Life Begins at 80

  • shadowgazor
    19 years ago

    I dont know what to say...

  • *Guerita*
    19 years ago

    I am confused what you mean life beggins at 80?

  • Georgi
    19 years ago

    more like death begins at 80......see ya oldies

  • Eibutsina
    19 years ago

    LoL Bob in a kilt LMAO

    Hmmm dont want to live to 80 thats too much how could i look at my sultana like self in the mirror YUCK no thanks

  • Angie
    19 years ago

    80? good lord, lets get passed the 40's first!!!!!!!!! I am afraid that at 80 my boobs will be hanging to my knees........ lol

    Although after all this moving lately I kinda feel about 80 today!!!!!

  • Eibutsina
    19 years ago

    Life begins when you die Mc? What the? LoL

    Oh this is fricken scary the "Life begins when your 40" post scared the crappity crap outta me - this is just horrifying...

    I dont want to live to 80 or 40 for that matter - hell I freaked turning 18 - personally loved 17 perfect age wish it lasted forever...