Is it the guyz or the gals who always have a third party?

  • Bret Higgins
    19 years ago

    Women expect too much from their men in the main. Hints, unsaid things they are expected to know... From my extensive experience with the ladyfolk of the UK they are more messed up than men and often are to blame for relationships going tits up.

    But then it is natural for you to blame us.. that's the way the world works, men are wrong 24 hours a day, right?

  • pinkalias
    19 years ago

    Guys, not meaning to be sexist or anything, but you if you took a poll or studied it carefully, the majority of the time it's the guy's fault.

    I have a theory that is because guys are pretty much taught by television, media, and general society that they are justified in disrespecting women because they are stronger physically. thus, they find right in going out and having one night stands, (not limited to) and their excuse is "hey I'm a guy, it's what were supposed to do."
    (note: I know that there are more mature and respectful guys out there who know better, this is mainly directed to the younger guys for obvious reasons)

    note to bret: the reason why guys are considered doing wrong alot is because they tend be insensitive (compared to girls) and also tend to act on impulse . I realize that there are girls who complain about the most insignificent things (such as not regarding hints as you said) but I am directing this towards being unfaithful and bigger issues.

  • Bret Higgins
    19 years ago

    When it comes solely to being unfaithful it is a 50-50 split.

    Just as many men cheat on women as women cheat on men. Men want to spread their seed by course of genes and nature, women want the best and strongest genes for their offspring. It's all instinct and we all as bad as each other.

    Remember the third party is the same gender as the cheated party (unless there is bisexuality involved). It takes two to tango.

  • pinkalias
    19 years ago

    Allow me to respectfully disagree.

    I'm not saying women don't cheat all together, but i would say it's more of a 75%-25%

    I say this because of sexual differences. guys, you have to admit, your harder to control. (by that, I mean yourselves and your own sexual urges)
    True there are women who can't seem to control themselves either, but it's just by nature that men have a tendency should we say...wander more because of their sexual drive.

    Allow me to point out an example of this sexual drive that may or may not offend some people.
    Rape in prison.
    I am sure you all are aware that most of the rapists in jail are not homosexual, but after being sentenced in prison for a long period of time without being able to relieve sexual tension, they turn to raping other men to satisfy their urges.

    This contributes to the fact that men tend to stray alot more than women, considering that their sexual drive is much stronger, so when they are denied sex by their partner (because of an argument or other) and they are offered a night by some lonely, drunk girl ( for example) they're most likely not going to pass up the chance.

    That example is not limited to, there are also many other expamples provided. Not to mention men tend to get bored with women more often (as far as I've studied) with their physical image and the sexual experience, then tend to set out for different sexual actives.

    Also: about the comment that stated "it takes two to tango" it really can't be fifty fifty, because half the time the other partner isn't aware theres another woman involved. (takes place with men too, but usually the women are the ones lied to)