the darkness

  • Ashley Van Eperen
    19 years ago

    First and foremost...just remember this:

    Guys may come and go, but friendships are for a life time...

    Depending on how close you two are...should determine if you should continue....if you guys are really close, or you're interesting in becomming close friends... back off...if you dont know this person very well, or you just met her, go for it.

  • Selfrejected
    19 years ago

    "freindships are for a life time"

    well...ive gone through a sh*t load of best friends...might be because they die all the time...but no friend is forever...they will go one day...

  • Gemmie Lou
    19 years ago

    guess it depends on wot u all wnt if u ask ur m8 if its ok shes gonna say yes because shes ur m8 an i no dat coz iv dun it i spose u gotta ask urself who do u lov emore him or ur m8 an let ur heart decide wot 2 do!
    If u wanna chat email me on