my pain.. and i write about it.. even when i was trying to get clean i wrote about it just so i wouldnt do it.. And poems about suicide doesnt mean your suicidial.. i mean sometimes its just writing about it to get it off your mind.. its easier to see what you are thinkin about when you write it down somewhere.. it just helps some.. You must really mean alot to her if she stopped cutting for you.. b/c it really takes alot of will power to stop.. continue to be that great friend and talk to her about whats going on.. bye bye EJ

  • †JustAri†
    19 years ago

    ^^ Agreed.