top 5 fave poems

  • **Just Her**
    19 years ago

    alright so i know this is always asked, but this time only give your top 5! PLEASE! it will make the answers better. What are your favorite poems (pick only five) on THIS site.

  • VSambulance
    19 years ago

    i don't think she meant yours! man...all the forums that you're on, all you do is talk about yourself! YOU ARE CONCEITED!

    besides, if you really want that many people commenting on your poems go onto the right forum...oh wait, you've already invaded it!

  • BaybeBlew
    19 years ago

    I hate posts like this.

  • VSambulance
    19 years ago

    hello baybeblew...

  • BaybeBlew
    19 years ago

    Bonjour Sonya...

  • VSambulance
    19 years ago

    hehehe...i understand french because i have to take it in school. bonjour madmoiselle...comment ca-va?

  • VSambulance
    19 years ago

    sorry....hev to go to's 11:00pm! and a school-night! :o

  • shadowgazor
    19 years ago

    haha, yea I dont think I can go down to 5 either

  • Jacklyn
    19 years ago

    why do people suggest thier own poems? why not other poeple's poetry?

    ~lil slam~ PLP she asked for your favorites not the best you writen.

    and that all caps thing king is stupid and anoying

  • Pianist
    19 years ago

    King: Surely you are not twenty one

    You are living proof that age should have no affect on the prejudice of one's poetry.

  • **Just Her**
    19 years ago

    this wasnt meant to be about ur own, but if ur poems that u write are ur favorite then list them.

  • Pianist
    19 years ago


    What puzzles me is how a retard got a computer turned on, and to a poetry website.

  • shadowgazor
    19 years ago

    yea, kind of wondering that myself... Yeah and king, only a retard puts up there own poems as a top 5, maybe your one favorite poem could be one you written, just because it may mean so much more to you than anyone else. If I were to say a few, I cant really think of any names for some good poems, but I like the work of Lord Vlad Raelie

  • Jacklyn
    19 years ago

    i think the king has to take a seat, he doesn't seem to be pleasing the people.

  • Jacklyn
    19 years ago

    because King is a twat
    he can't fit in his throne
    because he's so fat


    PLP ~lil slam~

  • AGirlWorthFightingFor
    19 years ago

    Concieted? Of course he's concieted! He's born2die4pride. With a name like that, what else do you expect him to be?

    b2d4p, ur poems rock.

    I haven't memorized enough titles to come up with any favorites though.

  • Pianist
    19 years ago


    Friends: That had better be a joke....

    Unless of course we give him his crown with our feet... and put it up his ass...

  • KN
    19 years ago

    It is hard to choose because there are thousands of poets on this site.. all with great poems.

  • Krystin
    19 years ago

    hmmm i read so many poems a day its hard to remeber who wrote em..but i read a wholeeee lot of great ones!

    the poems that i love..that i wrote..are

    *the abomination
    *dear ben
    *no escape (or love cirlcle..their the same poem but have different names)

    19 years ago

    Okay...I can only think of three right off the top of my head:

    I Found a Little Note by Ann Marie (deleted) :(
    Garden of Shadows by Amy*
    Imaginary Friend by William Mae

    19 years ago

    Okay I have one more. I just read it...
    A Million Maidens by Chris Walker

    It is brilliant!

  • Nicholle
    19 years ago


  • Heather M Craig
    19 years ago

    oh my goodness, these came from the top of my head but they're so many more I'm leaving out!

    The Fire
    God Must Not Exist
    She Was Only Thirteen
    Butterfly Angels
    The Rarest Gem