Disrespected Poems.

  • Unseen Exposure
    19 years ago

    Has anyone ever had a poem put up in the Top Rated/Top Five? Has your poem's rating made a signifficant drop after just one vote without a comment to tell you why? I know this happens often. And I know that it is because of selfish poets who get angered at the fact that some other poem has taken their place. It sincerely bothers me when this happens. Not only is it disrespectful and rude, but it shows those that vote for competition do not fully appreciate poetry for all that it is. Mind you, I do agree that some poems that make it into the top five should not be there and should then be voted off, but I have noticed a lot of talented poets disregarded without a care. I, for one, respect my fellow poets and have vowed to myself to honestly critique poetry for what it deserves, however that is not what the majority around here does. People, if you're going to vote a poem a 1, the author deserves to know why you voted that way, it's the considerate, respectful way to go about things. Don't just vote and then applaud yourself for being put back in the top rated, if you got voted out, you obviously didn't deserve to be in there anymore, so just deal with it and move on.

    I know that this post is slightly bitter, it just agitates me that talented poets on this site are not getting the recognition they deserve. Please don't think that I am posting this on my behalf, although this has happened to me numerous times, but it's just something I wanted to discuss. Any thoughts?

  • Confused Angel
    19 years ago

    I completely agree with you... the people who do that really dont appreciate poems. I think you brought up a very good topic

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    19 years ago

    That happens to my work everytime.

    Frustrating, but is this a bitching post or a "what's the answer" post? Hmmm.

  • Unseen Exposure
    19 years ago

    It's neither. It's just a discussion, as what the forum catagory is called, "Poetry Discussion." That's all.

  • Krystin
    19 years ago

    yes...its just like this website im often on called buddypic.

    you put your picture on the website and then other ppl who are members can rate you a 1-10.

    there is also a top 5 section for the guys and gals who have the highest rating.

    ive been on it a few times and rite away i get off because every one just wants to be on it so they rate you a low mark for no reason.

    its unfair but it happens.

  • Eibutsina
    19 years ago

    OMG If I read another

    "Im so jealous and cranky that my poems aren't on top rated list" thread I'll be sick

    Too late...

  • Unseen Exposure
    19 years ago

    Except I'm pretty sure that I stated that it wasn't a post to benefit myself. Therefore, you really don't have any room to make that comment. This was not a sorry attempt to get my poems in the top rated catagory, nor was I even referring to myself when I began the post. So, learn the facts before you throw accusations and make wrongful assumptions. Thanks.

  • Dark Savior
    19 years ago

    I will agree with you that it is a hateful thing and disrespectful thing to do. But it has been going on for a very long time. Sometimes i don't give the reason why i voted a one (which isn't very often) because then you have people coming back and voting you as a one and all your poems.

    I mean most of my poems were around 4.7 roughly and then all of a sudden two of my poems dropped down to 3's and i haven't had a bad comment about it.

    Myself, personally, i think it is awesome if you say "yeah dude, you really need to work on your grammer (which is true but blah) and you need to work on your metaphores, no one seems to get them(which is true)" I might get some insight into what i am doing wrong.

    There are people...ahem who have commented on his poem who are "touched" who have voted down my poems repeadidly. You learn to leave them alone and they will leave you alone hopefully. If not then you just have to learn to live with it, or remove yourself from the situation. I haven't seen much action done in the way of copyright or inapproperate text done.

    That's just what i think, well see ya later aligator.

  • Eibutsina
    19 years ago

    Kelly I provide poets with feedback hopefully that you can work with - if you didn't spell words correctly in your poem I would've pointed it out for the reason only to HELP you improve not make an idiot out of you NOR payout on your disability. There is a spellcheck function within PNQ to avoid you mispelling words and if not try typing your words up as a word document before posting :o) If you can't handle the criticism then my advice is don't post your poetry - its not going to be everybodies cup of tea darling...

  • Eibutsina
    19 years ago

    And Unseen Exposure - hun I didn't mean any personal offence to you - I love your poetry I was just having a joke is all - I forget you guys can't hear the tone in my voice nor see my facial expressions within these forums - I know what you were stating hun my apologies :o)

  • Unseen Exposure
    19 years ago

    I understand now Eirisa, thank you ... and sorry if I was blunt or rude.

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    19 years ago

    I wrote a poem:

    They stink so bad, they make me want to up
    Going around randomly, like
    They pick their goose…
    Just my damn

    They run around like they are F*ing
    Voting ones is what they
    Immature brats, I cant take it no
    Don’t say the wrong thing, or they’ll be at your

    They don’t leave a comment,
    They’re the jealous kind.
    They have an F*ing one track mind.
    One track, like they only know one number.
    One, the other four are left to slumber.

    Don’t dare leave a comment,
    That may be offensive.
    No matter how constructive,
    They may get defensive.

    Don’t insult the wrong person,
    On the boards.
    The ones will start comin’,
    By the hoards.

    We should round them all up, in a big F*ing
    Drive them to a cliff, way, way,
    Push them off so they get
    At the bottom of a ravine, and have to crawl through the
    To be found and eaten by the
    We don’t want those downvoter
    To get rid of them, we’d even pay big


  • Kaitlin Kristina
    19 years ago


  • Eibutsina
    19 years ago

    Don't be sorry Unseen - water under the bridge my friend :o) Glad we got that outta the way

    Ahhhh Kaitlin back in fine form I see, nice one!

  • Krystin
    19 years ago

    aahaah i love the downvoters suck poem! hahahahah

  • Eibutsina
    19 years ago

    I agree Born

    The rating system is undeniable flawed - always has been and always will be - we need to accept this and move on

    Personally I think it should be completely irradicated but votes don't bother me greatly either