True Love...

  • SilentSymphony
    19 years ago


    If your in love with someone. and You cant explain exactly how much you love them. then yes, your in love. True love. But true love can die. even though people say it doesnt.

    Fate for me and my fionce was the day i felt like shit... but i still got out of the house and hung out with old time friends.
    Well one of my friends friends was there whom i had never met before. The first convorsation we had was fate. Because i honestly wasnt going to go with them. And if i hadnt, I would have never of met him because he lived two states away. But now... he lives with me. and just because that one day. Were together.

    I thought though. .. that my past lover was my true love. But now i see differently.
    Then, i thought the lovei had with him was the best thing in the world. Till i got with Ryan, Because now... I see that mine and his love is greater then anything ive ever felt.

    It took a lot of pain and hurt to get to where i am today in my realtionship. but were ment for eachother. i know it.
    and i cant explain it.
