Ever got a crush on your friend?

  • Cheyanne
    19 years ago

    Wanting to see who has and just wondering. But yeah, I got a crush on my best friend.. and yeah.

  • EpithetPoet
    19 years ago

    Yeah i have before. It really sucked too because he didnt feel teh same way towards me and there was a moment of weirdness in the relationship. We eventually got over it and are still really good friends.

  • hussain
    19 years ago

    yes and she read about my feelings through my poetry ( which i have submitted on my profile have a read...those are the ones i sent her ) which she said really liked but we didnt go further than friends.

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    19 years ago

    It seems like almost all of my friends and I end up going out... most of my friends are guys.

    I guess they just cant resist ;)

  • hussain
    19 years ago

    yes i did...and i wrote a poem to and she read it although she didnt know who it was about....but then she did after she read the last stanza and read that last quote...and then she knew.. have a look at it ...its my featured poem....its called...'doors of my heart have opened wide' thanks...comments appreciated.

  • Shædow Poet
    19 years ago

    lol, I'm the same as Kaitlin. All my ex's were originally friends, and still are friends.... kinda.
    But now, I like one of my best guy friends... and it hurts a lot because I know I shouldn't like him. I am just trying my hardest to get over it because the friendship I have with him is like no other I've ever had before.

  • ♥Meâ„¢
    19 years ago

    ive had a crush on my best friend and yes i told her and she told me that she didnt feel the same way about me but that was totally fine. we moved on and are still best friends. and we still love eachother with all we have, just not like that

  • hisbabygirl14
    19 years ago

    Yes, I have had a crush on my best friend. We have gone out twice and have seemingly broken up for good, but it isn't certain. We are still relatively good friends, but I made the mistake of falling in love with him and still love him though it's been almost two months. If you do go out, take caution.

  • Gemmie Lou
    19 years ago

    i get what me an my m8s call nice-guy syndrome ur m8s wiv a lad den sum1 says r u make a cute cuple or sumat an u start 2 believe dat u lik d guy bt wen u gt wiv em u realise u dnt an it reks d friendship u ad! Nt gud trust me!