Just Sierra
19 years ago
Just don't let anyone anger you or rile you, that's the trick. Remain calm and pretend like none of it has effected you, and keep your mouth shut. Just don't give them the time of day. Hope I've helped. |
19 years ago
I agree....This is a forum you go to, when you need a shoulder to cry on or when you want to help other poeple....We don't come here so that people can look down on us!!! |
19 years ago
I think that people have a choice to come to the sadness nad depression post, yes. And I think people know that other people in here are sad or depressed and thats why they come here to talk to someone about it, if they need a shoulder to cry on, or just to know they aren't alone. But when people come on these posts to criticize cutters, peole that migh kill themselves, or anorexia people they make it worse. Saying that they should go ahead and kill themselves now or they should just die or they are stupid or they are idiotic what ever it may be that is just making it worse. People have opinions and want to state them but they don't have to do it in such a rude way to piss everyone off that they are criticizing or what ever people call it what they're doing. |
Bret Higgins
19 years ago
I first came here to express my opinion and offer help... now I just don't bother anymore, it's not worth the backlash from kids who are happy wallowing in their depression. The people I know want help talk to me in private... everyone else can do what they like; cut, burn, kill themselves... whatever it's not my problem. |
19 years ago
thank you Angie. Brett I do think people want help but don't know how to get it or don't want it from people who don't understand or criticize them about what they are going through. |
Just Sierra
19 years ago
Either that, or they can't apply it to reality or something. |
Bret Higgins
19 years ago
Every situation is unique, no one knows exaclty what anyone else is going through. But the older ones here have given up because 99% of the kids in this forum do not understand the benefit of life experience and the wisdom of hindsight. |
19 years ago
I think that people who are older or what ever might know something about how they feel but life and what is going on in their lives has changed alot sense their time I guess you can say. I do agree that they are telling them what the need to hear but they could do it in a nicer manner. |
Bret Higgins
19 years ago
Well, they need it blunt and in a way that will make them think about. Pussy footing about the issue only ever reinforces it. |
19 years ago
....float on..... |
19 years ago
Well I know people can't "pussy foot" around their problems but people don't have to be so damn rude about it. |
Bret Higgins
19 years ago
Well I know people can't "pussy foot" around their problems but people don't have to be so damn rude about it. |
Ironic Allure
19 years ago
People have to learn what they're doing is detrimental before they can over come SI/SH. |
19 years ago
Nicely said Laura. |