• Andriana
    19 years ago

    Why the hell did they delete the topic?

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    19 years ago

    They probably put the topic in the mods forum for Dainz or Janis to check out. I'm sure that they will do something.... or else it would be really dissapointing to say the least.

  • DestinyAwaits
    19 years ago

    That's MESSED UP!

  • Lipton
    19 years ago

    This is the topic where you and Peter are fighting over him creating another poetry website, correct? (or something like that anyway)

    ~Ciao Lipton

  • Eibutsina
    19 years ago

    LMAO Funny when the tables are turned is it not Mr Plain - just laughing my ass off here :O)

  • Kevin
    19 years ago

    Nothing like that topic has been moved to the mods section...pitty really, it sounded interesting.

  • Dante
    19 years ago

    Matt: What happened? I don't get it...

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    19 years ago

    Who deleted the topic though? That's what interests me...

    Why would one of the elves delete something like that without bringing it to Daniz's, the rest of the mods, or Janis' attention?

    Is there dissension among the elfen ranks? This seems like a pretty important thing to be looking into.

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    19 years ago

    Even with the cursing, it should not have been DELETED, it should have been put in the mods forum. All of them are adults... they can handle a $%& every now and then.

    And your language was vulgar, but justifiable, it's good to know you love us enough to be passionate about it actually, refreshing.

    I say that we lock Peter into one of your balls for the rest of eternity.

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    19 years ago

    Good idea...

    He gets life in the anus.

    Dainz, can you enforce that?

  • Andriana
    19 years ago

    They're scared! :O

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    19 years ago

    strums fingers.

    *looks around the room*

    sips coffee.

    *looks around the room again*

    thinks out loud:

    "Are the elves on vacation or something?"

  • Andriana
    19 years ago

    lol elves. Is that what you call them?

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    19 years ago


    The elves are starting to smell fishy.

    Anyway, thanks everybody.

    *throws away coffee cup* time to go home.

  • VSambulance
    19 years ago

    jpm is in full mode today!

  • Sherry Lynn
    19 years ago

    It apppears to me that Peter deserves everything JPM is giving him plus some. With the overwhelming evidence against Peter I would think that criminal charges would or at least should be considered.

    Peter, JPM is right .... it is a sad thing when a FEMALE TEENAGER has bigger and better ballsl than a supposedly GROWN MAN .... Grow some balls and own up to your wrong doings!

    JPM: Great job collecting evidence and bringing it to everyone's attention! I truly respect you in every manner, but now I respect your honesty even more than before. Thank you...


  • BaybeBlew
    19 years ago

    Is he a member of this site anymore?

  • DestinyAwaits
    19 years ago

    I hope justice will be served! =o) Go JPM his our man if he can't do it now one can... Yeah it's 2 am time for bed! I'm way past done! lol

  • Kevin
    19 years ago

    To all and sundry.

    There is no discension amoung the elves, as being immortal perfect creatures we never disagree. However, it would seem one of our number has turned a little drow like..i've posted a thread asking who deleted the thread in the mod forum...we'll just have to wait.

    I wonder if anything will be done about Mr Rosado's scheming...i really hope he gets the 1000 cut death for this, priviledges wise.

  • Andriana
    19 years ago

    this is really amusing. :P

  • Andriana
    19 years ago

    I didn't mean amusing in that way. It's amusing that he won't be mature enough to admit the facts.

  • VSambulance
    19 years ago

    oooooooooo.....jpm is gonna kill you! lmao

  • Andriana
    19 years ago

    the whole thing is about Peter trying to hack into the site and deleting everyone poems? that is an issue that the site should know about and deal with the problem.

  • Andriana
    19 years ago

    not only between JPM and Peter

  • Eibutsina
    19 years ago

    JPM Always with a point to prove - this is interesting tho Mr Plain

  • Andriana
    19 years ago

    um, firewalls???

    why not even try to stop the person from hacking in the beginning? if he already did it, which i doubt, then okay. so just because the logic is that if one person hacks, more can hack too. but if we stop the person from doing it, then there's no need to worry about creating a "hole" into the site.

  • Jacki
    19 years ago

    He did say something earlier like 8 months ago when this first happend.

