how old was you when you figured out what love meant?

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    19 years ago


  • Anne Conner
    19 years ago

    If you are speaking of the emotion involved in loveI'm absolutly clueless as most normal people are. If your talking about the commitment invovled with love I understand the commitment, but haven't ever had such a commitment. I wonder why? It must have something to do with my age LOL.

  • David Paul
    19 years ago

    love is something you always have to rediscover and you will never know the full meaning of it. The closest i've been was when I was 14.

  • Confused Angel
    19 years ago

    still waiting....

  • Eibutsina
    19 years ago

    I dont think you ever do

    Your age doesn't matter

    Love is just another one of lifes many mysteries :o)

  • Eibutsina
    19 years ago

    Actually I rethought this question

    I discovered DIFFERENT KINDS of love

    The only one I know to be true and pure is the Unconditional Love, I didn't find this love out till I was 18 and gave birth to my son...I have never known a love like THAT before...unconditional

  • Tyler Whitney
    19 years ago

    Well, i guess everyone knows love to some extent when they are born... but if you mean the true love... the kind where you would die for that person... the kind where you would dedicate your life to that person, I found it when i was 16. I thought I loved before then, and maybe it was the kind of love where you care a lot about the other person, but I realized it wasn't even close. I fell in love with a girl named Kaycee... Her and I broke up about 2 months ago, after dating for a year and 3 months. I would have done anything for her, I probably still would. She doesn't talk to me much anymore. its a shame. i guess what this whole thing is about is that sometimes you don't realize what you have until its gone. If you're in love, don't take it for granted, and don't expect it to always be there. Even the truest of love takes work. Look to God, he knows all the answers, and he will help you through. Anyway, hope I helped someone.


  • Bogie
    19 years ago

    I agree with Eirisa,

    it grows with us.
    Mothers experience the love of birth.
    From birth we learn the care and
    love of our mothers and fathers.
    The love of our God taught from our parents.
    As we grow we learn the love of our
    bothers, sisters and friends.
    Then “oh yes”, we start looking
    for the ultimate love, that one
    on one relationship, your soul mate.
    If you find it, hold it, cherish it and never
    let it go of it.
    If you don’t have it, never stop seeking it,
    you will find it.

  • ~*BlueBerryBtch*~
    19 years ago

    i was 13 when i had my first love and first heart break... nobody really knows what love is

  • Rachel E F Allen
    19 years ago

    Discovered maternal love from the minute my kids looked at me (did think it was the child birth drugs but actually the high lasted 8 years so far). Love of choclate - discovered that at an early age. Love to me - had that once and it was all consuming and amazing. Love in general - haven't got a scooby doo!

  • David Paul
    19 years ago

    Scooby doo? lol.

  • ShadowedPhoenix
    19 years ago


  • Timothy r
    19 years ago


  • InMyWorld
    19 years ago


  • chloe
    19 years ago

    i was 14, but i always fall for the gay men! innit sad! :(

  • pag
    19 years ago

    i'm 15 and i have yet to figure out what love means

  • themeuneverseen
    19 years ago


  • Fighter (Ariane L.)
    19 years ago

    still haven't found out what it means...

  • Jasmine
    19 years ago

    10, but that doesn't really count, so i will say 14(this year, as in like a school year)

  • Btw Raising Hell And Amazing Grace
    19 years ago

    i tohugh t i was in love when i was 14 now i know that i am and i am 15 i cant explain the feeling i just know when i see him or talk to him i cant stop smiling and fallnig in love over and over again

    19 years ago


  • Bret Higgins
    19 years ago

    You think you got it, then it smacks you in the chops and laughs.

    Going to take a lot longer I think.

  • Corrie
    19 years ago

    love is impossible to understand, because each person loves differently, therefore i dont believe that there is one deffinition of love that can possibly suite everybody.. but i found my first deffinition of love at 15.. *KISSES*~Corrie

  • Ann Stareyes
    19 years ago

    I was 16!! Dated him for 3 yrs. Married him at 19 and it has lasted now for 28 yrs. this October 29!!!!!

    And believe me, you'll always have something new to learn from each other.!!!!!!

  • Shædow Poet
    19 years ago

    I am still waiting, there is no hurry.

  • Britney
    19 years ago

    I was 14 wen i had my "first love" but that wasnt a true love... i had my first heartbreak at 14.. but i guess as far as real love, 15.

  • Avrii Monrielle
    19 years ago

    11... lol ?