everyone knows

  • VSambulance
    19 years ago

    if you're ever in the sadness/depression forum, then you know that there is always a topic on, that's about so called "cutters" defending themselves against the so called "people who don't know shit."

    it doesn't really bother me what they say, because i can be in both positions...i used to be a cutter, not anymore!

    what makes me laugh is the fact that people take what people say in these forums so personally, as if they feel the need to attack because others are "attacking?" true, that have a right to be angry with whoever they're talking to! the other individual might not actually know what they're talking about, but then why care about what they say to you in the first place, if you already know it's just going to cause chaos.

    then there's those people who completely take things way out of proporsion. most of the time, the people you are talking to with different opinions are actually interesting, cool people, they just think differently.

    really, those types of topics are just brought up because they attract alot of attention. i go to them because i know something interesting is going on (and there usually is).

    the thing i don't like about those topics are the immature people who need to get there negative 2 cents in. for once, i would like to see a discussion without that.

    *again a random comment*

  • VSambulance
    19 years ago

    thank you very much! :D
    here, i'll change the subject a bit............let's see who can make me mad. I've been happy this whole week and i want it to end. who's gonna win?

  • SavannahSurrender
    19 years ago

    pffffffffft i agree with sonya.......