grrrr, smack her with a trout

  • ♥-Sharon Ardern-♥
    19 years ago

    ok, this girl keeps leaving identical comments on poems saying :

    Carly Jo ( C ) at 2005-03-21

    I love this poem 5/5 It has alot of emotion and feeling. It relates to me in a lot of ways. It would mean do much to me if you could vote/comment on my poem DROWING.

    Thanx and love the poem,


    she put it on my friends poem 'i'm a kid, mum, not a slave' and then rated his poem below a 4.0 even though she said it was a 5/5. i looked at other comments written ast the same sort of time and found the exact same comment on another poem ... and i remember reiceving a comment just like this on one of my poems, too. this is annoying. please can someone smack her with a trout or something, cos seriously, telling ryan his poem was a 5/5 then rating it low, and only commenting to get other people to read your poem is scummy.

  • Eibutsina
    19 years ago


  • Pianist
    19 years ago

    How do you know it was this girl that rated the poem?

  • ♥-Sharon Ardern-♥
    19 years ago

    it was pretty obvious the vote came arou d the time of the comment. and even if it wasn't her, she shouldn't be posting so many identical comments just to get her poem viewed! and possibly to get that smiley little gold award. grrr.

  • ~*^*~ longing to belong ~*^*~
    19 years ago


  • ♥-Sharon Ardern-♥
    19 years ago


  • ~*^*~ longing to belong ~*^*~
    19 years ago

    oh right thanks

  • Kailynn Makenna
    19 years ago

    yeaa that is really weird....


  • ♥-Sharon Ardern-♥
    19 years ago

    so is anyone gonna get the trout out????

  • Shædow Poet
    19 years ago

    I think you'll have to wait till an Elf or the owners see it...

  • Lipton
    19 years ago

    I've never been too big on fish. Will a baseball bat work?

    ~Ciao Lipton

  • ♥-Sharon Ardern-♥
    19 years ago

    no cos that would take the fun out of it! i have a friend who works in a fish shop, i can get a trout off him lol.

  • ♥-Sharon Ardern-♥
    19 years ago

    oh and if she's gonna spread herself about, i think she should learn to spell. seeing as she's blatantly copying & pasting, really i mean it wouldn't be too much trouble. sigh.

  • ♥-Sharon Ardern-♥
    19 years ago

    sigh. she just commented on my poem, requesting i read the same poem again, although i've alreadey commented on it!

    Carly Jo ( F C ) at 2005-03-28

    I like this poem it has alot of emotion coming through. It relates to me in a lot of ways. But we godda keep on living. It would mean a lot to me if you could comment/vote on my poem DROWNIG. I like the poem


    she's annoying me now .... cos i don't think she's reading the poems ...

  • Lipton
    19 years ago

    Have you tried complaining at her comments yet? Complain on each one, see what that does...

    ~Ciao Lipton

  • DestinyAwaits
    19 years ago

    I had a problem similar to this. It seems like poeple don't even care about poetry anymore they just want all gold awards! Grrrrrrrrrrrr! Take the fargin awards AWAY! I could careless! =o)

  • ♥-Sharon Ardern-♥
    19 years ago

    i took your advice, i've complained, and i got Ryan too, as well. although i don't think they'll take much notice if they haven't seen this thread then they won't know why i'm complaining. maybe i'll mail dainz. i'll see.

    oh and i don't want the awards to go, cos their useful when used properly. but we're not starting this debate here, this is the thread to complain about that carly jo and her fake comments. grrr.

  • DestinyAwaits
    19 years ago

    LOVIN the Grrrrrrrrr! LOL! I Grrrrrrrr all the time with the site, because of retarded people! Grrrrrr!

  • ♥-Sharon Ardern-♥
    19 years ago

    JPM: i was wondering how long it would be until you showed up offering some of your ... critique ... a thread is bare without it