what is your friend like

  • Shædow Poet
    19 years ago

    Haha, yeah my dog's my good friend too :-) his name is Sherlock and he doesn't tell anyone what I say. It's like talking to a box with a lock on it; what I say will not be repeated :)

  • Just Sierra
    19 years ago

    Mine is fuunnnnnyy!!! i love her to death, her name is Georgi and she makes me pee in my pants from laughing so hard, and the good thing about her is that I didn't make her up, she's real. :-D.

  • Georgi
    19 years ago

    mine is also funny as hell! her name is sierra and i LOVE HERRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! shes funny n amazin in everyway!!! :D:D haha and we arent made up! yay go us!!!!! xx

  • Just Sierra
    19 years ago

    Thanks Danice. We're just both nut cases who share that in common. lol. You sound nice just by saying that! You're welcome to join our convo if you'd like!!!


    My best friends, Danice, and Georgi, are 2 of the COOOOLESTTT people on the PLANET!!!! They're much sweeter than you'll ever be! :-P

    Danice, do you happen to know if frogs have penises? We've been trying to figure that out....and we'd have to give you an odd nick name.

    We are both meatball hoagie. lol, named specifically after my odd lunch ladies choice of food name, lol. Hope you're doing goooody buddy!!

  • Just Sierra
    19 years ago

    So, are they all females, or what? How do they reproduce?

  • Shædow Poet
    19 years ago

    I know the answer to that one!!!
    I had to do a reproduction project on FROGS in year 8... :-D

    The guy frog jumps on the girls back, and fertilises her that way... I wont go into detail.

  • Just Sierra
    19 years ago

    lol!! I think that would be a fun, unique way to reproduce!! lmao!! Soo cute! Now I remember reading that too!! YOU"RE A GENIUS!!! lol, I'd kiss you if I were a lesbian, but I'm not, so a hug will have to suffice! *cyber hug* :-D!

    Thank you, you brilliant girl!!


  • Shædow Poet
    19 years ago

    Haha, *cyber hug* to you too :-P lol. My friends and I now have this thing with frogs... which is weird, and it started ever since I did the project :-P
    Strange; science CAN be fun! (I hate science...) :-)

  • Just Sierra
    19 years ago

    Aw, same here. The only kind of frog I ever remember studying was the poison dart frog...and there's supposed to be another name for it, but I studied it in the 3rd grace and I've already forgotten it, other than it has enough poison to kill a man. I'm no horrified of frogs, lol.


  • Shædow Poet
    19 years ago

    Frogs scare me... even more than spiders!

  • Just Sierra
    19 years ago

    omg, SPIDERS FREAK THE HELL OUTTA ME!! *shivrs* the way they move is terrifying!!

  • Shædow Poet
    19 years ago

    haha, me n my older brother used to collect spiders when we were younger... we had a tub of daddy longlegs and these millipeed thingies. *shudders* it was actually quite disgusting, we had a tub of spiders just sitting in the bathroom. lol

  • Just Sierra
    19 years ago

    OMFG!! That's too creepy to write a real response to, because that would mean it would require some thought, and that thought would be quite disgusting, lol, so I'm going to stay quite! lol.


  • Shædow Poet
    19 years ago

    Haha. Well he was like, 7, and I was about 5... I was a very boyish girl when I was young :-P
    Trust me, I did a lot worst than collect spiders... lol. I wont get into anything else ;-)
    BTW I checked out your fictionpress account.

  • Just Sierra
    19 years ago

    lol, thanks!!! :-D!!!!!

  • Just Sierra
    19 years ago

    did you like it? Did you comment? Ooo i like you! :-D!! (not lesbianishy) lol!! Thanks again!!!

  • Shædow Poet
    19 years ago

    I commented on a poem, and read a few paragraphs of your story... I can't really read right now, I am in the middle of writing a poem whilst having my brother looking at the computer every secound (I am on his computer in his room...)
    But I personally love stories, and have added you on my favourite list so I will read it all tonight.

  • Just Sierra
    19 years ago

    hehehe, thank you!!! :-D!!

  • Georgi
    19 years ago

    sierra! ehello! u better not have found a new best friend!xxxxxxx

  • Just Sierra
    19 years ago

    nOonnOonoO, Danice here is just a new FRIEND. Sorry for the confusion!!



  • Georgi
    19 years ago


  • Just Sierra
    19 years ago

    lol welcome, I have nothing but love for my home girls!! :0)!!! lol love you both!!

  • Georgi
    19 years ago

    haha so its you me rachel and danice now!? wow cool lil four going on!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • Just Sierra
    19 years ago

    lol the more the merrier!!!

  • xRachelx
    19 years ago

    WELL! I can see SOMEONE doesnt love me do they sierra?! :'( Boohoo

  • xRachelx
    19 years ago

    Im going to go trotting back off to the depression forum where I belong *sniffs*

  • Georgi
    19 years ago

    NOOOOOOO RACH I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • *~*Soldier Lover*~*
    19 years ago

    my friend... hmmm my friend... hmmm


    Just because I have a short attention span-... (I'm having a short attention span crisis. If I'm not back in five minutes...wait longer.)
    *~*Soldier LoveR*~*

  • Just Sierra
    19 years ago

    Spelling doesn't matter. lol. Make that the 5 musketeers. lol. Theres Rachel #2 and Rachel the barbie bimbo onion ball, there's you, there's Georgia and me, the Meatball Hoagies!!!!!!!!! lol.

  • Just Sierra
    19 years ago

    hehehe, i meant Georgi

  • Georgi
    19 years ago

    yay go us!!!!!!!!!

  • *~*Soldier Lover*~*
    19 years ago

    GO US!!! we kick booty!! hehe
    *~*Soldier Lover*~* A.K.A. rachel #2

  • Just Sierra
    19 years ago

    make that the 6 musketeers now. Wow, Georgi, I think we must be popular!! lol, yay us!!!