
  • Lovemylove
    19 years ago

    Why do I have to live its really useless actually. My mom drinks my dad beats, they must really hate me cause they think i'm a embarssment what next hopefully its my death!

  • Georgi
    19 years ago

    nooooooo no no no no no tht aint tru coz u no what? i love you! hahaha i dont know u but still, do u have a best friend? a sister?? brother? seriously someone cares about u i promise!

    and they all went to heaven in a lil rowin boat...haha u no tht song? it rox!
    smile always and think of happy things! frogs penisis!!!!!!

  • Lovemylove
    19 years ago

    My sister is too young to understand and my best friends they are to happy to understand the complications of my life,but there is one person I know that does care thats my man but sometimes he can't understand the whole basis of the my problems

  • Georgi
    19 years ago

    have u tried talking to a proffesional? i no tht seems like an awful idea, i mean, i had to do tht and i was like "im not gonna talk to a total stranger about my problems" but my best friend sed it would help and so i did it for her. and i feel so much happier. they can really help find the source of all ur unhappiness and sort it out. xxxxxxxxx

  • Ironic Allure
    19 years ago

    Ev, what exactly was the purpose to your post?

    She rephrased the question, 'What is the meaning of life?' To which nobody can answer and you're suggesting she's stupid for that. NOBODY knows the answer to that because there's not facts, just opinions.

    Silly, SILLY child.


  • Just Sierra
    19 years ago

    Ouch Laura, harsh.

  • Lovemylove
    19 years ago

    I wasn't asking anyone why do I have to live it was a question that I thought out loud, and no I haven't tried talking to a professional because I don't talk to a total stranger about my problems hell what do shrinks know?! they can't teach you to be happier when you in the pits

  • Toni
    19 years ago

    Couldn't be more untrue...they understand behaviour, and they will have seen a lot worse cases to you, and they will have helped them. Its exactly your instant discrimination of them, thats why so many young people stay depressed, when they could easily get help.

  • Toni
    19 years ago

    p.s yes what Laura said may have been harsh, but it was very true

  • Lovemylove
    19 years ago

    They go to collage yes to learn about emotions but they can't read your mind they can only suggest ways of being happy, in my opinon I don't see whats the use when no one will listen to my thoughts anyways.