instead of votes

  • BaybeBlew
    19 years ago

    I see a problem with this.

    I hardly ever vote 5's. In my opinion, a poem that deserves a 5 is top notch. If this voting system only gives you two choices, either green or red, I don't think thats enough of a range. It's either saying its horrible or excellent.

    It's a great idea Jpm, but there are some problems that would need to be worked out. I don't really see the problem with the current voting system, but I don't really ever look at my votes.

  • pinkalias
    19 years ago

    Good idea, but I agree alot with Babyblew. I only vote one's if the poem completely blows me away, but others that I find not mind blowing are still worth more than just "ok".

    I see what you mean, and I see the issue as well
    (obsessives complaining about their non-perfect rated poetry when they SWEAR it's o-so-good)

    But honestly, if your suggestion was used, people would start comming in saying
    "why did everyone give me a red light? my poem wasn't bad!" bla bla bla and the same ol' bs would continue only instead of numbers, it'd be lights.

    I think the only way to solve this 'problem' is to get rid of the votes all together, or just ignore the complaints because honestly they're meaningless and those who do complain should just get over themselves.

    Good idea though.

  • PnQ Mod Account
    19 years ago

    I think if we are going to keep the voting system, we still need to be able to vote 1-5. But the light thing could be implemented to portray a range... like 4.0-5.0 would be green 2.5-3.9 could be yellow and 1.0-1.4 could be red (the ranges may vary, it is just a suggestion)