• hussain
    19 years ago

    have you talked to him and told him what you feel about him going there ?

    am not sure if marines can pull out when they have been assigned but having a marine as a boyfriend means that there will be times when he will have to go into real action and so i think you have to stay strong for him if he does go and pray he comes back safe also you can talk to other girls who have loved ones who are in iraq as for support .

  • hussain
    19 years ago

    its a hard situation your in.

    how do you feel about him being in the army ? i mean because your afraid of losing him i guess you probably feel it would be better if he had gone into somthing else ?

    have hope and stay strong. and if anything be proud of him after all he is risking his life for the safety of yours and every1 elses.

  • hussain
    19 years ago

    no worries anytime :)

  • Bret Higgins
    19 years ago

    As a retired soldier I'll give you some advice.

    Write to him often, letters as well as e-mails. Let him know what people back home are up to (include the little every day things.. mum made that cake you like etc.).

    Buy a card and get all his buddies to sign it with messages of good will, especially how proud they are of him and what he's doing foe the country and THEM.

  • hussain
    19 years ago

    what is it that he got mad about ? everything you said or somthing in particular ?

    u can show that you support him by doing those things bret suggested....i.e send/ post stuff

    tell him how much u love him
    tell him that you dont wanna lose him
    tell him that you appraciate him and what he is doing.
    tell him u are behind him all the way but tell him from the heart ...make sure when u speak with him...u make it clear thats is serious issue and that its from the heart....and tell him you only want him to understand your feeling and tell him to look at it from your point of view. good luck

    heres my email address if you need to talk m_hussain357@hotmail.com

    take care