What do you define as gothic?

  • Abigail Rayne
    19 years ago

    I want to know how many people have the wrong idea.

  • Selfrejected
    19 years ago

    someone thats was a medival goth...back in the dark ages...

  • Abigail Rayne
    19 years ago

    No I mean today, what some people call "goth", personally I don't think labels should stick to someone who supposedly hates going with the crowd.

  • Abigail Rayne
    19 years ago

    Exactly my point, that's what all these teeny goths have made it into, a f***ing fashion statement. They're giving the whole genre of people a bad name. The only thing a goth really should be is an individual, and if your so weak you have to label yourself as a goth and wear black like your other so-called friends you're a teeny goth and I hate you. Sorry :(

  • Seronum
    19 years ago

    Personally I like going with my own style and not care what others think. They arent the ones wearin these clothese so if they dontlike it they can F*** off. Anyone agree here?

  • shadowgazor
    19 years ago

    ok crux, have to dissagree with you I'm 14 and goth, but I dont do it for fashion, I do it for what it was really ment to be, the oppresion of the way in which all others express themselves... Now I wear all black and I'm in a band, now crux, if you are going to call me a poser then I'm sorry but you should be on that online show "you are a F***ing moron!

    Now I must agree to the point that many people that say they are goth, most of them wear black and label themselves to act cool, now those people should go die, they mock everyone that is a "actual goth"

    Now this is what I always say when people say, "oh, I hate the world, I'm so goth. My parents hate me, my life sucks" What I say to that is, Your not even close to goth if you have to tell people that you are for them to know that you are

    so go hate that...

  • Kristen
    19 years ago

    I'm also 14, and labled as gothic... I honestly don't give a sh*t what people call me... People think that gothic is all religion, and sometimes people think that gothic is just some people over reacting with their life... But I have to say that gothic is basicly just being a dark person... A person who dresses preppy can be gothic, and just be ashamed and hide it... But I'm one of those people who know what I am so I express myself through dressing in depressing colors... People are always thinking that goths are always the trouble and they they all do drugs and stuff like that... And yeah, most of the ones I know do, but they usualy do it just to kinda drown their pain... I myself don't, I don't cut either...

    People are messed up when they judge goths because of what they wear... Again, being gothic isn't really about fashion(although I have to say I like it, and its a good way to express yourself) Its about the person themselves. I have to agree with David.... When people try to be gothic because they think its cool or whatever is going on in their head... Its so messed up!!!!! I hate it when people will randomly start hanging out with me just so they can get to be gothic and "Cool..." To be gothic, you need to be yourself....

  • shadowgazor
    19 years ago

    wow kristen I completely agree, I call the people that want to be gothic "ego goths" if that is with anybody else here. Now why goths cant be in these sites bothers me to think that... hey maybe some "goths-(in question)" have some personal issues, and talking about them make it much better for them.

    Ok and why cant teenagers be goth? I do everything u do and more.so if you going to call be a liar of being goth, then you are really F***ing dumb.

    I also think that if you are going to call us "teeny goths" then your nothing but jelous that we do it so much better than you, these people want to be gothic, some maybe for the wrong reason but still they want to be gothic... why would another "goth" not like that, so only either 2 things are going on in your mind crux, either 1. you are jelous OR 2. You aren't gothic, you just wish that you are..

    and a little quote "I honestly don't give a Sh*t"
    I really dont care what YOU think, and I probly never will. You asked for my opinion and you got it, if you gona say I'm wrong then you need to take a trip to some of the schools. You'll find more than you've bargined for...

    And one more thing... Crux, who the HELL are you to say what gothism is you moron, go die

  • Elyssa
    19 years ago

    You are all wrong... goth has no definition at all. Goth is being yourself, and to do what you want, dress however the hell you want, and not do something just beacuse someone else is doing it! and right now no one is goth because everyone is goth, and that means you are doing what eveybody else is doinG!

  • miaowmolly
    19 years ago

    Em... Im not very informed about goths but does it not come from dark architecture e.g gargoyles. People imitate this on themselves by wearing dark colours and most of the time gothic crosses (even though they may call themselves atheist but they stil wear the symbol of christ!?!) newho thats al my wisdom about the subject. Peace and love.. Mia

  • natasha
    19 years ago

    i agree, with ashley, and i think that LABELS ARE FOR POSERS

  • juss an allycat
    19 years ago

    haha elyssa ur so lost, u so wrong, go screw urself

  • Kristen
    19 years ago

    Hah, Teeny goths... lmfao, im small does that make me a 'tiny-goth'? lol, You people are so weird...and when I say that you KNOW you have to be VERY wierd... lol

  • SatinRisse
    19 years ago

    That's what everyone is trying to say. They "goth" because they want to. I personaly don't care who you are, what you look like, what you wear, or any of that.

    What you do with your life is your doing. The "goths" out there are just like everyone else because regardless of what they think, they aren' t differnt. If there is one other person that thinks like you, you're no longer different.

    "Goth" is just a word. Just like "cutters", and "posers" and "pimps".....they're all just words. I hate being considered a "cutter" but you know what? It's going to happen because society has always labled its self. All through out histroy, everyone is labled. That's just life.

    So if you think your "goth" then go for it. Say that you are! Shout it from the roof top! Whatever! It's just a word that people try to put meaning behind, but everyone has their own version so whatever.

  • Tasha
    19 years ago

    i really don't know what goth would be.. but i think if you consider ur self goth, then ur probably (not always) a poser

  • SilverSorceress316
    19 years ago

    Technically, you're only a goth you you worship the devil, you know? People call me goth and it pisses me off cuz I am not a devil-worshipper!!!

  • AJ
    19 years ago

    l think people should stop labeling people just 'cause there different...people consider me goth just because of what l wear but l really don't give a sh** what they think

  • Sarah Ashley
    19 years ago


    Um just thought i would tell you that 'poser' is a label.

  • SatinRisse
    19 years ago

    We can't get rid of labels. Labels are a fact of life. Doesn't matter if you really fit that "label" or not, if you give one hint of it, then you're labeled that!

    It's pointless to try to sit here and say stop labeling us, why do we always have to be labeled, we need to stop labeling...blah blah BLAH!! It's not gonna happen! Ever! So...just get over it!

    Deal with the fact of life that till this world has died off, and blown up, everyone will be labeled at least once in there life, and most likely many many more times. I have a list of what people have labeled me...it's said but hey...that's life!!!

    You do it all the time without even knowing about it! It's like breathing.