what would you say if the pertiest person asked you out?

  • miss kara faye
    19 years ago

    im not saying this goes for every1....but all d prettiest girls are BITCHES!! guys arnt as bad, but stil cockey. so depended how they wer lyk as a person. it is really nice wen u cum across a pretty person with an amazing personality

  • Babaths
    19 years ago

    Some pretty girls aren't bitches. Most of them are because they know they are pretty and use it as an advantage. Anyways, look = crush, personality = love. I don't know if you guys understand but oh well.

  • Sarah-Louise
    19 years ago

    I agree with ^.
    It's very rare to find a pretty girl who doesn't use it to their advantage. But basically, I think that all girls, no matter what they look like, should be given a chance...we're not all witches! honest! But we all have the qualities to be!

  • hussain
    19 years ago

    well u all heard the saying ''dont judge a book by its cover..''.

    you gotta judge their heart and see if its the right place..
