.::.how far would u go..... .::.

  • Angel16
    19 years ago

    it's hard for me to talk about hair and make-up with my girlfriends alot of them are tom boys or just don't care so i have two sets of girl friends.

  • Just Sierra
    19 years ago

    lol, nice answer.

  • «_ĀÐdï©+ïØñ¯»
    19 years ago

    well, my best friend is a girl, and we've done stuff before... we were drunk and i just kinda wanted too:P lol.. i dont regret it cuz we can just laugh about it... as for a guy friend, yeh, i've done that too... gone the whole way and wrecked the friendship.

  • Carmen
    19 years ago

    hehe... i wouldnt go pass a peck on the lips. my friends definently wouldnt go any further either

  • Alex
    19 years ago

    lol wimp.

  • Georgi
    19 years ago

    lol she aint a wimp, shes just not a hoe!