Is it right???

  • In_Your_Eyes
    19 years ago

    Is it right to break up with someone on their answering machine? My boyfriend broke up with me today like that, he had tried to call me twice but we kept missing each other, so he left a really long message.

  • Chris Engle
    19 years ago

    i think he should have made a much bigger effort to tell you face to face... or ATLEAST to you over the phone.. In my opinion leaving a message... although effective... is extremely disrepectfull and just plain mean..

    "i just had the greatest day of my life! oh look, a message from my boyfriend!!" half an hour later your in your bedroom crying...

    im sorry but a message seems just a little too blunt.. in my opinion if he really cared, he would have found a softer, kinder way to break up with you..

    but hey, not every guy in the world is me, so i really cant expect them to do waht i would do....

    my sincerest sympathies..


  • Lil Luce
    19 years ago

    i think it is a bit prefer a guy to break up with me face to face altho there could be the whole awkward crying thing which isnt too good but then at least hes able to stand infront of u and tell u y etc...i duno i think a message just doesnt cut it!
    sorry thats just my opinion!!! hope ur okay!
    take care