would u rather.....??

  • star
    19 years ago

    ok say u have a friend that is a girl or guy would u rather break that friendship and be boyfriend or girlfriend or keep the friendship strong and never go out????????

  • dollfacex
    19 years ago

    i would say umm juss be friends if u have a strong relationship then u should keep it dont risk it by trying to go out what if it dunt work u lost ur boy friend and maybe ur best friend

  • Georgi
    19 years ago

    i agree with scarlet. i faced tht lil issue a few months back and made the decision to just be friends. and we r stronger than ever :D

  • Gemmie Lou
    19 years ago

    do both i fink bt it probably aint dat easy i wudnt no i tend nt 2 make friends easily an wen i do dey neva like me like dat if u know wat i mean!

  • Bogie
    19 years ago

    Be friends as long as you can.
    Build that relationship and
    as you get closer and closer
    and closer………?

    To be good lovers, you need to
    be good friends first. You could be
    soul mates just give it time, then you
    will know is it Friends or lovers.