  • DestinyAwaits
    19 years ago

    JPM... Peter asked you what you knew about the programs and language the site used?
    --- Did you not think that was odd? Maybe report it to someone?
    And why did you tell him? We're you two cool with each other in the past?

    I understand your frustration! And thank you for sticking up for your fellow Poets! Most of us do appreciate it, but not everyone speaks up. =o)

  • DestinyAwaits
    19 years ago

    Fair enough! =o) I believe you.

  • Andriana
    19 years ago

    Whoa, okay. I won't post in this topic anymore since I'm no help.

  • Pianist
    19 years ago

    Tyrel: JustPlainLoser...?

    Oh wow! How original was that one?

  • Sherry Lynn
    19 years ago

    I find it odd that so many people are angry at JPM for bringing this issue to our attention. If anything we should all take a stand and be mad at Peter.

    JPM has never lied to anyone before as fer as I know and many are offended because he tells it like it is. In the past JPM had never held back any punches; he just spoke what was on his mind (or in this case typed) and spared nothing. Why then would he suddenly be trying to expose Peter over something that is not true.

    I will tell you why he would not.

    1) JPM does not care who gets hurt by his brutal honesty, he simply feels and acts like honesty is the best policy, and it is. I admire a man that will stand up against the world to be honest instead of cowering down and lying to
    spare feelings!

    2) JPM was approached in this matter; which if anything would have happened and Peter caught then legal actions could have been sought against JPM as weel for failure to report a crime (or in this case attempted crime). WTG JPM on covering your own ass and putting the spotlight on the real asshole!

    3) JPM, like many of us, has to little time and too many other things that he could be doing to stoop so low as pulling some bullshit like this.

    4) With his knowledge in computers and programming he could have simply hacked into the site and pointed the evidence to Peter.

    As far as firewalls and all that, when you have an experienced programmer and computer tech around the firewalls aint shit! Gee, how do I know, I guess because most of the people I associate with write computer programs and also repair computers. (Generally they go hand in hand).

    Before advising a site how to protect itself please make sure you have enough basic knowledge to understand that it will take more than a firewall. Some fo my friends have even went as far as installing their own programs so that if their site or computer is hacked the villian will get a nast virus and everything in their machine is suddenly distroyed.

    Now, let's get off this subject and back to the real issue... Something needs to be done with Peter. Though his attempts were unsuccessful, the fact that he even contacted someone to ambush this site is enough to cause us all concern.

    In the least Peter should be barred, and I certainly hope that the moderators are looking closely to see what legal actions can be taken against him. In the meantime I strongly urge everyone to keep a copy of their writtings. (A copy should always be kept whether or not someone is trying to hack a system)

    Just my thoughts, sorry I rambled so long. I just get down right pissed when someone is attacked for doing the right thing.


  • Kaitlin Kristina
    19 years ago

    Firstly, brutal honesty can get you VERY far. Fact is fact, brutal or sugar coated.


    "trust me, If i want an intellegent talk, I can do that very easily, but i don't tire my brian.."

    Would it exhaust your “brian” to spell "intellegent" correctly? It's funny how many people talk about how intelligent (note spelling) they are and misspell it. I cannot say it does much for correct representation of their mental abilities, or maybe it does.

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    19 years ago

    I really am much more of an English person than a math person. I quit math after Algebra 2, it's not my style and I dont enjoy it. That being said, calm the hell down. I dont know you, I'm sure you're a smart cookie. That wasnt an attack on you, that was simply pointing out a mistake you make.

    People get judged based upon how they present themselves, obviously people also get judged upon age, however that is not a correct representation of intelligence. Now lets get back to the topic, as YOU are not it.

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    19 years ago

    You're absolutely right. Sorry for being a bitch.

    Anyway, math just isnt my style.

    Back to Peter...

  • Eibutsina
    19 years ago

    Tyrel you Tosser

    Its JustPlainWanka and he already knows this so do we all - so what point are you trying to prove...LoL

    Joking Mr Plain :o)

  • VSambulance
    19 years ago

    peter is guilty, peter is guilty! *holds up sign and marches*

  • Eibutsina
    19 years ago

    LMAO Sonya

  • Sherry Lynn
    19 years ago

    Welcome Back Janis... you have been missed


  • Eibutsina
    19 years ago

    JPM Polite?

    Do my eyes deceive me? LoL

    Wow this is an interesting thread